Thursday, July 16, 2020

Gurinder Singh Mann's Book :The British & The Sikhs – Discovery, Warfare & Friendship C1700-1900

                              Gurinder Singh Mann

Gurinder Singh Mann is a Punjabi historian and the author of multiple books on Sikh culture.  Currently he has been working diligently on Sikh Museum Initiative as its Director and researched on numerous Sikhs relics and artifacts in UK.

Recently Helion & Company have released Mann’s third book, The British and the Sikh Discovery, Warfare and Friendship c1700-1900. Unlike other books on British & Sikhs which either deal with the Sikhs participations in World Wars or Sikh contribution in Indian freedom struggle against British, this book focuses on the period prior to these developments. Both became regional powers in Indian sub-continent after the collapse of the Mughal Empire and eventually clashed when the Sikhs kingdom remained the only independent entity neighbouring to India held by British East India Company.
The beauty of the book is that it will appeal both a casual reader and serious student of history. The chapters are well referenced but are not overly onerous in vocabulary and style to discourage non-academic readers. The appendices on various treaties signed and important letters during this period are a useful addition.
Book is highly recommended and is available in UK & rest of the Europe on Helicon Website.

Dr.Gurdeep Kaur
Associate Professor
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa College
University of Delhi 

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