Thursday, July 9, 2020

Sikhs United To Help :An Article Covered By Wyndham Star Weekly

Volunteers from the Australian chapter of United Sikhs preparing free meals for Wyndham residents.

Volunteers from the Australian chapter of United Sikhs are providing hundreds of hot meals to Wyndham residents, who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, every week.
Since May 23, the volunteers have been preparing and distributing meals at Jamieson Way Community Centre in Point Cook, Wyndham Park Kindergarten, the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency and Wungurril Dhurrung Community Centre in Wyndham Vale.
The volunteers have also been giving out 35 bags of groceries every week.
The United Sikhs Australian director, Gurvinder Singh, said the project was officially titled Guru Nanak’s Free Community Kitchen and Food Pantry in Australia.
Mr Singh said the Wyndham residents who have received the free meals and groceries have shown the “deepest gratitude”.
“We saw people overwhelmed with joy and tears in their eyes when they were provided with food and milk for their hungry children,” he said.
“They were amazed to see how one could come forward to help someone, who belongs to an entirely different religion or belief.”

The project coordinator Amritvir Singh said that the pandemic has had an “astounding” impact upon families in Wyndham.
“Many people are now without jobs and have a lot of uncertainties of what the future may hold for them, so by having a few hot meals and essential groceries provided, it reduces some of the pressure placed on individuals and families,” he said.

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