Monday, August 16, 2010

Ontario Gurdwara To Set Up First Ever Multimedia Sikh Museum In Canada

MISSISSAUGA – After yearlong frantic planning, Ontario Khalsa Darbar is moving ahead with setting up Canada’s first of its kind Multimedia Sikh Museum in Mississauga. The museum is being set up under volunteer support of Baba Sewa Singh Chairman Kar Sewa Khadur Sahib-India. The hi-tech brain behind the museum is Surrey resident Dr Raghbir Singh Bains, a Canadian Sikh and author of the Encyclopaedia of Sikhism.

Both the sponsor and producer have offered to set up the latest technology and put up programmed content in the museum without getting any remuneration. However, it will especially be for use of OKD in the Gurdwara premises or the Sikh Resource Center to be constructed in the near future by the committee of the said Gurdwara. There will be no entry fees for visitors and free guides would be made available for help. The Ontario Khalsa Darbar Gurdwara Mississauga is one of the largest Sikh Gurdwara in North America that attracts thousands of followers, visitors and student groups of all faiths every day.

The first of its kind Multimedia Sikh Museum in the world on robotic and touch screen technology was set up by Dr Raghbir Singh Bains at Khadur Sahib during 500th anniversary of the ‘Parkash Gurpurv’ of Guru Angad Dev Ji on April 16, 2004 in India. Similarly, the second such museum was set up at Jalandhar in Punjab during 2008.

with thanks : thelinkpaper : link in headline for detailed news.


Friday, August 13, 2010

1984 anti-Sikh riots case: Supreme Court stays trial against Sajjan Kumar

In a reprieve for Sajjan Kumar, the Supreme Court on Friday stayed trial proceedings against the Congress leader facing murder and other charges in connection with the 1984 anti-Sikh riot cases.

A bench of Justices P. Sathasivam and B.S. Chauhan also issued notice to the CBI on Mr. Kumar’s appeal challenging his prosecution.

The High Court had on July 19 refused to quash various charges including that of murder against him, saying the delay in prosecution has apparently benefited him.

Mr. Kumar, a former Outer Delhi MP, is facing prosecution in two cases in which he has been accused of inciting a mob against Sikh community in the aftermath of Gandhi’s assassination on October 31, 1984.

“The interest of justice requires that the offences allegedly committed by accused persons are expeditiously tried to preserve the rule of law in the society,” the High Court had said while directing the trial court to hold the proceedings against him expeditiously in the riots cases.

With thanks : source : The Hindu : Link in headline above for detailed news.


Power of Khalsa

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Guru Granth Sahib Saroop's & Gutka's were found floating in a basement - 3

Thousands of Gutkas & the Guru granth Sahib saroop's were found floating in the basement of a house in Guru Hargobind enclave, Delhi. Later, these holy books were removed from the said house and hundreds of sikhs started doing the cleaning sewa at Dera baba Karam singh ji Gurdwara in Rasheed market. Few of the pics are being published here though my hands were shivering while clicking.


Guru Granth Sahib Saroop's & Gutkas were found floating in a basement - 2

Thousands of Gutkas & the Guru granth Sahib saroop's were found floating in the basement of a house in Guru Hargobind enclave, Delhi. Later, these holy books were removed from the said house and hundreds of sikhs started doing the cleaning sewa at Dera baba Karam singh ji Gurdwara in Rasheed market. Few of the pics are being published here though my hands were shivering while clicking.


Guru Granth Sahib Saroop's & Gutkas were found floating in the basement of a house

Thousands of Gutkas & the Guru granth Sahib saroop's were found floating in the basement of a house in Guru Hargobind enclave, Delhi. Later, these holy books were removed from the said house and hundreds of sikhs started doing the cleaning sewa at Dera baba Karam singh ji Gurdwara in Rasheed market. Few of the pics are being published here though my handswere shivering while clicking.

Sorry for the quality of pics as my hands were shivering were clicking.


HC Notice On Sehajdhari Sikhs

CHA­N­­DI­GA­RH: T­ak­in­g up­ a p­et­it­io­n­ seek­in­g direc­t­io­n­s t­o­ allo­w­ Se­ha­jdha­r­i Sikhs a­s­ v­oters­ i­n­ the SG­PC elect­ions, t­he­ Punjab­ and Hary­ana Hi­gh Co­urt o­n W­e­dne­s­day is­s­ue­d no­tic­e­s­ to­ the­ G­ur­d­war­a Elect­ion Com­­m­­ission, Union g­ov­er­nm­­ent­ a­n­d­ the Pu­n­j­a­b g­over­n­m­en­t a­mo­n­g o­th­er­s­.

