During the end of sixteen century ,Guru Gobind Singh(tenth sikh Guru),became a unique embodiment of the principal of Miri & Piri.In his literary works, wherein,the Guru spoke of the need for spiritual elevation of his disciples ,he also exhorted them to become warriors always ready to die fighting for the just cause.The Guru was sure that temporal power was essential to protect the dharma & to put an end to the evil doers.Therefore,establishing the way of dharma,signifies Piri and the desire to destroy the evil, signifies the Miri aspect of his personality & mission.
In the founding of the khalsa Panth in 1699, with the clear objective of fighting against injustice & oppression of Muslim Tyranny,he invoked the spirit of Miri-Piri in Sikhs.He built four fortress ,Anandgarh,Lohgarh,Keshgarh and Holgarh at Anandpur.He organised the Khalsa army and himself assumed the command of it.
He laid down the Rahit- the code of conduct – of the five symbols for the khalsa .Each symbol is related either to Miri or Piri, Shakti or Bhakti. Kesh (unshorn hair) stand for Piri,it is an ancient symbol of Rishis(God men). Kangha (comb) is also a symbol of Piri as cleanliness is next to God. Kachh(underwear) is also a symbol of Piri,of self –restraint or moderation in sex, Kara(iron bangle) is a symbol of Miri,of the iron will ,the steel which will crush the enemies of the good.Kirpan(sword),an obvious symbol of Miri, stands for fearlessness and the enthusiasm for holy war—dharam yudh.
He laid down the Rahit- the code of conduct – of the five symbols for the khalsa .Each symbol is related either to Miri or Piri, Shakti or Bhakti. Kesh (unshorn hair) stand for Piri,it is an ancient symbol of Rishis(God men). Kangha (comb) is also a symbol of Piri as cleanliness is next to God. Kachh(underwear) is also a symbol of Piri,of self –restraint or moderation in sex, Kara(iron bangle) is a symbol of Miri,of the iron will ,the steel which will crush the enemies of the good.Kirpan(sword),an obvious symbol of Miri, stands for fearlessness and the enthusiasm for holy war—dharam yudh.
Guru Gobind singh ideal of Dharam-yudh was neither vitiated by any ambition or desire to create a theocratic state or kingdom for himself ,nor did he commit any aggression or begin a fight for personal glory.He denounced the tendencies of those who worshipped and treated him as an incarnation of God.In Bachitar Natak,he says:
Whoever calls me the supreme Being
Shall suffer in hell,
Recognise me as God’s servant only;
Have no doubt whatever about this.
He laid down the twin-ideal of Degh(free kitchen) & Tegh (sword) for the Khalsa which also represents the Sikh ideal of Miri & Piri.
The Guru preached that in order to safeguard their spiritual and temporal rights, the people should not be fatalist and should be self confident.In Krishan Avtar.he says:
No people can have self-rule as a gift from another.It is to be seized through their own strength.
The concept of Sant-Sipahi (saint-soldier),which is a corollary of the ideal of Miri-Piri,is elaborated by Guru Gobind singh ,in Krishna Avtar, in the following words:
The Guru preached that in order to safeguard their spiritual and temporal rights, the people should not be fatalist and should be self confident.In Krishan Avtar.he says:
No people can have self-rule as a gift from another.It is to be seized through their own strength.
The concept of Sant-Sipahi (saint-soldier),which is a corollary of the ideal of Miri-Piri,is elaborated by Guru Gobind singh ,in Krishna Avtar, in the following words:
Blesssed are they in this world ,who repeat God’s name with their lips and think of a war in their heart’.
Another important characteristic of Miri is the sword which holds a place of honour in the tenth Guru’s life and philosophy.However,its use was restricted to times of emergency and to the purpose of defence and not of offence.
Another important characteristic of Miri is the sword which holds a place of honour in the tenth Guru’s life and philosophy.However,its use was restricted to times of emergency and to the purpose of defence and not of offence.
The process of institutionalisation of the temporal power reached its culmination when before his death he bestowed the spiritual sovereignty(Guruship) on the Adi Granth on the one hand & invested the Panth with the temporal sovereignty on the other,thus,transforming it into khalsa Panth.Contrary to Divine Rights theory,Guru Gobind Singh acknowledges the democratic springs of the temporal power,including the state authority.This is how he corresponds to the correlation of Miri & Piri.
Dr. Gurdeep Kaur
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