Saturday, December 31, 2011
CAN YOU HELP THE SMALL BABY : PLEASE CHECK THE POSTING ON SIKHSINDIA BLOG. http://sikhsindia.blogspot.com/2011/12/can-you-help-him.html
Reply from Sd. Harpreet Singh Gandhi : we ve recieved one lac rupees from sr.varinder singh ji through "sikhsindia" we are heartly thankfull for this remarkable effort done by this family. thanks a lot veer g.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Separate marriage act for Sikhs to be implemented soon: DSGPC
NEW DELHI: Delhi Sikh Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee (DSGPC) on Friday said the demand for implementation of the Anand Marriage Act (Sikh's separate marriage Act) would soon be fulfilled by the government.
An assurance to this effect was given by Law Minister Salman Khurshid to a DSGPC delegation which met him recently, its president Paramjeet Singh Sarna said.
"This has been a long pending demand and we thank the government for keeping its promise," he said.
with thanks : Times of India : link in headline above for detailed news.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Can you help him :
We found this message in our Facebook message box & it's being uploaded on the blog with an intention to help the small baby. Please check the details from the Hospital & if possible, help him, in any possible way :
Harpreet Singh Gandhi
I would like my fellow members to read and help the child generously in any manner as you feel like.
my two years old son is suffering with BLOOD CANCER { JMML } at this small age. it was diagnoused at the age of 8 months with very poor prognosis & very rare kind of cancer in his bone marrow even his chromozone is very complicated as in this case there is no cure for this child eccept bone marrow transplant or unrelated cord blood transplant, which is only possible at sir ganga ram hospital, New Delhi and CMC hospital, vellore.
My son is getting treated at sir ganga ram hospital with regn. no. 0735529 under the panel of Dr. Anupam Sachdeva & Dr. satya p. yadav. The doctors adviced for cord blood transplant which would cost family approx. 20 lac rupees. I belongs to a middle class family & could not afford the treatment.Apart from cord blood transplant there are so many other complications like blood & pletlets transfusion which is to be given after every 15-20 days. Then different type of infections due to lac of immunity in his body develops each coming week for one reason or other. Till now I was arranging funds from my relatives and friends.
Now the disease is at very mature stage and one of his organ (spline) has already been removed. doctors are planning for the transplant in next 4-5 days ie. on or before 31st december 2011. The child is admitted in bone marrow transplant unit of Sir Gamga Ram in room no 1334. We are in very bad times and received a sum of Rs.2 lacs issued from prime minister office and i have arranged a sum of Rs.4,50,000. The total amount required by him at this moment is Rs.20 lacs Rest of amount is very difficult for me to arrange
Any member of the public willing to help this child can contact us at 9999132599, 9899441515.
Thanks & Warm Regard.
Harpreet Singh Gandhi
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Singapore Sikh Gurdwara reopens after S$4.5m upgrade
Singapore: The Central Sikh Gurdwara in Towner Road officially reopened on Friday after a S$4.5 million upgrade and renovation.
On Friday evening, President Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam officiated the event, which featured a travelling Photographic Exhibition on Sikh Heritage.
The upgrades feature anti—slip tiles, ramps and larger elevators to better serve the elderly. It will also house free Wi—Fi services for youths.
The newly—renovated Central Sikh Gurdwara is also designed to be eco—friendly and contains features like auto cut—off taps amongst others. The Gurdwara was built in April 1986.
with thanks : SSNews : link in headline above.
Clerics furious over traffic drive
GURGAON: Over-zealous traffic police officials in Gurgaon have raised the hackles of religious leaders after they made traffic violators swear on their respective holy books that they would abide by the rules. In fact, a Muslim organisation has threatened to take action.
The Jamiatul Mahim said it plans to issue a fatwa against forcing truck drivers to take oath on the Quran, a cleric said. Hindu and Sikh religious leaders are also fuming at the exercise by Gurgaon Traffic Police of using sacred books to make people swear by lane driving.
Gurgaon traffic police had launched a "Sensible Driving" programme on the expressway. As part of the drive, heavy vehicle drivers found violating rules were fined and then asked to take oath on their holy book.
Mushtak Ansari, a cleric from Delhi-based Jamiatul Mahim, said "Any type of traffic offence on the road should be treated according to the law. Our religion does not allow sacred Quran to be involved in such matters. We will take it up with the ulemas and a fatwa would be issued," said Imam of Jama Masjid Mosque.
