Sikh boy’s refusal to cut hair costs him his job
Rakesh Lohumi
Tribune News Service
Shimla, August 30
Discrimination on religious ground has brought the dream of 24-year-old Harshdeep Singh Anand, a local Sikh boy, to find a lucrative job abroad to an abrupt end. He has been virtually stranded for the past three weeks at Abu Dhabi without any money, waiting to return home.
His joy knew no bounds when he was selected for the post of Chief-de-Partie by the Armed Forces Officers Club and Hotel, Abu Dhabi, after a walk-in interview held in New Delhi. However, he had no inkling of what was in store for him when he boarded the plane on July 29 to take up the new job in the oil-rich land. Everything seemed fine as he took up the assignment and started performing his duties. His ordeal started when after a week the director of operations Salah told him firmly that “if you want to continue in the job, you have to cut your hair and become clean-shaven.” He expressed his inability to do so and tried to explain to him that it was against his religion to cut hair. Salah did not relent and asked him to resign from the job forthwith.
Harshdeep drew his attention to the fact that no such condition had been mentioned in his appointment letter and it was known that he was a Sikh with long hair as he was selected for the job after an interview. He was a graduate in hotel management and hospitality on the basis of which he was selected. His plea did not cut ice with Salah who insisted that he should resign.
However, he refused to quit as he was not at fault and had no reason to do so. He flatly told Salah that he would have to terminate his services if he did not want him; he would not oblige him by resigning. Salah lost no time in sacking him. He was asked not to enter the hotel.
His father Paramjit Singh had been running from pillar to post to get justice for his son. He has sent representations to the Indian High Commissioner at Abu Dhabi, the National Human Rights Commission and other organisations. He has also taken up the matter with Sikh religious bodies including the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee, Amritsar, and the Delhi Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee and urged them to take up the matter at the highest level as other Sikhs also faced the same problem.
Meanwhile, the executive committee of the local Sri Guru Singh Sabha has passed a resolution condemning the action of the Armed Forces Officers Club in sacking Harshdeep and urged the Government of India to ensure that employment conditions which led to discrimination against Sikhs were scrapped. The State Sikh Welfare Council has also sent a representation to the President of India in this regard asking her to ensure justice to the boy.
with thanks : source :
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Delegation from the Interdisciplinary Centre for the Study of Religion & Worldview, K.U.Leuven, Belgium
Delegation from the Interdisciplinary Centre for the Study of Religion & Worldview, K.U.Leuven, Belgium was in India for almost 30 days. It stayed at Gurdwara Rakab Ganj sahib for 3 days and is there on the last day of the trip - today. Earlier they visited Golden Temple Amritsar.
We appreciate the efforts of Sardar Tarjeet Singh ji Nagi, Member DSGMC as well Dr. Gurdeep Kaur, Reader in Delhi University, for arranging everything at New Delhi.
SikhsIndia - A Sikh web portal - A Sikh Blog
Laleman Tine - Ardaas at Gurdwara Rakab Ganj Sahib, New Delhi
The Belgiun delegation reached at Gurdwara Rakab Ganj Sahib, New Delhi and a prayer was held in the memory of Lileman Tine, who expired in Leh on 27th August. The Ambassador of Belgium was present in the Ardas. All the students as well the leading professor looked pale, sad and tired. It was a pleasent trip of 30 days, but turned into a worst experience on the last days of the trip, which will never be out of mind of these students. We pray to the Waheguru to give strength to the family of Laleman Tine, to bear this precious loss of life.
Belgian Ambassador at Gurdwara Rakab Ganj sahib, New Delhi
Laleman Tine, bachelor student of Theology and Religious Studies.
De sporen van je leven
Kan ik lezen
In zoveel dingen om ons heen.
Je bent gedroomd
Er echt geweest
Nu dragen wij je
In gedachten mee
Van hier naar daar
En over de tijd heen.
Je was er ooit.
Je bent er nog steeds.
Dag kind
Uit ons leven
Vaak ver weg
Vaak dichtbij
Wij spreken nog je naam
Wij dromen nog je dromen
Wie het niet kan horen
Tonen we zoveel dingen
Rondom ons
Jouw sporen zie je goed.
