Tuesday, August 26, 2014

I an outraged !

Manjit Singh GK
President DSGMC

Victory: Veteran's father now permitted to wear turban when visiting son.

Last year, the George W. Hill Correctional Facility in Pennsylvania USA refused to allow an elderly Sikh gentleman to visit his son, a United States Military Veteran, without removing his turban. He had already successfully passed the security check, but was then asked by the guards to remove his turban for checking and to leave it outside. As a devout Sikh, he refused. In a desperate attempt to see his son, the father tried to compromise with the guard by lifting his turban so the guards could see there was no hidden contraband. Despite this, the guards insisted that it be completely removed and unraveled. Remaining true to his faith, he chose not to submit to further degradation and waited patiently outside as his wife visited their son.

Legal Action Taken

UNITED SIKHS legal team took immediate action to address this discriminatory act against their client. Ademand letter was sent to the correctional facilitydemanding the immediate remedy of religiously intolerant security protocolsbecause the requirements of the security protocol in place are in direct violation of the Religious Freedom Protection Act of Pennsylvania. Specifically, Section 4 of the Act states that an agency must enforce the least restrictive means of furthering the compelling governmental interest in assuring security is not breached.

We informed the facility of the need to come up with respectful means of screening the turban, since requesting a Sikh to remove is turban is not the least restrictive means of ensuring security. Alternative security procedures include: metal detectors, wands, and self-pat downs.Furthermore, the facility already makes religious accommodations for Muslim women.

UNITED SIKHS Staff Attorney, Manmeet Singh emphasized in the demand letter, "asking a Sikh man to not only remove his turban, but to leave it outside, is extremely offensive and completely against the Sikh religion. The turban is an important article of his faith that should never be removed outside of the home. Our client should not be forced to choose between remaining true to his faith and visiting with his son at the facility."

In response to the letter, UNITED SIKHS received a call from the correctional facility's counseland despite our requests for an accommodation, no resolution was reached for a respectful screening of the turban. On December 3, 2013, letters on this matterwere sent to other departments in Pennsylvania addressingourconcerns. A complaint was also filed with the Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division.


Since the past three months, the security guards areno longer askingthe father to remove his turban when he's visiting the facility.The facility has clearly, yet discretely, amended its security protocol to allow turbans for Sikh visitors.

Back in Nov.2005, UNITED SIKHS and the law firm of O'Melveny & Myers LPP filed a lawsuit in Federal Court to enforce a Sikh prisoner's right to practice his religion and to ensure that Sikh prisoners have the same rights as other prisoners. The plaintiff, 24-year-old Navdeep Singh, a devout Amritdhari Sikh, who started serving a 5-year prison sentence in January of that year, had been on a liquid diet since June 6, 2005 to protest the violations of his religious rights.The complaint, which was filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, challenged the practices of New York Department of Correctional Services' (DOCS) personnel as gross violations of Navdeep Singh's religious rights in prison.

As a Civil Rights Organization, UNITED SIKHS is dedicated to its advocacy efforts and is happy to report to the community that our commitment to this matter has led to a successful religious accommodation and favorable outcome for our client. We will continue in our advocacy efforts to obtain a clear written policy change, and stronger implementation of existing policy
If you are a target of a hate or bias based crime, please report it at 

Turbans are Dangerous ?

Turbans are Dangerous ?

2 Indian basketball players were asked to remove their turbans before an international game. Ask FIBA to change its rule on headgear.

This is a ridiculous international basketball rule. Join me in demanding a change.

We have 1 day before FIBA meets to decide this.  More people means more pressure on FIBA.

Sign this petition and forward it to your friends as well.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

The forgotten Sikh jewel !

The forgotten Sikh jewel
Taking advantage of the long Eid break last month, I along with a couple of friends decided to explore the ancient Dipalpur Fort about a couple of hours drive from Lahore.
On reaching Dipalpur, we started inquiring about the whereabouts of the Dipalpur
Fort and to our amazement no one had a clue as to what we were talking about — until a shopkeeper taking us for some ‘documentary-types’ directed us to a small village on Wasawaywala Road, by the name of Bhuman Shah.
After travelling on this scenic road, surrounded by potato and maize fields, for 15 minutes, we reached Bhuman Shah. To our surprise, it looked like a mini fort with a huge compound divided into residential quarters or haveli, a gurdwara or prayer area and a dharamshala or hostel for devotees. Presently, except for the gurdwara, local inhabitants are using all other buildings of the compound as residences with limited awareness for heritage conservation.
The haveli and some meditation rooms in the gurdwara appear to be built in late 18th century, however Samadhi and prayer hall appears to be newer constructions in comparison to the haveli.
The gurdwara and the two buildings are protected under the Anitquities Act 1974.
However, the only sign of the government possession of the gurdwara is a huge lock at the main gate — though both visitors as well as schoolboys can enter through one of the broken walls either to explore the amazing gurdwara or play cricket in the main prayer hall, depending on their interests.
The haveli or residential compound is an imposing structure with its own ancient wooden gate. The outer walls are now in dilapidated condition but have intricate carvings and frescos and beautiful arches all around. The walls covered with frescos show various scenes from the Sikh history as well as carved embellishments showing human faces, beasts as well as shapes depicting jinns.
The Queen before the King.
with thanks : tns.thenews : LINK : for detailed news.