President of Gurudawara Singh Sabha Gurgaon, Santhokh Singh, also expressed his ire, saying, "I can't believe this. There is a particular religious procedure to move the Guru Granth Sahib... We will certainly take strong action."
with thanks : Times of India : link in headline above for detailed news.
Abbotsford’s Sikh Museum Opens!
Abbotsford celebrates the opening of what is likely the first Sikh history museum in Canada in the 100-year-old Gur Sikh temple on South Fraser Way. Lieutenant-Governor Steven Point was the chief guest along with local politicians for Saturday’s official opening ceremony. “There are no other museums (on Sikh history) in the country. There are exhibits but not a museum in itself that caters to Sikh heritage,” said Navneet Sidhu, a project coodinator with the University of the Fraser Valley. The museum will feature photos and artifacts donated by local Indo-Canadian families, including a few who had uncles and grandfathers settle here almost a century ago. The project has been two years in development and is supported by federal government funds, through Canadian Heritage.
with thanks : thelinkpaper : link in headline above for detailed news.
Sikhs to have separate marriage law soon
Sikhs are likely to have a separate marriage law soon with the ministry of home affairs planning to move the Union Cabinet in this regard Ahead of the Punjab Assembly polls, the Centre has decided to accede to the long-standing demand of the Sikh community for enacting a separate Anand Marriage Act, giving legal sanctity to the marriages under Sikh religion, official sources said.
So far, Sikh marriages are solemnised under Hindu Marriage Act after the annulment of the Sikh Marriage Act in 1955.
Prior to Independence, marriages among Sikhs were held under the Anand Marriage Act in the presence of Guru Granth Sahib and the practice continued till 1955 when the Sikh Marriage Act was replaced and included in the Hindu Marriage Act, clubbing four communities together-- Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist and Jain.
The sources said after the Cabinet clears the proposal, a bill in this effect will be tabled in Parliament and once it gets approval, Sikhs can marry under the new law.
with thanks : Hindustan times : link in the headline above for detailed news.
They make city proud with achievements
LUDHIANA: Creating a platform to recognize the efforts of Ludhianvi Sikhs, who have been remarkable in their respective spheres of life, and honouring them with lifetime achievement awards is an inspiring idea.
Sikh Welfare Council took this initiative and a few noteworthy Ludhianvis awarded at the function were Onkar Singh Pahwa of Avon Cycles, Harbhajan Singh Chugh of Oster Knit, Gurcharan Singh of Gulzar Group of Institutes, Dr Chanbir Singh of RG Stone Hospital andBollywood music director Ravinder Singh.
With thanks : Times of India : link in headline for detailed news.
Guru Nanak legacy in Odisha forgotten
The locals of Jajpur district seem to have forgotten Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikh religion, who, during his pilgrimage to Puri, had landed in Jajpur in 1506.
“A well was dug in Jajpur town to provide water to Guru Nanak and his disciples during their visit to the place. A large number of people used the well considering the water to be holy like the water of the river Ganga. But now some influential persons in a clear nexus with officials are trying to damage the 500-year-old well,” said Gurucharana Singh Gill of State Sikh Pratinidhi Board.
The ancient well is now covered with garbage. It is a matter of regret that some persons are trying to erase the memory of Guru Nanak by leveling the well. The altar (gadi) of Guru Nanak near Barahanath temple in Baranath village of Jajpur town, where Nanak sat during his visit to Jajpur, is also neglected.
“Though belated, the altar of Guru Nanak and the 500-year-old well could still be restored to its original design,” said a researcher of Jajpur Eakadashi Padhi.
with thanks : dailypioneer : link in headline above for detailed news.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Chinese restaurant ad causes controversy
DUBAI // An advertising agency has come under fire for a Chinese restaurant advertisement that its critics say is racist.
The advert for China Times, which has branches in Deira City Centre and Jumeirah Plaza, features photographs of three men - a Sikh, an Arab and a black man - whose eyes have been digitally altered to look Chinese, with the slogan "Brings out the Chinese in everyone".
Created in 2009 by an agency in Dubai, the advertisement was approved by the restaurant but never used. It was also entered in an advertising industry competition in Dubai.
Now the ad has found its way on to the internet and has attracted criticism, particularly among users of social media websites.
"I feel it is really shameful to see a ridiculous stereotype like that used to promote a restaurant," said Katrina Hall, an Australian expatriate who lived in China for six years and is fluent in Mandarin.
