with thanks : dailyindia : link in headline above for detailed news.
SikhsIndia - Online Sikh News Channel : A wake up call for the Sikh Community with Sikh news, views, images, videos for the sikhs around the world. Links are being provided at the bottom of each news item with sole aim to generate awareness on SIKH ISSUES.
“When I heard Dean talk about how there were specific planned giving instruments that could not only help me solve some financial issues in my life right now but also could simultaneously create an irrevocable planned gift to do good, to further Madonna's vision, I was all for it,” Uppal said. “These types of charitable solutions had never been presented to me before.” After discussing various options with Adkins, Uppal recently recorded a multi-million dollar intention with the University in the form of a deferred gift.
Uppal teaches and believes that religion should be a unifying concept, not a point of division. Founded in Punjab in the 15th century, Sikhism is a monotheistic religion that, today, ranks as the fifth largest religion in the world, with some 20 million followers.
With thanks : Hindustan Times : Link in headline above.
Sikhs and Hindus are tiny and embattled communities in Pakistan. As small, non-Muslim populations, especially in the volatile, religiously conservative northwest, they were easy prey for the Taliban. That's why the population of Jogan Shah has spiked in recent years. Sikhs like Darsha Singh, displaced from his village of Orakzai in the war-ravaged tribal territories further northwest, have sought refuge with their co-religionists in Peshawar, which now hosts some 500 families, the largest Sikh population in Pakistan.
With thanks : Time.com : link in headline above for DETAILED REPORT.The UK Sangat, an association of Sikh followers, has started a national campaign to stop what it says is the violation of the basic principles of Sikhism.
Some Sikhs have protested, stopping one gurdwara in Edinburgh and one in Essex from going against the teachings.
UK Sangat said there were at least another 15 temples in Britain flouting the rules, which they planned to approach.
The Sikh religion forbids the use of alcohol and other intoxicants.
Sikhs are also not allowed eat meat - the principle is to keep the body pure.
All gurdwaras are supposed to follow the Sikh code, known as the Akal Takht Sandesh, which comes from the highest Sikh authority in India.
The detailed news can be viewed with thanks to BBC News : link in headline above.
SikhsIndia - spreading awareness.