Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Hardev Singh Dhanaua has been appointed as Senior Vice President of Akali Dal Delhi Unit

New Delhi: August 5: Hardev Singh Dhanaua  has been appointed senior vice president of Akali Dal Delhi unit

Dhanaua,a former member of the Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee, has been appointed as senior vice president in  Delhi unit of the Shiromani Akali Dal. 

The appointment letter was handed over to him by Harmeet Singh Kalka, President of Delhi unit of the party and General secretary of the Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee. BB Ranjit Kaur, president of Stree Akali Dal Delhi unit, Vikram Singh Rohini, general secretary and committee member of the party, Jasmen Singh Noni were also present on the occasion.

Hardev Singh Dhanaua has a good command on transporters and while being a member of Delhi Committee and Chairman of Gurudwara Bangla Sahib, he has rendered his services with full dedication and sincerity. He also served in the lockdown period. Keeping in view these services of Hardev Singh Dhanaua ,who is fully dedicated to the party,Harmeet Singh Kalka has made him as senior vice president in his team.

News Courtsey,
Mr.Sudeep Singh
Honorary Media Advisor



सर्वजीत सिंह विर्क(DSGMC Member):1984 के दंगा पीड़ित सिख परिवारो की हर संभव सहायता करेगी

दिल्ली सिख गुरुद्वारा प्रबंधक कमेटी के सदस्य सरवजीत सिंह विर्क ने कहा कि परिवारों में सिखी को कायम रखने के लिए महिलाएं अहम भूमिका निभा सकती हैं, इसलिए हमें महिलाओं को इसके प्रति जागरूक करना होगा। वे रोहिणी सेक्टर -15 में श्री सुखमणि साहिब पाठ के समापन पर विचार व्यक्त कर रहे थे। इस दौरान उन्होंने  दिल्ली में 1984 में हुए सिख नरसंहार के प्रभावित परिवारों में सूट व मास्क भी वितरित किए। उन्होने कहा कि 1984 के दंगा पीड़ित सिख परिवारो की दिल्ली सिख गुरुद्वारा प्रबंधक कमेटी हर संभव सहायता करेगी।

उन्होंने महिलाओं को आह्वान किया कि वे अपने परिवारों में बच्चों और परिवार मुखिया को सिखी, गुरबाणी और बाणे से जोड़ कर रखें। इतना ही नहीं, बच्चों को गौरवमयी सिख इतिहास से भी जोड़ें, ताकि उनके भीतर देश, समाज और  कौम के प्रति जज्बा पैदा हो और वे इसकी सेवा को समर्पित हो सके। कार्यक्रम के दौरान उन्होने शिरोमणि अकाली दल दिल्ली स्टेट महिला विंग की नवनियुक्त प्रधान बीबी रणजीत कौर को सिरोपा पहना कर उनका अभिनंदन किया। 

उल्लेखनीय है कि शिरोमणि अकाली दल महिला विंग की राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्षा बीबी जगीर कौर ने गत दिनों बीबी रणजीत कौर को फिर से दिल्ली स्टेट का प्रधान मनोनीत किया है। इस पर प्रसन्नता का इजहार करते हुए सरदार विर्क ने कहा कि अपने पिछले कार्यकाल में बीबी रणजीत कौर ने हल्के की कई महिलाओं को पार्टी के साथ जोड़ कर संगठन को काफी मजबूत किया है। उनकी निष्ठा और कार्य को देखते हुए राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्षा ने एक बार फिर उन्हें सेवा का मौका दिया है। उन्होंने बीबी रणजीत कौर को आश्वासन दिया कि वे हर समय उनके साथ खड़े मिलेंगे। बीबी रणजीत कौर ने इस सम्मान के लिए स. विर्क का आभार व्यक्त करते हुए बताया कि दिल्ली सिख गुरुद्वारा प्रबंधक कमेटी ने हमेशा ही उन्हें सहयोग किया है। उन्हें पूर्ण विश्वास है कि भविष्य में भी यह सहयोग उन्हें मिलता रहेगा। उन्होंने स. विर्क को आश्वासन दिया कि उन्होंने सिख परिवारों को बाणी और बाणे का धारणी बनाने का जो संकल्प लिया है, वे उसे पूरा करने में हर संभव सहयोग करेंगी। इतना ही नहीं, पार्टी संगठन से जुड़ी महिलाओं को इस दिशा में कार्य करने के लिए आवश्यक निर्देश भी देंगी।