Dag kind
Zo spreekt de Heer.
Al gaat het nog zo diep,
dit lijden zal ik keren.
Ik hoorde toen je roep.
Vrees niet.
Ik maak je vrij.
Ik zal je niet beschamen, mijn kind, je bent bij Mij.
Ik riep je toch bij je naam.
The traces of your life
Can I read
In so many things around us.
You're dreaming
There really was
Now we carry you
Them in mind
From here to there
And over time.
You were there once.
You're still there.
Child Day
From our life
Often far away
Often close
We still speak your name
We still dream your dreams
Who can not hear
We show so much
Around Us
Your tracks see you well.
Child Day
Thus says the Lord.
Everything is still so deep,
I will turn this suffering.
I heard when you call.
Fear not.
I make Fri
I will not disappoint you, my child, you're with me.
I called you by name anyway.
Source :
Kan ik lezen
In zoveel dingen om ons heen.
Je bent gedroomd
Er echt geweest
Nu dragen wij je
In gedachten mee
Van hier naar daar
En over de tijd heen.
Je was er ooit.
Je bent er nog steeds.
Dag kind
Uit ons leven
Vaak ver weg
Vaak dichtbij
Wij spreken nog je naam
Wij dromen nog je dromen
Wie het niet kan horen
Tonen we zoveel dingen
Rondom ons
Jouw sporen zie je goed.
Dag kind
Zo spreekt de Heer.
Al gaat het nog zo diep,
dit lijden zal ik keren.
Ik hoorde toen je roep.
Vrees niet.
Ik maak je vrij.
Ik zal je niet beschamen, mijn kind, je bent bij Mij.
Ik riep je toch bij je naam.
The traces of your life
Can I read
In so many things around us.
You're dreaming
There really was
Now we carry you
Them in mind
From here to there
And over time.
You were there once.
You're still there.
Child Day
From our life
Often far away
Often close
We still speak your name
We still dream your dreams
Who can not hear
We show so much
Around Us
Your tracks see you well.
Child Day
Thus says the Lord.
Everything is still so deep,
I will turn this suffering.
I heard when you call.
Fear not.
I make Fri
I will not disappoint you, my child, you're with me.
I called you by name anyway.
Source :
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Life-sentence for 3 in anti-Sikh riot case
Life-sentence for 3 in anti-Sikh riot case
NEW DELHI, August 29, 2009
A trial court here on Saturday sentenced three to life imprisonment, holding them guilty of making attempts to murder three members of a Sikh family during the anti-Sikh riots at Shastri Nagar in North Delhi in 1984.
Riots had broken out in the Capital in the wake of the assassination of the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
Additional Sessions Judge Surinder Singh Rathi awarded life imprisonment to the three, Mangal Sen alias Billa, Brij Mohan Verma and Bhagat Singh, holding them guilty of offences of attempt to murder, rioting and dacoity.
The court had held them guilty on August 22.
While sentencing the three accused, the Judge passed severe strictures against the Delhi police and the State machinery for their role during the riots in the Capital. “Even though we boast of being the world’s largest democracy and Delhi being its national capital, the sheer mention of the incidents of the 1984 anti-Sikh riots in general and the role played by the Delhi police and State machinery in particular makes our heads hang in shame in the eyes of the world polity,’’ the Judge observed.
“It is evident that our society is becoming more and more intolerant towards one another, and this dangerous trend is acquiring dangerous proportions,’’ the Judge further stated.
The Judge expressed particular uneasiness over the fact that the convicts who had looted the victims and burnt their house were not strangers to them (victims) but were their next door neighbours.
In the instant case, Joginder Singh and his two sons, Jagmohan Singh and Gurvinder Singh were seriously injured while their house was burnt down by a mob, led by the three accused on November 1, 1984.
with thanks : source :
SikhsIndia - A sikh web portal - A sikh blog
NEW DELHI, August 29, 2009
A trial court here on Saturday sentenced three to life imprisonment, holding them guilty of making attempts to murder three members of a Sikh family during the anti-Sikh riots at Shastri Nagar in North Delhi in 1984.
