We found this message in our Facebook message box & it's being uploaded on the blog with an intention to help the small baby. Please check the details from the Hospital & if possible, help him, in any possible way :
Harpreet Singh Gandhi
I would like my fellow members to read and help the child generously in any manner as you feel like.
my two years old son is suffering with BLOOD CANCER { JMML } at this small age. it was diagnoused at the age of 8 months with very poor prognosis & very rare kind of cancer in his bone marrow even his chromozone is very complicated as in this case there is no cure for this child eccept bone marrow transplant or unrelated cord blood transplant, which is only possible at sir ganga ram hospital, New Delhi and CMC hospital, vellore.
My son is getting treated at sir ganga ram hospital with regn. no. 0735529 under the panel of Dr. Anupam Sachdeva & Dr. satya p. yadav. The doctors adviced for cord blood transplant which would cost family approx. 20 lac rupees. I belongs to a middle class family & could not afford the treatment.Apart from cord blood transplant there are so many other complications like blood & pletlets transfusion which is to be given after every 15-20 days. Then different type of infections due to lac of immunity in his body develops each coming week for one reason or other. Till now I was arranging funds from my relatives and friends.
Now the disease is at very mature stage and one of his organ (spline) has already been removed. doctors are planning for the transplant in next 4-5 days ie. on or before 31st december 2011. The child is admitted in bone marrow transplant unit of Sir Gamga Ram in room no 1334. We are in very bad times and received a sum of Rs.2 lacs issued from prime minister office and i have arranged a sum of Rs.4,50,000. The total amount required by him at this moment is Rs.20 lacs Rest of amount is very difficult for me to arrange
Any member of the public willing to help this child can contact us at 9999132599, 9899441515.
Thanks & Warm Regard.
Harpreet Singh Gandhi

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