Thursday, June 25, 2020

Northampton's Sikh Community Feeding 300 Vulnerable People Each Week in Lockdown

The Sikh community in Northampton in action.
The Sikh community in Northampton in action.

The Sikh community in Northampton has been supporting the homeless and vulnerable for more than 40 years, but since lockdown, they have seen a huge rise in demand for their services.
They are now feeding around 300 people every week - triple the amount they were doing before.
Amarjit Singh Atwal is the Trustee for the Sikh Community Centre and Youth Club and the Siri Guru Singh Sabha Northampton.
Both charities have been working in partnership with Northampton Hope Centre to keep up with demand.

Members of the Sikh community preparing food.
The Sikh community are now feeding 300 people each week.

Amarjit Singh Atwal said: "Before this we were providing maybe 80-90 meals a week, but we're probably up to maybe 300 and more some weeks so that's the hot food side of it. We've now started to do a small foodbank providing food for people with a specific cultural needs, so that's quite busy as well.
"We've helped people where they've needed furniture, so they might have been moved to somewhere where it's a safer place for them to live. And some of the volunteers who have been in isolation have been making PPE for the general hospital."
Sikhs in Northampton have been doing this for more than four decades - it is part of their faith to go out and help as many people as possible.
It is called seva, which means selfless service.
Their hard work has not gone unnoticed. They recently won the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service, the highest accolade a voluntary organisation can receive.
"We were really delighted that we'd won such a big award," Mr Singh Atwal said.
"The Sikh community in Northampton has been volunteering and working with other organisations for probably over 40 years now. It was great for us as a community to get that recognition."
Mr Singh Atwal and his team of volunteers will continue to help out as long as they're needed, which a. be for many more months to come.

Entering into Wedlock Amid Lockdown : Sikh Couple Take Marriage Vows in Corona Times

Gurpreet and Ramandeep's wedding.
Groom Gurpreet Singh and Bride Ramandeep Kaur's wedding.

This bride wore MASKS matching with her lehenga for her LOCKDOWN ...
Groom Harkarandeep Vaid and  Bride Bhavdeep Kaur 
Pin on Weddings During Coronavirus
The couple is also seen posing with a hand sanitizer, making sure to follow all the necessary precautions.

Paran Singh @paran_singh_photography profile on Instagram stories ...
Bride Bhavdeep Kaur donned a gorgeous yellow lehenga with a matching mask in the same shade 

A Sikh groom (left) and a bride along with family members walk along a street as they go back home after their wedding, on the outskirts of Amritsar on April 29.

A Sikh couple wearing face masks in view of COVID-19 outbreak walks to a gurudwara for their marriage ceremony during ongoing nationwide lockdown, in Amritsar

'I Do' In Lockdown: Delhi-Mumbai Couple's Virtual Wedding On Zoom Call
The family and friends of Groom Preet Singh and  Bride Neet Kaur joined the wedding celebrations on Zoom.

50 friends and family members of  Groom Preet Singh and Bride Neet Kaur joined the low-key wedding festivities on Zoom

Couple in Mohali gets married with only 10 people present. Photo: Manjeet Sehgal
Couple in Mohali gets married with only 10 people present

Entering into wedlock amid lockdown
Mohali  Lockdown Wedding 

Two couples after getting married at the Phase 4 gurdwara in Mohali on Saturday. Instead of a huge wedding party, the brides and grooms were accompanied by just their parents.
Two couples after getting married at the Phase 4 gurdwara in Mohali. Instead of a huge wedding party, the brides and grooms were accompanied by just their parents

Wedding bells amid lockdown
Groom Sukhwinder singh and Bride  Khushbir kaur, Phagwara

uttar pradesh lockdown marriage

 Groom Garvit Narang  and Bride Aditi,Kanpur,Uttar Pradesh

Garvit Narang  and bride Aditi,Kanpur,Uttar Pradesh

Covid-19: In Jalandhar, a wedding in the times of curfew

Groom Ramandeep Singh and Bride Neha Mahajan, Jalandhar
Bhumika and Kush at their wedding.
Groom Kussh and Bride Bhumika Ahluwalia,Mumbai
Bhumika and Kush
Groom Kussh and Bride Bhumika Ahluwalia,Mumbai

Dr.Gurdeep Kaur
Associate Professor
Sri Guru Nnank Dev Khalsa College
University of Delhi

आखिर हर बार सिक्ख ही क्यों निशाने पर ? Why Always Sikhs are being systematically targeted ?

