CHANDIGARH: On Tuesday, the Punjab and Haryana high court is likely to pronounce the much-awaited verdict on the voting rights of Sehajdhari Sikhs in Shiromani Gurudwara Prabhandhak Committee (SGPC) polls. The verdict holds the possibility of affecting the fate of recently-held SGPC elections.
The case pertains to a petition filed by Sehajdhari Sikh Federation and two others challenging the October 8, 2003 Central notification which deprived Sehajdhari Sikhs of their voting rights in SGPC polls.
The petitioners had mainly challenged the Union government notification "whereby Sahjdhari Sikhs are not being considered as Sikhs in view of the impugned amended Section 49 and Section 92 of the Gurdwara Act".
The petitioners had submitted that the original Act declared Sahjdhari Sikhs as qualified electors for SGPC elections and the apex court had in numerous judgments held that the state cannot regulate the definition of religion.
with thanks : Times of India : link in the headline above for detailed news.