AMRITSAR: Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) on Friday announced a compensation of Rs 2 lakh each to the family members of the victims of the Hondh Chillar incident that saw 32 innocent Sikhs massacred on November 2, 1984.While the killers have not yet been identified, Haryana government had compensated them in 2006.The SGPC also announced to raise a memorial at the pogrom site in Rewari district of Haryana after the "bhog" of "Akhand path" in the memory of the victims.
Sikh's prominent seminary Damdami Taksal president Harnam Singh Khalsa has demanded that an all-party delegation should visit the site. Addressing the gathering, Jathedar of Akal Takht Giani Gurbachan Singh said that efforts should be initiated to free the Sikh's languishing in jails for a long time. He said, "Traditional arms are required to protect oneself and others and not the television."
He honoured relatives of the victims: Inder Singh, Balwant Singh, Harnam Singh, Parap Singh, Savan Singh, Uttam Singh, Prem Singh, Chattar Singh, Kesar Singh and Ranjit Singh – with siropas. SGPC president Avtar Singh Makkar said that the carnage of 32 Sikhs was adeliberate act of brutality.
Sikh's prominent seminary Damdami Taksal president Harnam Singh Khalsa has demanded that an all-party delegation should visit the site. Addressing the gathering, Jathedar of Akal Takht Giani Gurbachan Singh said that efforts should be initiated to free the Sikh's languishing in jails for a long time. He said, "Traditional arms are required to protect oneself and others and not the television."
He honoured relatives of the victims: Inder Singh, Balwant Singh, Harnam Singh, Parap Singh, Savan Singh, Uttam Singh, Prem Singh, Chattar Singh, Kesar Singh and Ranjit Singh – with siropas. SGPC president Avtar Singh Makkar said that the carnage of 32 Sikhs was adeliberate act of brutality.
with thanks : TOI : link above for detailed news.