सिक्खों ने देश की आजादी के लिए अपना सब कुछ न्यौछावर कर दिया। यहाँ तक कि बंटवारे का दुख भी सिक्ख समुदाय के लोगों को ही सहना पड़ा। आजादी के लिए सबसे ज्यादा कुर्बानियाँ करने में सिक्ख समुदाय के लोग आगे आये थे। 1947 में देश को आजादी मिली। आज देश को आजाद हुए लगभग 73 वर्ष हो चुके हैं, लेकिन सिक्खों को देश में वह मान-सम्मान नहीं मिला जिसके वह असली हकदार थे। 73 वर्षों में केन्द्र में भले ही किसी भी पार्टी की सरकार आई सभी ने सिक्खों के साथ सौतेला व्यवहार किया। जिस कारण सिक्ख समुदाय के लोगों में केन्द्र के प्रति रोष भी पनपता रहा जिसको सरकार द्वारा दमनकारी ढंग से दबा भी दिया जाता रहा। इसके बावजूद सिक्खों ने देश के विकास में अपना भरपूर योगदान दिया। यहाँ तक कि जो सिक्ख विदेशों में पलायन कर गये थे किसी ना किसी रूप में देश के विकास में अपना सीधे या परोक्ष रूप से योगदान देते रहे। भारत देश के कई प्रदेशों में सिक्खों ने जंगली भूमि को अपना खून-पसीना एक करके आबाद किया। जिस कारण वह जमीन अब सोना उगलने लगी। सिक्ख समुदाय के लोग मेहनत करने से कभी भी पीछे नहीं हटते। चाहे वह मेहनत कृषि के क्षेत्र में हो या फिर किसी अन्य क्षेत्र में। इन लोगों ने अपनी मेहनत के कारण सिर्फ देश में ही नहीं बल्कि विदेशों में भी धाक जमा रखी है। शायद इसी कारण वह हमेशा से बहुसंख्यक वर्ग के लोगों पर निशाने पर भी बने रहे।
मध्य प्रदेश, सिक्किम, तेलंगाना, राजस्थान के साथ-साथ अब उत्तर प्रदेश में तराई क्षेत्र के अंदर सिक्खों को निशाना बनाया जा रहा है। इस बार सिक्ख आम लोगों का निशाना नहीं बल्कि स्वयं सरकार द्वारा अपनी दमनकारी नीतियों के कारण सिक्खों को उनकी जमीनों से बेदखल करने की चाल आरंभ की गई। सिक्ख किसानों को उन जमीनों से बेदखल किया जा रहा है जिनको उन्होंने अपने खून-पसीने से आबाद किया था। उत्तर-प्रदेश की योगी सरकार के तुगलकी फरमान से इन सिक्खों की फसलों को ट्रैक्टर, काबाईन के साथ खत्म कर दिया गया। इन हालातों को देखते हुए एक बार सिक्खों को फिर से बंटवारे की याद आ गई। उनको लगने लगा कि अब फिर से उन्हें बंटवारे का दुख सहना पड़ेगा। देश-विदेश में रहने वाले सभी सिक्ख योगी सरकार के इस फरमान से हैरान रह गये। वह सरकार जिसके साथ अकाली दल का केन्द्र में आपसी गठजोड़ है। उसके बावजूद किसी प्रदेश में सिक्खों के साथ अन्याय हो रहा हो तो वह अपने आप में सवालिया निशान खड़ा करता हुआ नजर आता है।
हरसिमरत बादल आई हरकत में
