Friday, June 12, 2020

Sikh British MP demands probe into Thatcher gov’t’s role in Operation Bluestar

Labour Party Member of Parliament (MP) Tanmanjeet Singh Deshi

Labour Party Member of Parliament (MP) Tanmanjeet Singh Deshi has called for an independent inquiry into former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and her government’s alleged involvement in Operation Bluestar.
Deshi, who is the United Kingdom’s first turbaned Sikh MP, raised the matter in the House of Commons on the 36th anniversary of the raid on Golden Temple that was carried out by Indian forces at the orders of then Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
The desecration of the Sikh shrine in Amritsar in 1984 to flush out violent extremists had attracted widespread criticism for Gandhi and eventually led to her assassination at the hands of her own bodyguards later that year. Subsequently there was widespread violence against Sikhs across India, a pogrom that was carried out, allegedly, with full blessings of the then Congress government.
"Despite recent revelations and given the huge demand from within the British Sikh community and the support of the Labour party and other Opposition parties, an independent inquiry to establish the extent of the Thatcher government's involvement in the attack has still not been held," Deshi reportedly told the Parliament.
To this, Leader of the Commons, Jacob Rees-Mogg, reportedly responded by acknowledging that it was an “important anniversary” and said, “I have every confidence that Margaret Thatcher, one of the greatest leaders this country has ever had, would always have behaved properly.”
The demand for an inquiry originally arose a few years ago when it was discovered that the British military had ‘advised’ Indian forces prior to the operation. This led the then British PM David Cameron to order an internal review. Subsequently a statement was made in the British Parliament that Britain's role had been purely “advisory” and the Special Air Service (SAS) advice had “limited impact” on the operation.

पंजाब चुनावों के लिए शिरोमणी अकाली दल ने कमर कसी

पंजाब चुनावों के लिए शिरोमणी अकाली दल ने कमर कसी
पंथ की सबसे बड़ी नुमाईंदा जत्थेबंदी शिरोमणी अकाली दल जिस की स्थापना के अगले वर्ष 100 वर्ष पूरे होने जा रहे हैं। भारत की सबसे पुरानी पार्टी का सम्मान जिसके हिस्से में आया है। शिरोमणी अकाली दल के अब तक के इतिहास में यह बात सुनिहरी अक्षरों में लिखी गई है कि पार्टी ने यहाँ पर अपनी धार्मिक मान्यताओं पर पूरी तरह से पहरा दिया है वहीं पर देश की आजादी में भी अपना अहम योगदान दिया है। इस पार्टी के मौजूदा अध्यक्ष स. सुखबीर सिंह बादल ने 2022 में होने वाले पंजाब विधानसभा चुनावों को देखते हुए एक बार फिर से पार्टी का पुर्नगठन किया है। पार्टी के पुर्नगठन का मकसद यही था कि पंजाब के हर जिले को पूरी तरह से शिरोमणी अकाली दल में स्थान दिया जाये। पार्टी अभी से जमीनी स्तर पर कार्यकत्ताओं को अपने साथ जोडने की कवायद शुरू कर दी है। 

स. सुखबीर सिंह बादल ने दूरअंदेशी का पालन करते हुए पंजाब के लोगों का फिर से विश्वास हासिल करने के लिए उनकी कचहिरी में जाने की कोशिशें शुरू कर दी हैं। जिक्र योग्य बात यह है कि 2017 के विधानसभा चुनावों में पार्टी को पंजाब में बुरी तरह से शिकस्त का सामना करना पड़ा था। इसलिए स. बादल ने अब नई रणनीति खेलते हुए अभी से ही पार्टी का पुर्नगठन कर दिया है। पार्टी के अंदर कुछ नये पदाधिकारी शामिल किये हैं और कई पुराने चेहरों पर फिर से विश्वास भी प्रगट किया है। इसी के साथ ही स. बादल ने विरोधियों को भी घेरने का कोई अवसर नहीं छोड़ा। जिस कारण आज विपक्षी पार्टियों के पास कोई मुद्दा नहीं रह गया है।

