After years of working with the RWA's, On 1st January, 2010, B S Vohra had launched RWA Bhagidari blog with the sole aim of making it a Common Platform for the RWA community so that they could interact amongst themselves to share the local civic problems, regularly faced by the residents & RWAs of respective areas. After a gap of twelve months, the blog has thousands of worldwide hits, over a thousand of postings & a good number of RWAs as its members as well readers.
In this period, B S Vohra received twice the Appreciation letters from the Delhi CM. He & the blog ( ) was covered regularly by many prominent TV Channels as well almost all of the prominent News Papers in English & Hindi.
The blog is also visible on
Facebook, Twitter as well
On 15th August B S Vohra launched the RWA web portal ( ), which included a Directory of RWAs of Delhi East as well many more features.
In order the further strengthen the bond of RWA cooperation, he decided to launch the EAST DELHI RWAs JOINT FRONT. A good number of RWAs showed great interest in this Joint Front & willingness to join it. As per B S Vohra, “ I intended to raise the issues of RWAs directly with the Authorities, in addition to uploading on the RWABhagidari blog.” A good number of RWAs of Delhi East have already joined this Joint Front which is on the stages of Registration in the very first week of January, 2011.
B S Vohra says, “ we are thankful to all those, who joined us in our endeavour to raise the common civic issues of the residents.”
“ We are sure, even this Joint Front will be a great success as the cream of the RWA community from Delhi East has already joined us,” says Vohra while wishing a very happy new year to one & all.