शिरोमणी अकाली दल हमेशा से सिक्खों के हकों पर पहरा देने वाली पार्टी है। इस लिए देश-विदेश के सभी सिक्ख उस पार्टी की तरफ आस लगाये रहते हैं कि अगर उनके ऊपर कहीं भी कोई मुसीबत आती है तो उनकी अपनी पार्टी उनके हक में खड़ी होगी। ताजा मामले के अन्त्तर्गत उत्तर प्रदेश में सिक्ख किसानों को उनकी जमीन से बेदखल किये जाने की जैसे ही बात सामने आई तो शिरोमणी अकाली दल ने फौरन अपनी आपातकालीन बैठक बुलाई। बैठक में शिरोमणी अकाली दल के अध्यक्ष स. सुखबीर सिंह बादल स्वयं हाजिर हुए। इसके साथ ही इस बैठक में विशेष रूप केन्द्रीय मंत्री श्रीमति हरसिमरत कौर बादल भी शामिल हुई। बैठक में उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार के सिक्खों को उनकी भूमि से बेदखल किये जाने पर सख्त ऐतराज जताया गया। वहीं पर केन्द्रीय मंत्री बीबा हरसिमरत बादल ने मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ से टैलीफोन पर बातचीत करते हुए इस मसले को जल्द से जल्द सुलझाने की अपील की। शिरोमणी अकाली दल के अध्यक्ष सुखबीर सिंह बादल के आदेश पर तीन सदस्यीय प्रतिनिधिमंडल ने उत्तर प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ के साथ मुलाकात की। श्री योगी ने प्रतिनिधिमंडल को भरोसा दिया कि किसी भी सिक्ख किसान को विस्थापित नहीं किया जायेगा। योगी ने प्रतिनिधिमंडल को यह भी बताया कि सशस्त्र बल केन्द्र के लिए एक वैकल्पिक जगह निर्धारित की जायेगी।  मुख्यमंत्री ने चार जगहों का सर्वेक्षण करने के लिए चार अलग-अलग टीमों का गठन किया, जहाँ सिक्खों को विस्थापन का डर है ताकि उन्हें जुताई करने वाली जगह के अधिकार और साधन मिल सकें। प्रतिनिधिमंडल ने मुख्यमंत्री के इस आश्वासन का स्वागत करते हुए कहा कि इस मीटिंग से 1950 के दशक से बिजाई करने वाले किसानों को भूमि अधिकार प्रदान करने का मार्ग प्रशस्त होगा। तीन सदस्यीय प्रतिनिधिमंडल में डॉ. दलजीत सिंह चीमा, सिकंदर सिंह मलूका व प्रो. प्रेम सिंह चंदूमाजरा शामिल थे।
नव गठित जागो पार्टी के मुखिया मनजीत सिंह जीके ने भी प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी को पत्र लिखकर मांग की इस मामले को गंभीरता से लेते हुए प्रधानमंत्री इसमें हस्तक्षेप करें क्योंकि जिन सिखों को जमीनों से बेदखल करने की साजिश योगी कर रही है उस जमीन के असली हकदार वह सिख हैं जिन्होंने बंटवारे के बाद से जंगलात को साफ करके अपनी मेहनत से इन जमीनों को उपजाउ बनाया इसलिए इन्हें इनका मालिकाना हक तो आज तक दिया नही ंगया उल्टा अब उन्हें उनसे बेदखल करने की बात किसी भी सूरत में बर्दाशत नहीं की जायेगी। अखिल भारतीय दंगा पीड़ित राहत कमेटी के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष कुलदीप सिंह भोगल द्वारा भी इस मामले को योगी सरकार के समक्ष उठाया है। जत्थेदार भोगल इससे पहले कानपुर, लखनउ सहित उ0 प्र0 के अनेक शहरों में 1984 में सिखों के साथ हुए नरसंहार के पीड़ित परिवारों को इन्साफ और कातिलों को सजा दिलाने के लिए निरन्तर संघर्ष करते आ रहे हैं। उन्होंने इस मामले पर भी उ0 प्र0 के मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ को पत्र लिखकर सिखों के मसलों को हल करने की अपील की है।