Riots had broken out in the Capital in the wake of the assassination of the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
Additional Sessions Judge Surinder Singh Rathi awarded life imprisonment to the three, Mangal Sen alias Billa, Brij Mohan Verma and Bhagat Singh, holding them guilty of offences of attempt to murder, rioting and dacoity.
The court had held them guilty on August 22.
While sentencing the three accused, the Judge passed severe strictures against the Delhi police and the State machinery for their role during the riots in the Capital. “Even though we boast of being the world’s largest democracy and Delhi being its national capital, the sheer mention of the incidents of the 1984 anti-Sikh riots in general and the role played by the Delhi police and State machinery in particular makes our heads hang in shame in the eyes of the world polity,’’ the Judge observed.
“It is evident that our society is becoming more and more intolerant towards one another, and this dangerous trend is acquiring dangerous proportions,’’ the Judge further stated.
The Judge expressed particular uneasiness over the fact that the convicts who had looted the victims and burnt their house were not strangers to them (victims) but were their next door neighbours.
In the instant case, Joginder Singh and his two sons, Jagmohan Singh and Gurvinder Singh were seriously injured while their house was burnt down by a mob, led by the three accused on November 1, 1984.
with thanks : source :
SikhsIndia - A sikh web portal - A sikh blog
Governing body formed for University at Nankana Sahib

Governing body formed for University at Nankana Sahib
Published on Friday, August 28, 2009 by Azaad
Nankana Sahib, Pakistan: Efforts of Sikhs from all over the world have yielded a positive outcome with decks being cleared for the establishment of proposed world-class Baba Guru Nanak International University at Nankana Sahib in Pakistan. The government of that country has formed a governing body for the supervision and management of the project.
The university is being set up at the birth place of Guru Nanak Dev to perpetuate his memory and impart education about Sikhism, Sikh rituals and Sikh culture not only to Pakistan-based Sikh students, but also to Sikh students from rest of the world. The project is likely to be inaugurated in November, said USA-based Dr Pritpal Singh, who has been made a member of the governing board.
The demand for the university had gained momentum in 2006-07 when a number of Sikh leaders from across the world met then Pakistan Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz and prevailed upon him to initiate the project. SGPC chief Avtar Singh is said to have pleaded for setting up the university at that time.
Though the Evacuee Trust Property Board of Pakistan has nominated the president of the Pakistan Sikh Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (PSGPC) as member of the government body, the name of Avtar Singh has not found its way into the list.
The orders issued by the board project director, Col Azhar Ul Haq Adeeb (retd), on August 26 said the chairman of the Evacuee Trust would also be the chairman of the governing committee. Other members of the governing board included Mian Imran Masood (executive director), Zafer Saeed Padhiar, a member of Pakistan’s National Assembly, Rai Shah Jehan Bhatti, president of the PSGPC, Dr Pritpal Singh from California, US, Manmohan Singh Khalsa from the UK, Azhar Ehsaan Advocate, Faqir Syed Saif Uddin, Sardar Sham Singh, Sardar Bishan Singh, and Sardar Mastaan Singh.
“The university is being set up on 2,500 acres being provided by the Pakistan government at Nankana Sahib. The Gurmat Sangeet faculty is being set up at the proposed university and its entire expences will be borne by the American Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee. The university will be set up on the lines of Oxford or Cambridge universities,” said Dr Pritpal Singh, President of the AGPC.
With thanks : source :
SikhsIndia - A sikh web portal - A sikh blog
World Sikh foundation to open a Sikh university in Himachal
World Sikh foundation to open a Sikh university in Himachal
Aug 28th, 2009 | By Shalender Kalra
Nahan: World Sikh foundation has decided to open a Sikh university of international standards at Paonta sahib in Himachal. For the purpose the foundation have constituted a committee for identifying the land. Interacting with media persons at Paonta sahib today the chairman of the foundation Prof Jaswant Singh Mann said that GURU GOVIND SINGH JI had spent four and half years at Paonta sahib during the time he tried the expansion of education at this town. He also informed the media persons that around 500 corers would be spent on the opening of the university in different levels. Chairman of the foundation also said that the informal dialogue was already being done with the chief Minister Prof prem Kumar Dhumal on the project. He added that the similar university would also be opened in Srinagar of Jand K.