"Surely people have more intelligence than that? Surely there is a better way to attract customers?"
She added: "I personally find the advertisement to be highly offensive and racist and I am sure I am not alone. In a country as diverse and culturally rich as UAE, which has such a huge number of people from all around the world, I would hope that there would be a bit more respect than just making a mockery of 'slanted eyes'."
TD&A DDB, the agency that created the ad, entered it in the Dubai-based Lynx awards for the advertising industry, but it did not win.
with thanks : thenational : link in headline for detailed news.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Judge – border guards can order removal of Sikh turbans
A court has ruled that when border guards ordered British-Sikh Shaminder Puri to remove his turban at Warsaw airport in October 2009 they were “acting within the law”.
Warsaw airport
Judge Jacek Tyszka ruled that though Warsaw airport border guards had violated his dignity when he was passing through controls at the airport, the action was not illegal under Polish law.
“Such an inspection may be unpleasant but it is sometimes necessary,” the judge ruled.
Puri, who was not in court to hear the verdict, told the Gazeta Wyborczanewspaper by telephone yesterday that “I am disappointed by the verdict. Now we must carefully read of the judge's ruling and consider an appeal”.
Shaminder Puri, a fluent speaker of Polish after he studied for a degree in the country 30 years ago, had demanded a public apology from the border guards and media which had covered the case, and 10,000 euro be paid to charity.
with thanks : thenews : link in headline above for detailed news.
Sehajdhari row: Sikh hardliners condemns HC verdict
Amritsar: Radical Sikh organisations on Wednesday condemned the order of Punjab and Haryana High Court, which allowed 'sehajdharis (non-baptised Sikhs) to cast votes in SGPC polls.
"The High Court decision has plunged the Sikh community into fresh crises...Sehajdharis are non-Sikhs, describing them as part of Sikhism is untrue," Dal Khalsa spokesperson Kanwar Pal Singh said.
He said due to some political reasons, Sehajdharis were given voting rights in 1959 though there was no such provision in the original Sikh Gurdwara Act, 1925.
However, this "anomaly" was corrected in 2003 when a Union government notification debarred Sehajdharis from casting votes in SGPC polls, he said.
with thanks : IBNLive : link in the headline above for detailed news.
SGPC to challenge HC verdict on Sehajdhari Sikhs' voting rights
CHANDIGARH: Shiromani Gurdwara Parbhandhak Committee will be challenging the verdict delivered by Punjab and Haryana high court granting voting rights to Sehajdhari Sikhs, in the Supreme Court.
A day after the Punjab and Haryana high court gave a verdict the SGPC and the SAD went into a huddle to discuss the issue. The matter will also come up for in depth discussion in core committee meeting of SAD scheduled for Thursday evening.
"The SGPC will not take it lying down," saidSukhdev Singh Dhindsa, senior SAD leader.
The newly elected SGPC is also likely to appeal to the Sikh Gurdwara Commission not to issue orders of re-election but to challenge the matter in the Supreme Court. On the flip side, on Wednesday, a delegation of Sehajdhari Sikhs met Sikh Gurdwara Commission chief H S Brar, and handed him over a copy of the HC verdict quashing the notification denying voting rights to them.
with thanks : Times of India : link in headline above for detailed news.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
HC restores voting rights of Sehajdhari Sikhs in SGPC Polls
CHANDIGARH: The Punjab and Haryana high court on Tuesday restored the voting rights of Sehajdhari (non-baptized) Sikhs in the Shiromani Gurdwara Prabhandhak Committee (SGPC) polls. SGPC is the highest religious body of Sikhs.
With the court orders, the recently constituted body of SGPC would cease to operate and fresh elections will be held to include the Sehajdhari Sikhs in the voters list.
The orders were passed by a full bench comprising Justice Surya Kant, Justice MMS Bedi and Justice Muttaci Jeyapaul of Punjab and Haryana high court while allowing a petition filed by the Sehajdhari Sikh Federation (SSF) and two others challenging a October 8, 2003 central notification which deprived Sehajdhari Sikhs of their voting rights in the SGPC polls.
with thanks : TOI : link in headline above for detailed news.
HC verdict on Sehajdhari Sikhs' voting rights today
CHANDIGARH: On Tuesday, the Punjab and Haryana high court is likely to pronounce the much-awaited verdict on the voting rights of Sehajdhari Sikhs in Shiromani Gurudwara Prabhandhak Committee (SGPC) polls. The verdict holds the possibility of affecting the fate of recently-held SGPC elections.
