19th July, 2009
How to portray Sikhs : Open letter to SGPC & DSGMC
We are really pleased to find the Sikh characters entering into the main stream of Bollywood. It's definitely a positive sign for the community as more & more Bollywood stars are willingly playing the Sikh characters in Indian movies & TV serials.
Sikhism is a most modern, advanced and open minded religion, but with few complexities. Panj kakkars especially the Beards & Turban are the marks of identification of a Sikh. Though like any other religion, Sikhism also has black sheeps, but it does not make any significant effect on the term called Sikhism.
Therefore, if the Bollywood concentrates on those black sheeps & portrays the Sikhs as Trimmers, it’s definitely going to hurt the sentiments of the sikh masses. Bollywood must keep restrain from these trends as being emerged now a days and must portray Sikhs with Full beards, turban and so on in the best possible manner. Another trend being shown on TV channels is of showing the Father with full turban & beards but the son as cut sird with no turban, no beards.Even some Advertisements on TV show the same trends for example KHOTA HAI PAR POTA HAI. Even some of the prominent Punjabi singers who don’t have beard or Turban, use the Khanda just to portray themselves as a Sikh. Just can’t understand that if those singers could not maintain the Saroop given by Guru Gobind Singh ji, why they still show interest in depicting themselves as a sikh.
Therefore, with this open letter to the president Shiromani gurdwara parbandhak committee as well president Delhi sikh gurdwara management committee, we hereby request to make the norms & guidelines to be followed by all the production houses of Bollywood or elsewhere so that there is no controversy as was visible on the release of BOLE SO NIHAL, SINGH IS KING and many others.
with Best regards
A Sikh blog
A Sikh web portal
Plz mail us your most valued comments on this issue, via the contact us section of www.sohnijodi.com. These will be uploaded on our sikh portal on selective basis.
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