हित कोर कमेटी में शामिल शिरोमणी अकाली दल के अध्यक्ष स. सुखबीर सिंह बादल ने पार्टी के पुर्नगठन में दिल्ली के वरिष्ठ अकाली नेता व पटना साहिब कमेटी के अध्यक्ष स. अवतार सिंह हित को अपनी 20 मैंबरी कमेटी में शामिल करके पूरी दिल्ली के सिक्खों का मान बढ़ाया। शिरोमणी गुरद्वारा प्रबंधक कमेटी की पूर्व अध्यक्ष बीबी जागीर कौर भी फिर से स्त्री विंग की प्रधान बनाया गया है। इसी के साथ ही स. बादल ने यूथ अकाली दल का अध्यक्ष स. परमबंस सिंह बंटी रोमाना को बनाकर यह संदेश देने की कोशिश की है कि पार्टी नौजवानों को साथ लेकर चलना चाहती है। नौजवान किसी भी पार्टी की रीढ की हड्डी माने जाते हैं। इसीलिए बंटी रोमाना की पार्टी प्रति सेवाओं को देखते हुए उनको विशेष तौर पर नई जिम्मेवारी सौंपी गई है। दिल्ली कमेटी मैंबर व पटना साहिब कमेटी के अध्यक्ष स. हित जो कि पार्टी के साथ वर्षों से जुड़े हुए है और पार्टी की नीतियों पर पूरी तरह से पहरा दिया। खास तौर पर जब दिल्ली में शिरोमणी अकाली दल के साथ कोई सदस्य खड़ा होने को तैयार नहीं था उस समय भी स. हित अकेले ही पार्टी का झंडा बुलंद किये हुए थे। जत्थेदार हित की पार्टी की प्रति वफादारी को देखते हुए पार्टी के अध्यक्ष स. सुखबीर सिंह बादल ने विशेष तौर पर उनको उसमें जगह दी है। जत्थेदार हित के कोर कमेटी में शामिल होने की बात जैसे ही दिल्ली के सिक्खों को पता चली तो उनमें हर्ष की लहर दौड़ गई। पार्टी उनके अनुभवों को देखते हुए पंजाब में होने वाले विधानसभा चुनावों में पार्टी उनका लाभ उठायेगी।

With Thanks :Sudeep Singh,Honorary Media Advisor

हरमीत सिंह कालका ने जत्थेदार हित को कौर कमेटी में शामिल करने पर सः बादल का आभार प्रकट किया।

जत्थेदार हित को कौर कमेटी में शामिल करने पर सः बादल का आभार प्रकट किया।
अकाली दल की दिल्ली इकाई का गठन अगले सप्ताह होगा: कालका

नई दिल्ली 11 जून: शिरोमणी अकाली दल बादल दिल्ली इकाई के अध्यक्ष एवं दिल्ली सिख गुरुद्वारा प्रबन्धक कमेटी महासचिव हरमीत सिंह कालका ने जत्थेदार अवतार सिंह हित को अकाली दल की 20 सदस्यी कार्यकारिणी में शामिल करने पर पार्टी अध्यक्ष सुखबीर सिंह बादल का आभार प्रकट किया। सः कालका ने यह भी संकेत दिये कि पार्टी की दिल्ली इकाई का गठन अगले सप्ताह कर दिया जायेगा।
सः कालका ने कहा जत्थेदार अवतार सिंह हित पार्टी के वफादार सिपाही के रुप मंे पिछले कई सालों से लगे हुए हैं, पार्टी ने जो भी जिम्मेवारी उन्हें सौंपी उन्होंने बाखूबी उसका निर्वाह किया। इसी का परिणाम है कि सः प्रकाश सिंह बादल और सः सुखबीर सिंह बादल द्वारा जत्थेदार हित को पार्टी में पूर्ण सम्मान दिया जाता है। उन्होेंने कहा मौजूदा समय में सः हित पार्टी की दिल्ली इकाई के सरप्रस्त हैं और मेरा सौभाग्य है कि मुझे सः हित के साथ काम करने का मौका मिला है। सः कालका ने कहा कि पार्टी की दिल्ली इकाई के प्रभारी सः बलविन्दर सिंह भुन्दड़ के मागदर्शन से अगले सप्ताह तक पार्टी की दिल्ली इकाई का गठन किया जायेगा।
सः कालका ने कहा दिल्ली इकाई के गठन में पार्टी से जुड़े सभी वर्करों को सम्मान दिया जायेगा जहां बर्जुगों को नई टीम में जगह दी जायेगी तो वहीं युवा पीड़ी को भी शामिल किया जायेगा।

With Thanks :Sudeep Singh,Honorary Media Advisor

NHAI to develop new Sikh circuit :providing the shortest connectivity to Amritsar as well as a direct link between the Holy City and Delhi.


The Union road transport and highways ministry has issued directions to the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) to develop new expressway connectivity via Sultanpur Lodhi, Goindwal Sahib, Khadoor Sahib and Tarn Taran up to Amritsar to create a new Sikh circuit covering five religious shrines as part of the proposed Delhi-Amritar-Katra expressway.