Prof Mann said that the land was already identified in Srinagar. He said that before July 2010 the first phase of the Sikh university would be completed. He also urged the local people to support the project in the welfare of the society. He also announced the members of the committee for identifying the land.
with thanks : source :
SikhsIndia - A sikh web portal - A sikh blog
Aug 28th, 2009 | By Shalender Kalra
Nahan: World Sikh foundation has decided to open a Sikh university of international standards at Paonta sahib in Himachal. For the purpose the foundation have constituted a committee for identifying the land. Interacting with media persons at Paonta sahib today the chairman of the foundation Prof Jaswant Singh Mann said that GURU GOVIND SINGH JI had spent four and half years at Paonta sahib during the time he tried the expansion of education at this town. He also informed the media persons that around 500 corers would be spent on the opening of the university in different levels. Chairman of the foundation also said that the informal dialogue was already being done with the chief Minister Prof prem Kumar Dhumal on the project. He added that the similar university would also be opened in Srinagar of Jand K.
Prof Mann said that the land was already identified in Srinagar. He said that before July 2010 the first phase of the Sikh university would be completed. He also urged the local people to support the project in the welfare of the society. He also announced the members of the committee for identifying the land.
with thanks : source :
SikhsIndia - A sikh web portal - A sikh blog
Friday, August 28, 2009
Let turban wearing Sikhs join US military: Lawmakers
Let turban wearing Sikhs join US military: Lawmakers
IANS 28 August 2009, 01:08pm IST
NEW YORK: Forty-one members of the US House of Representatives have written to defense secretary Robert Gates to permit Sikhs wearing their
religious symbols to join the military.
Sikh organisations have been lobbying with US lawmakers after the refusal by the army to let two Sikhs with turbans join active duty a few months ago.
Captain Kamaljit Singh Kalsi, a doctor, and Second Lieutenant Tejdeep Singh Rattan, a dentist, were told to remove their turbans by the military when they were about to enter active duty after completing their preliminary programme.
In their letter to Gates, the lawmakers say: "We do not believe that any American should have to choose between his religion and service to our country, and urge you to take all necessary steps to ensure that these two officers - and other Sikhs that may wish to serve - are able to maintain their articles of faith.
"Including Sikh Americans will enrich the military's understanding of diverse cultures, languages, and religions, thereby allowing us to fully appreciate not only the rich fabric of our own country but also the lands where we send our soldiers into harm's way."
Citing the example of Canada, Sweden and other countries where Sikhs are allowed to wear their symbols in the armed forces, Sikh organisations led by Sikh Coalition have urged Secretary Gates to end this discrimination by the US army.
The coalition said they will continue their 'Sikh right to serve' campaign till the US military changes its "exclusionary policy" against Sikhs.
with thanks : source :
SikhsIndia - A sikh web portal - A sikh blog
IANS 28 August 2009, 01:08pm IST
NEW YORK: Forty-one members of the US House of Representatives have written to defense secretary Robert Gates to permit Sikhs wearing their
religious symbols to join the military.
Sikh organisations have been lobbying with US lawmakers after the refusal by the army to let two Sikhs with turbans join active duty a few months ago.
Captain Kamaljit Singh Kalsi, a doctor, and Second Lieutenant Tejdeep Singh Rattan, a dentist, were told to remove their turbans by the military when they were about to enter active duty after completing their preliminary programme.
In their letter to Gates, the lawmakers say: "We do not believe that any American should have to choose between his religion and service to our country, and urge you to take all necessary steps to ensure that these two officers - and other Sikhs that may wish to serve - are able to maintain their articles of faith.
"Including Sikh Americans will enrich the military's understanding of diverse cultures, languages, and religions, thereby allowing us to fully appreciate not only the rich fabric of our own country but also the lands where we send our soldiers into harm's way."
Citing the example of Canada, Sweden and other countries where Sikhs are allowed to wear their symbols in the armed forces, Sikh organisations led by Sikh Coalition have urged Secretary Gates to end this discrimination by the US army.