Friday, August 22, 2014


Lord Ranbir Singh Suri


The House of Lords verification committee has added . Emphasizing the need for more diverse voices within the House, the Sikh Federation UK and Sikh Council UK have campaigned for the inclusion of a member from the Sikh community. While they were expected to celebrate the nomination of Lord Suri, who was hailed as a leading member of the Sikh community, instead they were met with widespread skepticism.
with thanks : worldreligionnews : LINK : for detailed news.

US Gurdwaras to launch campaign to improve Sikhs image

WASHINGTON: Amidst increasing incidents of hate crimes against Sikhs, Gurdwaras in the US have decided to launch an intensive national campaign running into USD 5 million to improve the image of the community in America.
Representatives from over 100 Gurdwaras in the US held a meeting here over the weekend to discuss the strategy, wherein a detailed presentation on this was made by Geoff Garin of Hart Research, who served as Hillary Clinton's former top political strategist, and Isaac Baker of AKPD Message and Media, President Barack Obama's media firm.
with thanks : Economic Times : LINK

Government Blocks Release of Film

Thursday, August 21, 2014

सीमा पर 45 साल से देश की रक्षा कर रही है हरभजन सिंह की आत्मा !

Soul of a soldier doing duty on border since 45 years

सिक्किम। देश के लिए जान न्यौछावर करने वाले सैनिकों के बारे में तो आपने सुना ही होगा, लेकिन क्या आपने कभी ऎसा भी सुना है कि एक सैनिक मरने के बाद भी पिछले 45 सालों से देश की सीमा पर तैनात है और बकायदा अपने सैनिकों की रक्षा कर रहा है। जी हां, ये बात सच्च है। पंजाब रेजिमेंट के जवान हरभजन सिंह की आत्मा पिछले 45 सालों से देश की सीमा की रक्षा कर रही है। सैनिकों का कहना है की हरभजन सिंह की आत्मा, चीन की तरफ से होने वाले खतरे के बारे में पहले से ही उन्हें बता देती है और यदि भारतीय सैनिकों को चीन के सैनिकों का कोई भी मूवमेंट पसंद नहीं आता है तो उसके बारे में वो चीन के सैनिकों को भी पहले ही बता देते है, ताकि बात ज्यादा नहीं बिगड़े और मिल जुल कर बातचीत से उसका हल निकाल लिया जाए। आप चाहे इस पर यकीं करे या ना करे पर खुद चीनी सैनिक भी इस पर विश्वास करते है इसलिए भारत और चीन के बीच होने वाली हर फ्लैग मीटिंग में हरभजन सिंह के नाम की एक खाली कुर्सी लगाईं जाती है ताकि वो मीटिंग अटेंड कर सके।

हरभजन सिंह का जन्म 30 अगस्त 1946 को, जिला गुजरावाला जो कि वर्तमान में पाकिस्तान में है, हुआ था। हरभजन सिंह 24वीं पंजाब रेजिमेंट के जवान थे, जो की 1966 में आर्मी में भारत हुए थे। पर मात्र 2 साल की नौकरी करके 1968 में, सिçक्कम में, एक दुर्घटना में मारे गए। दो दिन की तलाशी के बाद भी जब उनका शव नहीं मिला तो उन्होंने खुद अपने एक साथी सैनिक के सपने में आकर अपनी शव की जगह बताई। सवेरे सैनिकों ने बताई गई जगह से हरभजन का शव बरामद अंतिम संस्कार किया। हरभजन सिंह के इस चमत्कार के बाद साथी सैनिकों की उनमें आस्था बढ़ गई और उन्होंने उनके बंकर को एक मंदिर का रूप दे दिया। 

हालांकि जब बाद में उनके चमत्कार बढ़ने लगे और वो विशाल जन समूह की आस्था का केंद्र हो गए तो उनके लिए एक नए मंदिर का निर्माण किया गया जो की बाबा हरभजन सिंह मंदिर के नाम से जाना जाता है। यह मंदिर गंगटोक में जेलेप्ला दर्रे और नाथुला दर्रे के बीच, 13000 फीट की ऊंचाई पर स्तिथ है। पुराना बंकर वाला मंदिर इससे 1000 फीट ज्यादा ऊंचाई पर स्तिथ है। मंदिर के अंदर बाबा हरभजन सिंह की एक फोटो और उनका सामान रखा है।