Union food processing industries minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal said she had received a communication from union highways minister Nitin Gadkari following a request in this context in keeping with the sentiments of Sikhs worldwide.
Badal said the highways minister had assured her that he had got the entire issue examined and now a new Greenfield alignment would be developed via Nakodar to cover all the Sikh shrines associated with five different Sikh Gurus.
She said Gadkari had also informed her that the expressway would be extended to Dera Baba Nanak to provide connectivity to the recently developed Kartarpur Sahib corridor.
The Union minister said both moves besides providing the shortest connectivity to Amritsar as well as a direct link between the holy city and Delhi as per the wishes of Amritsar residents would also ensure Sikhs speedy and efficient access to the five shrines.
Badal also thanked the Highways minister for correcting the alignment submitted by the Congress government which proposed using the present highway between Kartarpur and Amritsar as part of the expressway.

Guru Nanak Dev University (GNDU ) Amritsar Tops State Public University in Punjab

GNDU announces revised submission dates of examination forms

Chandigarh: Guru Nanak Dev University (GNDU), Amritsar has been ranked as the top state public university of Punjab and 51 among all the central, public and private universities that participated in National Institute Rankings

 GNDU has also been ranked 18th among the state funded universities in the country. The NIRF-2020 rankings were released by Union minister for human resource development Ramesh Pokhriyal at New Delhi.

Punjab higher education minister Tript Rajinder Singh Bajwa congratulated GNDU for the achievement. He said this would encourage and motivate the students for studying in public universities of the state.
Higher education secretary Rahul Bhandari said this year two state public universities of Punjab are ranked among the first 100 in NIRF-2020 rankings. GNDU improved its ranking from 55th to 51st position.
Punjabi University, Patiala has also improved its ranking from beyond 100 last year to 64th rank. Its vice-chancellor Prof B S Ghuman said it was a remarkable achievement in the history of the university. He added that this will not only benefit the university to get the government funds but will also help in getting a boost in the admissions.
Central University of Punjab(CUP) at Bathinda got 87th rank with a score of 40.93 points. The varsity improved by eight positions this year from the 95th rank.

Restoration of Historic well related to 5th Sikh Guru restored in Gurdaspur

Gurudwara Sri PatShahi Panjvi Sahib - Othian Dedication to the historic eight-cornered well Sangat

A historic eight-cornered well related to fifth Sikh master Guru Arjan Dev has been restored at Gurdwara Patshahi Panjveen at Othian village near Batala town of Gurdaspur district.
The well has been restored with old-fashioned small bricks. Environmentalist Baba Sewa Singh, head of Khadoor Sahib-based Kar Sewa organisation, was assigned the task to restore the structure.
“The SGPC is working to conserve the heritage. Guru Arjan Dev got this well dug on the demand of the community. It has been made operational now,” said Rajinder Singh Mehta, Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) that manages the shrine.
“We decided to restore it with the help of the heritage experts. Also, heritage trees will be planted on one acre land of the gurdwara to provide shelter to birds and reduce pollution,” said SGPC chief secretary Roop Singh who was also present on the occasion.
Baba Sewa Singh said his organization has restored many heritage structures at Khadoor Sahib. “These structures inspire the young generation to get connected with their heritage,” he added.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Bibi Jagir Kaur :बीबी जागीर कौर को पुनः स्त्री अकाली दल की प्रधान बनाने पर सः बादल का आभार प्रकट किया

नई दिल्ली 11 जून: शिरोमणी अकाली दल दिल्ली इकाई स्त्री विंग की अध्यक्षा एवं दिल्ली सिख गुरुद्वारा प्रबन्धक कमेटी की वरिष्ठ उपाध्यक्षा बीबी रणजीत कौर ने सः सुखबीर सिंह बादल को बीबी जागीर कौर को पुनः स्त्री अकाली दल की प्रधान बनाने एवं सः अवतार सिंह हित को 20 सदस्यी कार्यकारिणी में शामिल करने के लिए उनका आभार प्रकट किया।
बीबी रणजीत कौर ने कहा कि बीबी जागीर कौर को संसार भर की स्त्री विंग की महिलाएं पसन्द करती हैं क्यांेंकि वह समय समय पर स्त्रियों की मांगों को उठाकर उनकी समस्याएं हल करवाती हैं। पार्टी के साथ बड़ी गिनती में स्त्रियों को जोड़ने में भी वह कामयाब रही हैं और जो जिम्मेवारी पार्टी ने उन्हें दी उन्होंने उसका बाखूबी निर्वाह किया इसी को देखते हुए पार्टी प्रधान सः सुखबीर सिंह बादल ने एक बार फिर से स्त्री अकाली दल की कमान बीबी जागीर कौर को सौंपी है इसके लिए दिल्ली इकाई की स्त्री अकाली दल की सभी महिलाएं सः सुखबीर सिंह बादल का धन्यवाद करती हैं साथ ही सः अवतार सिंह हित और सः दलजीत सिंह चीमा को कार्यकारिणी मंे शामिल करने के लिए भी सः बादल का आभार प्रकट किया।

