Some members of the Sikh community have accused the administrator of the second most important Sikh shrine in the world, the Nanded Takht (Sri Hajur Sahib), of financial irregularities and nepotism in the last seven years. PS Pasricha, the administrator, who is a former director general of Maharashtra Police , is alleged to have sold properties owned by the Nanded Takht at much lower prices.
Pasricha was made sole in-charge of the Takth board after the government dissolved a 15-member state-appointed board, of which he was chairman, in 2009.
Sher Singh Fauzi, former chairman of the Takht managing board and general secretary of the Nanded unit of the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP), alleged that Pasricha sold a board property in 2006 in Sion Koliwada for Rs45 lakh when the market price was Rs2.5 crore.
“Pasricha sold a vacant plot in Deglur town for Rs2 lakh against the market price of Rs25 lakh. A one-acre plot in Nanded was sold at Rs1 crore though it commanded a price tag of Rs25 crore.”
with thanks : Hindustan Times : link above for detailed news.