UNITED SIKHS and the Sikh Gurudwara of Charlotte continue to collaborate with federal law enforcement agencies across North and South Carolina to highlight challenges faced by the Sikh community. On April 14, 2011, Sikh community members hosted Assistant Attorney General Tom Perez from the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division (DOJ/ CRD), U.S. Attorney Anne Tompkins of the Western District of North Carolina, and other staff members from the DOJ for a discussion about the civil rights concerns of both the local and national Sikh community.
In light of the recent shooting and killing of two Sikh gentlemen in California -tragedies which are being investigated as hate crimes ,Assistant Attorney General Tom Perez indicated that his department was reviewing several hate crime incidents, land use, and discrimination cases and stated that, “Security concerns can be addressed while maintaining respect for liberties. We can and must do both.” He shared his own story of the importance of diversity in maintaining the fundamental values that make the U.S. an example for civil and human rights.
This visit to the Charlotte Gurudwara is testimony to the diligence with which the North Carolina community has reached out to lawmakers and government agencies in bringing attention to Sikh American civil rights concerns
Assistant Attorney General Tom Perez with Sikh community members outside of the GurdwaraSikh delegation with Department of Justice staffPushpinder Singh Addressing the SangatU.S. Attorney Anne TompkinsDr. Surendrapal Singh, President of the Sikh Gurdwara of Charlotte said, “
Although the Sikh faith is based on principals of equality and freedom more than 500 years ago, the very same Sikhs are facing issues related to civil rights in the 21st century"
Pushpinder Singh,UNITED SIKHS ICHRA,Coordinator for North Carolina said,“Civil Rights are the cornerstone of all modern nations".He highlighted several civil rights challenges faced by the Sikh community including:racial/religious profiling at airports, school bullying, workplace discrimination, and hate crimes.The collaboration between UNITED SIKHS and the DOJ to address many of these issues is highly appreciable as it would further helps in opening interdisciplinary dialogue to foster & facilitate relationships between government agencies and local Sikh communities.
This will certainly make a difference for Sikh community members across the Carolinas as well as across the nation.
Dr.Gurdeep KaurAssociate Professor
Department of Political Science
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa College
University of Delhi
Dev Nagar
New Delhi-110005
With thanks:UNITED SIKHS,JAF POB 7203, New York,NY 10116