With Thanks : Media DSGMC

GNDU to plan architecture of Sultanpur Lodhi’s Pind Babe Nanak Da heritage village

Guru Nanak Dev University in Amritsar will  design the replica of Rai-Bhoi-Di-Talwandi, the village where Guru Nanak was born.
Guru Nanak Dev University in Amritsar will design the replica of Rai-Bhoi-Di-Talwandi, the village where Guru Nanak was born. (HT PHOTO )

The Punjab government has asked Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, to draw architectural plans for Pind Babe Nanak Da heritage village in Sultanpur Lodhi, Kapurthala.

Pind Babe Nanak Da will be the replica of Rai-Bhoi-Di-Talwandi, the village where Guru Nanak was born, which is now in Pakistan.
Sultanpur Lodhi MLA Navtej Singh Cheema had raised the matter during a video conference with Punjab chief minister (CM) Captain Amarinder Singh. The CM was told that Punjab chief secretary Karan Avtar Singh had held a meeting regarding the project with the stakeholders.
Initially, the chief secretary was planning to loop in an international architect. However, the CM asked him to hire local architects: “An international architect will not know as much about Guru Nanak as our people,” the CM had said.
The state government’s group of ministers, which include Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa, Charanjit Singh Channi and OP Soni, have selected 70 acres of land behind Gurdwara Ber Sahib, Sultanpur Lodhi, as the site for the heritage village. Most of the land falls in Machi Zowa and Taraf Hazi villages. Officials said the land acquisition process was yet to begin.
A seven-member committee finalised the concept for Pind Babe Nanak Da heritage village. The exterior of the village will be built of mud in a simulacra of a 400-year-old village. The interior, however, will be studded with modern technology, depicting Guru Nanak’s life between 1469 and 1539.
Punjabi University head of Sri Guru Granth Sahib studies professor Sarbjinder Singh, who was a member of the committee, said, “The new village will have 13 ‘pattiyan’ (mohallas) like Rai-Bhoi-Di-Talwandi village had 13 pattiyan. Named after figures of Sikh history, they will meet at the sath (centre or commonplace), where Guru Nanak used to hold dialogue.”
Former MP Tarlochan Singh, a member of the concept committee, said the four phases of Guru Nanak’s life will be showcased.
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Sikhs Are Delivering Free Food to the Elderly in Self Isolation Amid Coronavirus Outbreak in UK

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At a time when the world is grappling against the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, people have been compelled to self-isolate and quarantine themselves to contain the spread of the virus.
While the infectious virus poses a major threat to the immunity system of all age, elderly people are more at risk, as the likelihood of having chronic conditions increases remarkably as you age.
With the COVID-19 spreading across the globe and claiming nearly 8,000 lives, multiple nations have undergone a virtual lockdown.
Amidst such a time of emergency and social distancing, a 'free mobile food support' initiative has begun in Slough, a town in Berkshire, England.
Started by the Sikh community of the town, the service will provide "healthy and nutritious" food essentials to people above the age of 65, and quarantined.
Taking to Twitter, an associate of the community Harjinder Singh Kukreja said, "Are you 65+ plus? In #Coronavirus isolation? Need support to get food? Sikhs in Slough, UK have come up with Mobile Food Support for the elderly & isolated & are Providing FREE HEALTHY & NUTRITIOUS essentials to help them! Pls share!"
Speaking to News18, Harjinder, a close associate with the MP from Slough said, "Sikhs have been at the forefront of philanthropic work throughout the world. The community ongoingly delves into social causes which make a mammoth difference." He further added that this particular initiative is run by the Sikh of Slough, "a vibrant group of people".
Given that youngsters are a low-risk group with regards to the COVID-19, this initiative is run by them at large.
The food is cooked and distributed by them throughout Slough, which has reported 12 confirmed cases.
The entire operation is being funded by the worshippers at the Guru Maneyo Granth Gurdwara in Slough.
The initiative has been hailed by netizens, who even praised the initiative taken by the Sikh communities across the world in times of severe crisis.