The case pertains to a petition filed by Sehajdhari Sikh Federation and two others challenging the October 8, 2003 Central notification which deprived Sehajdhari Sikhs of their voting rights in SGPC polls.
The petitioners had mainly challenged the Union government notification "whereby Sahjdhari Sikhs are not being considered as Sikhs in view of the impugned amended Section 49 and Section 92 of the Gurdwara Act".
The petitioners had submitted that the original Act declared Sahjdhari Sikhs as qualified electors for SGPC elections and the apex court had in numerous judgments held that the state cannot regulate the definition of religion.
with thanks : Times of India : link in the headline above for detailed news.
India's heated death penalty debate
At a Delhi Sikh temple, Mukhtar Kaur offers prayers for her son Devinder Pal Singh Bhullar.
For the past 10 years, he has been on death row, convicted of carrying out a bomb attack in 1993 in which nine people were killed.
It has taken this long for the appeals against his sentence to pass through the various courts in the maze that is the Indian judicial system.
"This is like dying every day," she says. "For me and for him."
In May this year, the Indian president rejected his final mercy petition.
But Bhullar has still not been executed as lawyers and civil groups campaigning on his behalf push for clemency on the grounds that he was convicted after the police secured a confession under a now outlawed anti-terror law.
with thanks : BBC news : link in headline for detailed news report :
Saturday, December 17, 2011
The seat of power that is now an official garbage dump
LAHORE - The condition of Lahore’s heritage sites seem to be growing from bad to worse. In a recent discovery Pakistan Today learnt that the baara-dari of Sikh Maharaja Sher Singh, the third son of Ranjit Singh, has become an ‘official’ garbage dump, and what once used to be a symbol of grandeur is now home to drug addicts.
Maharaja Sher Singh was the third son of Ranjit Singh, founder of the Sikh empire. He ruled from 1841 till his death. His Baara-dari or ‘twelve doored’ mansion is situated on the outskirts of Kot Khwaja Saeed locality in Lahore, a few kilometers ahead of the Badshahi Mosque and the Lahore Fort. It seems to have been neglected for decades.
Apparently, the Lahore Solid Waste Management department has constructed a waste enclosure inside the premises of the historical building and it is suspected that this has been done after demolishing one side of the building.
It is already in a precarious state after the attacks in 1992 in reaction to the Babri Mosque demolition in India. In a recent visit to India, Sayed Asif Hashmi, the Pakistan Evacuee Trust Property Board (PETPB) chairman had stated that Pakistan was making an all out efforts for the protection and maintenance of Sikh heritage.
Maharaja Sher Singh was the third son of Ranjit Singh, founder of the Sikh empire. He ruled from 1841 till his death. His Baara-dari or ‘twelve doored’ mansion is situated on the outskirts of Kot Khwaja Saeed locality in Lahore, a few kilometers ahead of the Badshahi Mosque and the Lahore Fort. It seems to have been neglected for decades.
Apparently, the Lahore Solid Waste Management department has constructed a waste enclosure inside the premises of the historical building and it is suspected that this has been done after demolishing one side of the building.
It is already in a precarious state after the attacks in 1992 in reaction to the Babri Mosque demolition in India. In a recent visit to India, Sayed Asif Hashmi, the Pakistan Evacuee Trust Property Board (PETPB) chairman had stated that Pakistan was making an all out efforts for the protection and maintenance of Sikh heritage.
with thanks : pakistantoday : link in headline above for detailed news.
Friday, December 16, 2011
West Coast Sikhi Camp :Celebrating Tradition & History

Sikhi Camps: A platform to experience Sikhism.
In every nation, the youth are its future. Such camps played an important role in preserving tradition, history, customs and values among youths and help in transforming them into informed and vibrant members of society.
Topics related to civic, educational and personal development programs will gear them to learn how to become contributing members towards the UN millennium goals.The workshops on tradition and history will train the youth to act responsibly in their roles in life guided by the concept of Miri-Piri (spiritual and temporal),as established by the 6th Guru,Guru Hargobind.This concept established that,the Sikh Nation is for ever free for times to come and owes its allegiance to one God (Akaal Purakh).It will train them to stand for the protection of human-rights and justice for all, provide humanitarian aid to the needy, and provide empowerment through education to all. These camps provide a unique environment that promotes friendship, leadership, and community.
More information can be found at http://wcsikhicamp.com/
With thanks :UNITED SIKHS
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