The coalition said they will continue their 'Sikh right to serve' campaign till the US military changes its "exclusionary policy" against Sikhs.
with thanks : source :
SikhsIndia - A sikh web portal - A sikh blog
Sad demise - a girl student from Belgium expired
We are very sorry to inform you that Laleman Tine, bachelor student of Theology and Religious Studies of the Delegation from the Interdisciplinary Centre for the Study of Religion & Worldview, K.U.Leuven, Belgium, Expired in Leh on 27th August.
The delegation was in Gurdwara Rakab ganj sahib for 3 days, earlier in this month for studying Sikhism. The delegation will be in Delhi on Sunday, on the last day of the trip as they have to catch the late night flight. For more details please contact Dr.Gurdeep kaur - Cell number 9811317078
Thursday, August 27, 2009
His beard is taller than you

His beard is taller than you
August 26, 2009 04:38:00 PM
By Ashley Gebb/Appeal-Democrat
At 7 feet, 8-plus inches, Sarwan Singh's beard is quite a sight to behold.
But any emotions the Sikh man holds about the hairs flowing from his face are of gratitude and respect rather than pride. Singh credits God for blessing him with such lengthy wisps, and in accordance with his religion, has not disfigured his body by cutting them.
"God has given a beard to everybody, but he has given him a special gift," said Yuba city resident Sukhcharan Singh.
Sarwan Singh, 43, lives in Surrey, Canada, but has spent the last three weeks at the Gurdwara Sahib on South George Washington Boulevard in Yuba City. Sukhcharan Singh is videotaping the religion and music teacher while he reads the holy scriptures of the Guru Granth Sahib aloud in Punjabi.
The tapes will create a recording for other Sikhs who may not have access or time to practice themselves. To read the Guru Granth Sahib in its entirety would take 80 hours, so the men have broken it down into 2 1/2 hour chunks.
Twice daily, Sarwan Singh prepares for the recording session with a cup of tea to warm his vocal cords, taking care to keep his beard clean while doing so.
It was not until about 10 years ago, when he moved from India to Canada, that Singh realized a knee-length beard was a bit of an oddity. His friends finally urged him to contact Guinness World Records.
The record-keepers measured Singh's strands at 7 feet, 8 inches in November. The previous record was held by Shamsher Singh of Punjab, India, whose beard measured 6 feet long in 1997. The men do not know one another.
Sarwan Singh's recorded length is from chin to tip, but his longest hair sprouts from just above the throat. The beard has since grown a few more inches.
"He might beat his own record!" Sukhcharan Singh said with a laugh.
Previous record-holders, before Guinness changed its standards, boasted beard lengths in the double digits, but bottom hairs were not actually attached and instead clung to matted knots.
A bright white smile peeks out amid Singh's bushy black, silver and gray strands that start around his jaw. The number of hairs gradually dwindle as they near his feet, tapering off at less than 10 wisps for the bottom few inches.
He estimates he spends about half an hour a day shampooing, conditioning and supplementing the hair with natural oils to keep it silky smooth. Speaking through Sukhcharan Singh as translator, he said he occasionally brushes the beard to keep it free from tangling.
Despite all the care and maintenance they demand, Sarwan Singh treats his hairs with patience.
As he talks, reads or simply stands, he gently fingers the tips of silver, gray and black wisps or drapes them over his hands. When a clean surface is available, Singh allows the strands to coil onto the floor; otherwise he wraps the beard into a loose knot below his chin.
The hair on his head, hidden by the traditional Sikh wrap, grows at a normal rate and length, he said.
Singh urges Sikh children to take pride in their religion and be proud to grow their hair. If he can take care of an almost-8-foot-long beard, they can respect God and their bodies, he said.
The beard is somewhat of a fascination among children.
During Singh's first days in Yuba City, Sikh youngsters were clambering around him, eager for photo opportunities. He stood atop an upturned milk crate so his beard could flow nearly all the way to the ground, although never touching the actual floor or dirt.
Every aspect of living with his world-record beard is in honor of and respectful of his religion and his creator, Singh said.
"We have to live this way, with whatever he has given us," he said.
Contact Appeal-Democrat reporter Ashley Gebb at 749-4724 or
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SikhsIndia - A sikh web portal - A sikh blog
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