Sikh pilgrims to miss Arjan Dev’s death anniversary : Gurdwara Dera Sahib Sri Guru Arjan Dev,Lahore,Pakistan

Dr.Gurdeep Kaur (Associate Prof.,Sri Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa College,University of Delhi ) at Dera Sahib Gurdwara,Lahore,Pakistan 

The coronavirus has upended religious rituals not just in Pakistan, but all over the world.  This year, the Sikh community will quietly mark the death anniversaries of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Guru Arjan Dev.

According to details available with the Express Tribune, Sikh pilgrims from all over the world, including India, will not be able to take part in the religious ceremonies to mark the important events on the Nanakshahi Calendar this month.
“Due to the Covid-19 virus, the Sikh community will mark the death anniversaries of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Guru Arjan Dev in the most simple manner,” said Sardar Amir Singh, Secretary-General, Pakistan Sikh Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee. The ceremony to mark the 414th anniversary of the Guru Arjan Dev’s martyrdom, Singh said, begins on June 14.  Known as the Shaheedi Diwas of Guru Arjun Dev, the day has been commemorating the martyrdom of the fifth Guru and the first Sikh martyr every year since 1606.
Commemorations begin early in the morning with Shabad Kirtan or hymns and the sermons about the life of Guru Arjan Dev, who Sikhs believe, was killed during Mughal Emperor Jahangir’s reign in Lahore.
Pakistan is home to several important Sikh holy sites, including the final resting place of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the 19th-century ruler of the Sikh Empire.   His death anniversary is also marked near the end of June.
Under a mutual agreement between India and Pakistan, Sikh pilgrims are allowed to attend these important anniversaries each year.  Last year, more than 400 pilgrims attended a special dedication ceremony in Lahore, which marked the 180th anniversary of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s death.  A statue of the Sikh ruler was unveiled at the Lahore Fort.
Concerns over safety and the fear of spreading the coronavirus have temporarily resulted in the suspension of the Sikh community’s pilgrimage to one of their holiest sites in Pakistan. In April, citing an uptick in Covid-19 cases, the Indian government closed the visa-free passage, known as the Kartarpur corridor, that allows members of the Sikh community to visit the shrine of Sikhism’s founder Guru Nanak.
Members of the Pakistan Sikh Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee are hopeful that the government will reopen the corridor and allow the community to visit the holy sites.
“We hope that with SOPs, Sikh pilgrims are allowed to visit the holy sites once again,” said Sardar Amir Singh, Secretary-General, Pakistan Sikh Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee.

Ealing road named after British General could be changed to the founder of Sikhism

Havelock Road in Southall could be renamed Guru Nanak Road

Havelock Road in Southall could be renamed Guru Nanak Road in a first step to recognise Ealing’s diverse communities in public spaces, Ealing council leader Julian Bell has said.
The road is named after Sir Henry Havelock, a British Army general who violently put down the First Indian War of Independence in 1857.
This helped lead to the establishment of the British Raj in India and so it's argued the name carries connotations of colonial domination and enslavement.
Guru Nanak was the founder of Sikhism and the first of the ten Sikh spiritual Gurus.
In a video message to residents, the borough’s chief said a review into public landmarks in Ealing will begin as he welcomed the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan’s plans to look at how public spaces in London represent the city in the present day.
The move comes as George Floyd protesters in the UK have been calling out controversial statues celebrating slave traders.
In Bristol, protesters pulled down a statue of slave trader and merchant Edward Colston, who donated his wealth to the city upon his death. His legacy still remains in streets and buildings.
Cllr Bell said: “Our diversity is our strength and we need to make sure that our public realm, our statues, our road names, our buildings, reflect our diversity and do not reflect a frozen past where colonialism, racism and the slave trade were present and celebrated.”
A consultation will be launched over changing Havelock Road to Guru Nanak Road, with the process to begin “very shortly”.
The road is home to Sri Guru Singh Sabha, Southall, which is the largest gurdwara outside of India according to its official website.
It was established in the 1950s.
Cllr Bell added: “Havelock Road is where the largest Sikh gurdwara in western Europe is cited and as part of its 550-year celebrations of the birth of Guru Nanak this year, we want to make this name change to Havelock Road to Guru Nanak Road.
“This will symbolise the huge contribution of our Sikh community in Ealing and also diversity as a borough, and also it will represent our unity as a borough too.”
Supporting the move, Ealing housing and planning chief Peter Mason said the decision to rename the road had unanimous support from Southall’s 15 councillors.