कार्यक्रम के समापन पर स. विर्क ने सारी संगत से आह्वान किया कि कोरोना महामारी के चलते सरकार द्वारा जारी किए गए निर्देशों की पालना करें। मास्क का प्रयोग करते हुए समाजिक दूरी बना कर रखें। अपने घर में रहे और जरूरत पड़ने पर ही घर से बाहर निकले। समापन पर गुरु चरणों में सरबत के भले के लिए अरदास भी की गई। इस  अवसर पर हरप्रीत कौर, मीनू, गुरमीत कौर, इकबाल कौर व सिमरणजीत कौर के अलावा संगत मौजूद रही।

News Courtsey,

Mr.Sudeep Singh
Honoraray Media Advisor

Dr Nasir Akhtar : Muslim Doctor Whose Sole Mission in Life is ‘Sikh-Muslim Affinity’

Dr Nasir Akhtar is running a foundation for Sikh Muslim cooperation in Punjab and is well known for his devotion to Sikh Muslim Unity.

The news about Muslims donating 33 tonnes of grain to Golden Temple Langar waswidely reported .This initiative of Malerkotla Muslim was highly appreciated by the Sikh Community around the world. The Muslim group reached Golden Temple and did Kar Seva while handing over grains’ trucks to the Golden Temple authorities.

Dr Nasir Akhtar of the ‘Sikh-Muslim Affinity Foundation’ speaks of the heart warming response in Punjab to Muslims contributing 35 tonnes of foodgrains for the free kitchen at the Golden Temple, Amritsar.

How did the Idea of Collecting Grains and Send it to the GoldenTemple come to your mind?

During the COVID-19 lockdown, Golden Temple had issued an appeal for grains. The Golden Temple runs a huge Langar (free kitchen) where food is served to everyone irrespective of their religion. I felt that we should also contribute. While it was possible to collect grains from a few wealthy people, we decided to collect five Kgs of grains from each household in Muslim majority villages.

It took us 35 days and we received a huge response. It has had a positive impact on the brotherly relations between the two communities.

What was the Reaction of the Sikh Villagers in Malerkotla?

Whenever we reached a village where Sikhs and Muslims lived together, Sikh women would break down, cry and pray for us. They would offer us cold water to drink and insisted on serving us meals in their home. The elderly Sikhs blessed us. Sometimes we would reach a village and find that Sikhs were also collecting food grains from Sikh homes for the langar. Sometimes they would turn up after us and both the groups moved together to collect food grains, they from Sikh households and we from Muslim households.

How were the Grains Delivered?

A few of us went to Amritsar to deliver the grains contributed. Sikhs in Sangrur, who knew about the drive, felicitated us and enlisted the help of a local Gurudwara to assist us. When 10 of us reached the Golden Temple, we were received warmly. Muslims of Punjab and Malerkotla have been offering Kar Seva at the Golden Temple for years. But this was possibly the first time that Muslims went from door to door to collect food grains for the Golden Temple. It generated a lot of goodwill.

Has it Helped or Healed?

The goodwill and harmony between the two communities is growing. Malerkotla is a Muslim majority area and the local MLA Razia Sultana is a minister in the Punjab cabinet. Muslims of Malerkotla are quite well-off and work with Sikhs shoulder to shoulder.

People on both sides understand the value of peaceful co-existence. Since news spreads fast these days, Sikhs ,here, were quick to appreciate when a mosque gave up land in Saharanpur for a Gurudwara. A Langar put up by Sikhs at Shaheen Bagh by Sikhs was similarly appreciated by Muslims.

We are human beings first and our other identities and religious affiliations should be secondary.