सुदीप सिंह (Sudeep Singh)
DSGMC Media Advisor

Sikh Regiment hoists Khalsa Flag at Galwan Valley

    Sikh Regiment hoists Khalsa Flag at Galwan Valley

Amid this Coronavirus pandemic, when lockdown has been imposed all over the world, people cannot go out of their houses. But on the other side, our Indian Army is still protecting the nation from the enemies. Amid this pandemic, they are protecting the country putting their life on stake.

As we all know that for some days, tensions are running high on INDO-CHINA Border in which 20 of our Jawan have attained martyrdom. Due to these disturbances, different regiments of the Indian Army have been deployed there. The SIKH Regiment has also been deployed there.

On the Galwan Valley in Ladakh, the Sikh Regiment has hoisted Nishan Sahib. This clearly depicts that how they are keeping the SIKHI at the prime place. It doesn't matter if it is a ground place or a war ground. They are protecting our nation as well as our SIKHI. We are proud of such brave and fearless Soldiers. Our Nation is in the right hands.

News courtesy : Kalgidhar Trust,Baru Sahib,

Dr. Jitender Singh :Sikh Doctor in Pakistan becomes a ray of Hope for the needy & poor

     Dr. Jitender Singh :Sikh Doctor in Pakistan becomes a ray of Hope for the needy & poor

As the entire world is suffering from hard times due to CoronaVirus, many people have lost their jobs, many have not received their salary and the Daily Wage Workers are the most affected as they have lost their source of income.

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, a Sikh Doctor Jitender Singh from Peshawar in Pakistan has become a ray of hope for the needy and poor.

Dr Jitender Singh forms ration packets at his home and then distributes among the needy people in Peshawar. He said he buys all the items from market and his family members help him in making ration packets. He said he follows all the standard operating procedures (SOPs) for preventing the spread of coronavirus while buying and packing goods.
About the procedure of ration distribution, Jitender Singh told that people contact him through Facebook or WhatsApp. He said he then contacts his colleagues to verify whether the people contacting him are really deserving. He said he then dispatches ration pack to the deserving people.
Dr Singh said he has distributed ration packs among over a hundred deserving families. He said he was also helped by well off people for this noble cause. However, he said the number of donors has reduced now due to which his team is facing problems. He said his team has contacted many well off people for donations for onward distribution among deserving people.
Dr Singh said the people who had previously donated for his team are now unable to donate mainly because of continuous lockdowns and increasing financial problems of those doing different jobs and businesses. He said currently his team is facing some problems as they are doing almost everything on self-help basis. He said the increasing prices of food items are also causing difficulties for his team. He said the ration pack which was previously made with Rs3,000 now costs Rs5,000.

Despite all difficulties, Dr Singh is in lifted spirits and he is continuing his work with the passion of serving humanity. He said he gets pleasure and peace of mind while helping the needy people. He said all deserving people must be provided help without any discrimination.
We salute this #HumansofOneness who is serving humanity during these hard times.

SGPC marks martyrdom day of great Sikh general Baba Banda Singh Bahadur

SGPC marks martyrdom day of great Sikh general Baba Banda Singh ...

CHANDIGARH, Punjab—The apex Sikh body Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhik Committee today marked the 305th martyrdom day of the great Sikh general Baba Banda Singh Bahadur. A religious program was organized at Gurdwara Sri Manji Sahib Diwan Hall in which Hazoori Raagi Jatha of Bhai Karnail Singh performed Gurbani Kirtan following Akhand Path Sahib.

 Kathavachak Bhai Harmittar Singh narrated the history of Baba Banda Singh Bahadur’s valor to the present attendees.

SGPC member Manjit Singh, SGPC’s additional secretary Sukhdev Singh, Sri Darbar Sahib’s additional manager Sukhraj Singh, Iqbal Singh Mukhi, Satnam Singh Manga Sarai, Nishan Singh etc. were present on this occasion.

Tejinder Singh Sodhi – The First Turbaned SIKH to Graduate in 120 years from the William Allen White School of Journalism, USA

Tejinder Singh - The First Turbaned SIKH to Graduate in 120 years from the William Allen White School of Journalism, USA

Meet Tejinder Singh Sodhi, the first turbaned Sikh to graduate in the over 120 years history of the William Allen White School of Journalism at the University of Kansas. The university had no dress code for Sikhs, but the university made special amendments in its rules and allowed the first Sikh graduate of the Journalism department to graduate wearing his Sikhi Saroop.

Sodhi who became the first Sikh from Jammu and Kashmir to be awarded the International Fellowship by Foundation Fellowship, became the first civilian to study (full time) at the US Army Command and General Staff College Fort Leavenworth, he was also selected by the Department of Defense (DOD) to undergo 15 days long Media and Military workshop at two major US military bases in Kansas and Missouri.
Tejinder was have been a panelist at the National Press Club Washington DC where he delivered lectures on conflict reporting.
In 2012 Tejinder was nominated for the World Sikh Award (in Media) in London and was also nominated for the Tully Freedom of Speech award, he has been the recipient (twice) of McCormick Fellowship in the USA.
After working for several national newspapers, Tejinder these days work with one of the leading news agency in the country.
Once a White couple asked Tejinder that if he is an Afghan, so he decided to educate the Americans about Sikhs, Sikh religion and Sikh culture so Tejinder undertook series of several lectures at several places to make people aware about Sikhi.