बाबा हरभजन सिंह अपनी मृत्यु के बाद से लगातार ही अपनी ड्यूटी देते आ रहे है। इनके लिए उन्हें बाकायदा तनख्वाह भी दी जाती है, उनकी सेना में एक रेंक है, नियमानुसार उनका प्रमोशन भी किया जाता है। यहां तक की उन्हें कुछ साल पहले तक 2 महीने की छुट्टी पर गांव भी भेजा जाता था। इसके लिए ट्रैन में सीट रिजर्व की जाती थी, तीन सैनिकों के साथ उनका सारा सामान उनके गांव भेजा जाता था और दो महीने पूरे होने पर फिर वापस सिक्किम लाया जाता था। जिन दो महीने बाबा छुट्टी पर रहते थे उस दरमियान पूरा बॉर्डर हाई अलर्ट पर रहता था, क्योकि उस वक्त सैनिकों को बाबा की मदद नहीं मिल पाती थी, लेकिन बाबा का सिक्किम से जाना और वापस आना एक धार्मिक आयोजन का रूप लेता जा रहा था, जिसमें की बड़ी संख्या में जनता इकट्ठी होने लगी थी। 

कुछ लोगों इस आयोजन को अंधविश्वास को बढ़ावा देने वाला मानते थे इसलिए उन्होंने अदालत का दरवाजा खटखटाया क्योंकि सेना में किसी भी प्रकार के अंधविश्वास की मनाही होती है। लिहाजा सेना ने बाबा को छुट्टी पर भेजना बंद कर दिया। अब बाबा साल के बारह महीने ड्यूटी पर रहते है। मंदिर में बाबा का एक कमरा भी है, जिसमें प्रतिदिन सफाई करके बिस्तर लगाए जाते है। बाबा की सेना की वर्दी और जूते रखे जाते हैं। कहते है की रोज सफाई करने पर उनके जूतों में कीचड़ और चद्दर पर सलवटें पाई जाती हैं। - 

See more at: http://www.patrika.com/article/soul-of-a-soldier-doing-duty-on-border-since-45-years/48589#sthash.JrVjCc1l.dpuf

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Turban-wearing Sikhs riding motorbikes in Ontario must wear helmets

TORONTO -- Ontario won't allow turban-wearing Sikhs to ride a motorcycle without wearing a helmet, a decision the Canadian Sikh Association called "deeply" disappointing.
Premier Kathleen Wynne wrote to the organization last week, saying she had struggled with striking the right balance between public safety and religious accommodation.
"After careful deliberation, we have determined that we will not grant this type of exemption as it would pose a road safety risk," she wrote in the Aug. 14 letter.
"Ultimately, the safety of Ontarians is my utmost priority, and I cannot justify setting that concern aside on this issue."
The mandatory helmet law is based on extensive research that shows the high risk of injury and death for motorcyclists who ride without a helmet, she added. Mortality rates have gone down 30 per cent and head injury rates down 75 per cent in jurisdictions with such laws.
Courts have also found that Ontario's law doesn't infringe on the Charter of Rights and Freedoms or the Ontario Human Rights Code, she said.
The association has been a strong advocate for an exemption and presented "compelling arguments," Wynne wrote.

with thanks : ctvnews : link : for detailed news.

Sikhs in the American tapestry

Sikhism is not new to the United States, having been introduced here well over a century ago, and having now grown to an estimated 250,000 members, including many in New England. Still, many Americans still know little about the Sikh religion. 

Plans by the New England Sikh Study Circle to build a new, larger temple on Flanders Road in Westboro — replacing a smaller one they have used in Milford since 1991 — are an opportunity for all to learn more about one of the world's important monotheistic faiths, and celebrate the diverse and rich religious landscape of our nation. 

Sikhism was founded in the Punjab region of South Asia in the 15th century, and emphasizes the oneness of God and living life in truthfulness. 

with thanks : telegram : link : for detailed news.

Amritsar-Nankana Sahib bus passengers have narrow escape

Passengers travelling in Nankana Sahib-Amritsar bus had a narrow escape today after it got involved in a multi-vehicle collision, in which three policemen were injured. 

The five passengers travelling in the bus were safe, police said today. 

The accident took place at Amritsar-Loharka bypass, about 30-km away from Attari-Wagah border, when it was coming from Nankana Sahib in Lahore and heading towards Amritsar International Bus stand. 

According to police, the pilot vehicle which was moving ahead of the bus collided with an SUV, as a result of which the bus travelling behind, hit the pilot vehicle. Unable to control, the escort vehicle following the bus rammed into it. 

with thanks : Business standard : LINK : for detailed news.