Dr.Gurdeep Kaur
Associate Professor
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa College
University of Delhi

Use of Hookah in Public Banned To Contain Coronavirus Spread in Delhi

                                Use of Hookah in Public Banned 

Mr.Manjinder Singh Sirsa,President ,DSGMChas been fighting the battle against Hookah Bars in Delhi for last 4 years but no supportive action came from Govt. Finally, today, Arvind Kejriwal  government has prohibited the use of Hookah in public places from immediate effect, as per the latest order in wake of controlling Covid-19 spread.Congratulations and thanks to Mr.Manjinder Singh Sirsa for his  continuous efforts.

The order released by the health and family welfare department observed that the use and sharing of Hookah could lead to a further increase in the spread of COVID-19

"The use of Hookah (with and without tobacco i.e., herbal hookah, water pipes, and other hookah-like devices) in all public places including hotels, restaurants, eatery houses, bars, pubs; discotheques, etc. of the NCT of Delhi is strictly prohibited with immediate effect," the order said.

The rationale behind prohibiting the hookah was that it involves sharing its mouthpieces and hoses, which could facilitate the transmission of COVID-19. Besides, as it's smoked in closed spaces and social settings, the aerosols carrying the virus generated by an infected person could further spread the infection among people sitting firmly to the infected person.

Besides, the directive also pointed out that smokers are more vulnerable to be infected by the COVID-19 as the "act of smoking" increases the possibility of transmitting the virus from hand to mouth. "The fingers and cigarettes are in contact with lips which increase the possibility of transmission of the virus from hand to mouth," the order said.

Ruling Allows Sikh Student's Bullying Suit to Proceed Against a New Jersey High School

Aug. 4 (UPI) -- A lawsuit is moving forward against a New Jersey high school over a Sikh student's claims that he was bullied and subjected to slurs over his faith and South Asian heritage as teachers and administrators ignored the harassment.

Gloucester County Superior Court Judge Timothy Chell last month denied a request to dismiss the suit.

"One way or another, we expect restorative justice for this student, as well as meaningful change to help other racial and religious minorities who may still be suffering from the same kind of malice from their peers and neglect from those who should protect them," Giselle Klapper, a senior staff attorney for the Sikh Coalition, said in a statement.

The coalition, a New York City nonprofit, is representing the student, along with New Jersey attorney Brian Cige.

The suit accuses the Gloucester County Special Services School District Board of Education of violating the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination by failing to take remedial action after being told of the abusive acts targeting the student on the basis of his religion and national origin and by retaliating against him after he reported the bullying.

 A priority is to provide the student with a safe space to return to the classroom for in-person learning after the reopening of schools, which are closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

High bullying rate in USA

Sikh American students are bullied at a rate that is twice the national rate and that it has received 14 complaints related to school bullying in the past year.

The lawsuit, filed in May by A.M.'s mother on his behalf, alleges the teen was subjected to a pattern of "bias-based bullying" beginning in early 2018 when another student called him a "terrorist." Later in the year, the same student started mocking A.M. -- described in the suit as having brown skin -- by calling him "sand cricket" and using the N-word, the suit says.

Other students began joining in and also spoke negatively about A.M.'s religious wear, including the kara, a Sikh article of faith that he wears around his wrist, the suit alleges

A.M. and his mother met with school officials several times in December 2018 and January 2019 to report the harassment but the situation did not improve, the suit says.

Dr.Gurdeep Kaur
Associate Professor
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa Collge
University of Delhi

Rashtriya Sikh Sangat initiates Akhand Path at Gurudwara Brahm Kund, Ayodhya

Akhand Path underway at Gurudwara Brahm Kund, Ayodhya.
Gurudwara Brahm Kund, Ayodhya 

Rashtriya Sikh Sangat, an affiliate of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), started an Akhand Path at the historical Gurudwara Brahm Kund on the banks of the Sarayu river in Ayodhya on Monday 3rd August 2020.

The prayer-a three-day-long uninterrupted recital of Guru Granth Sahib- is being held as a thanksgiving for clearing all the hurdles to the construction of the Ram temple. It will conclude today August 5 — the day of foundation laying ceremony of the temple.

