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1 comment:
Sat Sri Akal,
Comment received from Dr.Gurjeet Singh:
Parmatma sends few selected people in this world with special powers.
Prof. Darshan Singh is one person who was sent to this world with a golden voice and knoledge of GURBANI and started spreading this message through Divine Kirtan, but somewhere and somehow he lost the track and went to some other direction.
If he thinks he has done something wrong, he should pray to Parmatma to forgive him, and if he thinks he is not guilty then he shold not be afraid of anyone as Parmatma always protects noble souls from everyone.He should come in front of
whole world and tell the truth.There is no need to be afraid of humans or any Devi Devta because they are also under RAZZA
of Parmatma and are afraid of HIM.
This is what GURBANI says.
If he is guilty,he should do KIRTAN for whole of his life ,for which Parmatma sent him to this world.
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