Covid-19: Gurvinder Pal Singh, 27-year-old Dubai-returnee becomes Amritsar’s first plasma donor

A 27-year-old man, who was found positive for the coronavirus after his arrival in Amritsar from Dubai, on Wednesday became the district’s first patient to donate his plasma after having recovered from the disease.
The plasma of Gurvinder Pal Singh, a resident of the Chheharta area in the city, was successfully used on two Covid-19 patients at the Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH), Amritsar.
He was tested positive for Covid-19 on May 20 and underwent treatment at the isolation ward of GMCH for 15 days.
“We are extremely thankful to Gurvinder for donating his plasma, as it can prove helpful in treating critically ill patients. The blood group of Gurvinder is ‘A’ negative and his plasma could be used for treating patients of the same blood group. None of the critically ill patients admitted in GMCH, however, has the matching blood group,” said GMC Amritsar principal Dr Sujata Sharma.
“We sent his plasma to Ludhiana and took plasma of ‘B’ positive blood group in return. Using the ‘B’ positive blood group, the plasma therapy has been successfully given to two Covid-19 positive patients who are admitted here. One of the patients is a resident of the city while the other belongs to Pathankot,” Dr Sujata said.
COVID-19 | Kerala gets nod for trial of plasma therapy - The Hindu
Under the treatment called convalescent plasma therapy, antibody-rich blood plasma of patients, who have recovered from Covid-19, is preserved for transfusion into critical patients. The GMC Amritsar got approval from the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) to treat Covid-19 patients with the therapy on June 19.
So far, the Guru Gobind Singh Medical College and Hospital, Faridkot, had conducted the state’s only and successful convalescent plasma transplant.

Amritsar Interantiona Airport Emerges as Third Busiest in India amid lockdown

Amritsar Airport (ATQ)
Sri Guru Ram Das Jee International Airport ,Amritsar,India

The suspension of international commercial flights during the coronavirus induced lockdown has revealed the full potential of the Sri Guru Ram Das Jee International Airport in Amritsar.
As per recent traffic report released by the Airport Authority of India (AAI) for April, Amritsar recorded a total of 5,972 international and domestic passengers, leaving behind all major airports in India, except Delhi and Mumbai.
 Delhi was on the top with 20,624 and Mumbai second with 9,051 passengers. Of total 5,972 passengers, 5,011 are international and others domestic. With 5,011 passengers, the Amritsar airport has achieved the third place among all international airports in country.
A complete suspension of flights in late March left thousands of foreign nationals and residents stranded across country, including Punjab. The biggest number of UK and Canada residents stranded in India was recorded in Punjab. To repatriate its citizens, their consulates in India arranged special chartered flights operated by leading airline carriers, including the British Airways.
                 Sri Guru Ram Das Jee International Airport ,Amritsar,India
Amritsar handled the biggest number of flights from India to London’s Heathrow airport by UK and by Canadian foreign office to Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal to fly back Britons and Canadians. These overseas flights started in April and continued to operate till mid-May.
Sameep Singh Gumtala, global convener of the Fly Amritsar initiative, said, “The demand for direct repatriation flights from Amritsar to UK and Canada was raised by stranded passengers with their governments. This proves that majority of the international traffic at Delhi airport from UK and Canada comes from Punjab.”
“Punjabi diaspora prefer to travel directly from Punjab instead of Delhi, if more international flights are started from Amritsar. The airport is within three-hour reach from all major cities in Punjab and this distance will be reduced to half after the completion of Delhi-Amritsar-Katra Expressway,” he said.
Yogesh Kamra, Fly Amritsar convener and secretary Amritsar Vikas Manch, said the airport has all infrastructures to handle traffic even during extreme crisis situations.