Sikh Sangat president G S Gill has been also invited for the temple’s foundation stone laying ceremony

“We had prayed at this gurudwara in 1991 for clearing all the obstructions in the path of the construction of Ram Temple. Now that every hurdle has been cleared, we are doing the ‘path’ in gratitude,” Gill said.
Associate Professor
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa Collge
University of Delhi

Akal Takht Jathedar Giani Harpreet Singh Shrugs Off Invitation to Ayodhya Bhoomi Pujan

Akal Takht acting jathedar Giani Harpreet Singh

Akal Takht acting jathedar Giani Harpreet Singh shrugs off invitation to Ayodhya bhoomi pujan.The invitation, sent by the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust, was delivered by the Rashtriya Sikh Sangat, the Sikh wing of pro-Hindutva organisation, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) on Monday afternoon.

When asked if he would be attending the event on August 5, the jathedar said, “I have not read this invitation.” When told that the contents of the invitation had been published in the newspapers, he said, “I have not read the newspapers.”

Many are seeing his response as an indication that he won’t go to the event.

Rashtriya Sikh Sangat general secretary Sandeep Singh, who delivered the invite, said, “Though we gave the invite on Monday, our national president had sent it to him on Whatsapp two or three days ago. We can only request his presence. It’s up to him to attend or not,” he added.

Notably, the trust planned to ensure the presence of jathedars of all five Sikh Takhts at the event. However, there is no possibility of attendance of the jathedars as a considerable section of the Sikh community is against it.


Tuesday, August 4, 2020

SGPC Seeks Ban On Alcohol And Drugs In Punjab, The Land of Gurus and Saints

Hooch Tragedy Claimed More Than100 Deaths Due to Spurious Liquor Consumption.

SGPC president Gobind Singh Longowal has sought a ban on all types of alcoholic products and other drugs in Punjab irrespective of its legitimacy or illegitimacy.He has also appealed to the Punjab masses to stop consuming all types of alcoholic products and drugs.

Longowal said that the dominance of alcoholism and drugs in Punjab is totally against the religious and historical characteristics of the state. “Deaths due to alcohol and drug abuse are a big question mark that we must respond to”; “Drug lords are openly playing with the lives of Punjab masses",He said.

Demanding a judicial inquiry into the recently occurred deaths due to spurious liquor, Longowal said that it is the need of the hour to expose the mafia active behind this illegal trade otherwise such incidents will keep happening in the future.

Sikh Sadhbhawna Dal Seeks Complete Ban on Alcohol and Drugs in Punjab

Bhai Baldev Singh Wadala, ex-hazoori Ragi, led Sikh Sadhbhawna Dal is also seeking a complete ban on alcohol and drugs in Punjab. this is a critical issue facing the people and leaders of Punjab. He,however, said that different political parties are engaging in using this issue to gain political mileage in the 2022 elections. He called for arrests of people who were selling spurious liquor in the state.

“The Punjab Government must put an end to this right away as Punjab is the land of Gurus and Bhagats, and such ills should not be allowed here,” he said.

Amid pandemic, Food Joints in Amritsar’s Walled City Hunger For Good Old Times

While the walled city is known for its sumptuous food and famous eateries, its dense population and congested lanes have made it a high-risk zone amid the Covid-19 pandemic.That’s the reason that food outlet owners here are suffering huge losses.
Girdhari Lal selling Halva. He makes call on permanent customers to buy Halva, when he don’t find enough customers.

Girdhari Lal said: “I have not seen something like this in my lifetime. I have many customers who would come to me for twice or thrice in a week to eat halva. I will also have tourists. But now local customers are also not coming. So sometimes, when I am left with Halva at closing of the stall, and then I try to call some of my permanent customers and request them to buy the remaining halva. Most of them buy it from me due to our personal relations of years but still it is very tough time for all of us. I don’t know when it would end and normal business will resume.”

     Waiter sanitising table at Kesar Dhabain ,Amritsar

The famous ‘Kesar Da Dhaba’ in the narrow lanes of the walled city in Amritsar was closed for two weeks last month after becoming part of containment zone. The kitchen fires have been lit again at the dhaba, but customers are a rare sight.

“Whenever anyone comes, we ask them to sanitise their hands and then we sanitise the table. We again sanitise table when customers are done eating. But not many customers have been coming. We are not sure when it is going to be normal. We have been selling online, but overall sales have been impacted,” said Ramesh, owner of Kesar Dhaba.

Kulcha Land has now vacant tables that too when half of the tables have been removed to maintain social distancing ,Amritsar

In normal times, customers would struggle to find a table at the Kulcha Land, the famous Amritsari Kulcha makers in Ranjit Avenue. However, things are different now. Half the tables have been removed to maintain social distancing, and still the occupancy is not 100 per cent.

“Our Kulcha is famous in the world but now the world cannot come to us due to coronavirus. I have reduced my workforce to half as most of them have gone back to their villages. I think this year is already wasted and we hope that we will start recovering from next year,” said owner Pawandeep Singh.

Giyan Di Lassi has few drinkers due to COVID-19 , Amritsar 

“We are left with 25 per cent of our business. Tourists are not coming. School and colleges are closed so students are not coming. Our labourers had gone to their home states through Sharamik trains and now they are also not able to return due to unavailability of trains,” said Mohinderpal Thakur, owner of Gian Di Lassi.

“Our business will improve only if Delhi will recover from the coronavirus because only then airports will open and tourists will be allowed to come from the other states and countries. Most of our business comes from tourists and they are not coming to the city right now. I don’t think government can do much to help us,” said Ashawani Vaid, manager Bharavan Da Dhaba, another famous food joint in the walled city.

Another stall owner, Surinder, added:”It’s very difficult to change food habits but coronavirus has shown that fear of death can overpower the love for food. I have been selling puri and aaloo-cholay for last 20 years. It is a kind of breakfast for many locals and shopkeepers in the walled city. They cannot live without it. But now very few people come. Some of my customers told me that they would again start eating after coronavirus is over.

Harjeet Singh, owner, Makhan Fish, blamed the government policy for adding to their woes.He said: “I do not understand what government wants to do. It has allowed buses to run with at least 60 passengers each. But government has permitted only 50 persons that too in restaurant of at least 5,000 sq feet. Do you find any logic behind these two parameters related to Covid-19? Also there are orders that shops should be shut down by 8.30 pm when it is time for people to start coming out of their homes to have dinner outside.”

Dr.Gurdeep Kaur
Associate Professor
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa College
University of Delhi


Acting Jathedar of Akal Takht, Dhian Singh Mand :‘Sikhs Should Stay Away from Ayodhya Temple Ceremony’

Sarbat-Khalsa appointed parallel acting jathedar of Akal Takht, Dhian Singh Mand has said that Sikhs should not participate in the August 5 foundation laying ceremony of the temple at Ayodhya.

“We have equal respect for both Hindus and Muslims and if required we shall work for a compromise between both the communities,” he said in a statement on Monday.

“Several lives have been lost in this dispute and Sikhs respect all religions. Sikhs have been sacrificing their lives for others but they won’t become a party in such dispute,” he said.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Dr.Sukhdeep Singh :First Turbaned Sikh Doctor in Hongkong

                       Dr.Sukhdeep Singh,Hongkong

Born and raised in Hong Kong, Sukhdeep Singh grew up surrounded by Cantonese speakers, including his own father, a civil servant. But he only realized the importance of speaking the language when he enrolled in medical school.Patients look at him strangely, and that’s normal. But whenever he speak to them in their own dialect, their faces light up.

Though, Sukhdeep Singh faced various difficulties in the beginning, but he kept himself determined and now he is on the verge of creating history.

“Patients might develop a different perspective on people with turbans in Hong Kong when they see me, a turbaned doctor, and, hopefully, start to view other ethnic minorities differently,” Sukhdeep Singh, who is one of about 12,000 Sikhs in Hong Kong.

Sukhdeep Singh is also working on a mission to empower ethnic minority youth in Hong Kong. For this, he has set up a non-profit organization,Pargaas along with other young professionals. He wants to change the perspective of majority towards the minorities.

Dr.Gurdeep Kaur
Associate Professor
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa College
University Of Delhi