Rare books on Sikhism, Punjab emerge in London sale

A London-based uncommon books supplier on Wednesday launched a group of uncommon books, unique manuscripts and paintings on India that features a number of first editions of labor on Sikhs, Sikhism and Punjab relationship from early eighteenth century.
The 40-item assortment from supplier Peter Harrington consists of the primary translation of the Adi Granth into English and a number of other journey narratives set within the kingdom of Ranjit Singh, and navy handbooks devoted to Sikh customs – hailed in them as ‘the bravest and steadiest of troopers’.
Others providing glimpses of life in India beneath British rule embrace a e book by Captain Lakshmi, who was appointed by Subhash Chandra Bose as commander of the Rani of Jhansi Regiment within the Indian nationwide Military, and three elusive monographs on the ruling households of Punjab, written or impressed by Lepel H. Griffin, a vibrant official in nineteenth century British India.
Glen Mitchell, senior e book specialist at Europe’s largest anquarian e book supplier, stated: “We have now seen an elevated curiosity within the final 20 years from collectors of works from the Indian sub-continent, and the demand for 19th and early 20th century British accounts of this fascinating interval in colonial historical past continues to draw a core group of collectors based mostly each within the area and diaspora within the UK and past.”
“Subjects that stay enduringly collectable embrace these targeted on navy exploits, colonial exploration, seminal non secular texts, ethnographical, geographical, botanical and zoological accounts, and naturally administrative, historic and political works,” he added.
Highlights of the gathering embrace an eyewitness account of Ranjit Singh’s kingdom written by Shahamat Ali, the expedition chief’s Indian-born munshi and inscribed by him to the earl of Shaftesbury; The Lifetime of Robert Lord Clive, Baron Plassey by Charles Caraccioli – the primary biography of Clive, thought of one thing of a personality assassination by his enemies inside the East India Firm; and I.N.A. Defence. Topic Individuals’s Proper to Combat for Freedom – two up to date publications of the tackle delivered by J. Bhulabhai Desai in defence of members of the INA on trial for treason.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

"Mere Naal Hai" :a message of comfort to everyone during the COVID-19 pandemic by Sikh Youth Australia

New Release: Dya Singh & Sanggat render Mere Naal Hai-Tuhi Tuhi
Sikh Youth Australia launches Shabad video mosaic collaboration 

A collaboration initiated by Sikh Youth Australia has brought together musicians, singers and families living in various parts of the world. Titled ‘Mere Naal Hai’, it provides a message of comfort to everyone during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What started as a simple idea some weeks ago, soon took shape as a soothing yet powerful rendition by several families living across the continents. 

Claiming it as “a world first”, volunteers at Sikh Youth Australia have arranged a video collaboration involving 21 families to record “Mere Naal Hai”. Simply translated, it means “He is With Me”, and “it serves as a message of comfort and support to everyone to keep their faith and know that everything will be OK.”
Dya Singh musician singerAcclaimed world music exponent, Dya Singh
Acclaimed world music exponent Dya Singh, who is based in Melbourne, was among the key collaborators. 
Speaking to SBS Punjabi he said, “Whilst the pandemic has posed many challenges, it has been wonderful to see the Sikh community helping out in almost every country. Not just that, the online platform has suddenly emerged as a new way of reaching out to people – which is something we hadn’t even contemplated earlier.” 
He says the brief from SYA was to produce a five-minute composition and to bring people together, especially the youth.  Within three weeks, “Mere Naal Hai” was recorded, involving 40 singers and musicians in a virtual recording. 
“Apart from families in Australia, we had the renowned Veer Manpreet Singh from UK (of Tuhi Tuhi fame), Bhavdeep Singh from USA and families from New Zealand.” 
              Biba Arvindpal Kaur

“All of our musicians are members of SYA living in various parts of Australia. Our table player was in Perth, the young ladies who played the piano and vibrophone were from Sydney, my sound engineer who mastered it all lives in Adelaide, and the project was put together by my daughter Jamel, who is in Melbourne.” 
Mr Singh says “This is the first composition, and there will be more. And I hope this world first inspires others to collaborate this way too.” 
He believes the quarantine period is also brings immense opportunities. 
“This is a time for families to come together, to spend more time with each other and to interact far more then ever before.” 

“The restriction is only on physical isolation – not social interaction. Most importantly we must ensure there’s no spiritual isolation during these challenging times.”