Th­e petitio­n­er­ h­a­s­ ch­a­l­l­en­ged a­men­dmen­ts­ to­ S­ectio­n­ 49 a­n­d S­ectio­n­ 92 o­f­ th­e Sikh­ Gu­rdwara Act, 1925, w­hereb­y Sehajd­hari Sil­chs are n­ot­ b­ein­g­ con­sid­ered­ as “Sikhs”. “Sehajd­hari Sikhs are t­hose p­erson­s, w­ho t­houg­h n­ot­ b­orn­ in­ S­ik­h­ fa­milies­, fo­­llo­­w the r­elig­io­­n fo­­r­ all intents­ and­ pur­po­­s­es­,” r­ead­s­ petitio­­n.

The petitio­­n filed­ b­y­ Hans­ R­aj thr­o­­ug­h ad­v­o­­cates­ Mans­ur­ Ali and­ H.S­. D­eo­­l hig­hlig­hted­ that in 2002 s­pecial v­o­­ting­ r­ig­hts­ wer­e g­iv­en to­­ S­ehajd­har­i S­ik­hs­ b­y­ the r­es­po­­nd­ents­, the s­ame clear­ly­ s­ho­­wed­ that S­ehajd­har­i S­ilchs­ wer­e r­eco­­g­nis­ed­ as­ S­ik­hs­.

“It is­ s­ur­pr­is­ing­ as­ to­­ ho­­w till 2003 S­ehajd­har­i S­ik­hs­ wer­e co­­ns­id­er­ed­ S­ik­hs­, and­ at pr­es­ent the r­es­po­­nd­ents­ ar­e r­es­tr­aining­ the d­efinitio­­n o­­f S­ik­hs­ b­y­ o­­us­ting­ S­ehajd­har­i S­ik­hs­,” the petitio­­n s­aid­.

with thanks : punjab news : link in headline above for the detailed story.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sri Akal Takht Sahib directs SGPC to form ‘censor board’

Amritsar, Punjab: To prevent eruption of controversies over books and films based on the Sikh religion, gurbani, history and culture, the five Sikh high priests have directed the SGPC to constitute a “censor board” comprising Sikh scholars to examine and clear books and films before their formal release.

“The SGPC has been asked to constitute a censor board. Any book, published material and films related to the Sikhism, history and culture will have to be subjected to examination by the board before their release. This is being to done to avoid any controversies in the future,” said Akal Takht Jathedar Giani Gurbachan Singh.

The five Sikh high priests, led by Akal Takht Jathedar Giani Gurbachan Singh, have also asked the SGPC to divide Punjab into three regions-Majha, Malwa and Doaba-to spread message of Sikh Gurus and that of “Gurbani” in a better way.

The Dharam Parchar Committee of the SGPC will distribute published material like books on the Sikh religion among Sikhs through Akhand Kirtani Jatha head Baldev Singh and other Sikh religious preachers.

The three regions, according to Giani Gurbachan Singh, will also have SGPC-operated missions on lines of the similar institutions operating in Jammu. “The Sikh high priests will also visit these regions from time to time,” said Giani Gurbachan Singh.

The idea to set-up an SGPC-operated “censor board” came up for discussion among the Sikh high priests after a recent controversy of the publication of two books “Gian Sarovar”- an encyclopedia for primary classes in Punjab-and “Balu De Wal”.

SAD (Amritsar) president Simranjit Singh Maan had raised objections over the books following which Director-General (School Education) Krishan Kumar had tendered an apology.

The Akal Takht Jathedar had accepted the apology and had asked the Sikh sangat to consider the issue “as closed”.

with thanks : source :


Monday, August 9, 2010

Fashion Blogs

Please log on to two Fashion Blogs : Fashionably urs & The Gorgeous . Both of these blogs also exhibit the recent trends as well latest news related to Fashions worldwide.

The Gorgeous
Fashionably urs

Hazaar baar sorry

Sajid Khan is on the back foot. The actor-filmmaker, who recently courted controversy on the show India’s Got Talent, has now apologised for hurting the sentiments of the Sikh community. Sajid, who judges the show, had said that a Gatka (a martial arts dance form of the Sikhs) performance was too violent since it had a five - year - old using a sword.

with thanks ; source : Hindustan times : link in headline for detailed news.


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Floods damage historic gurdwara Pathar Sahib

CHANDIGARH: The sheets of water which devastated Leh town and its outskirts also considerably damaged one of the Sikhs' holy shrine, Pathar Sahib.

with thanks : source : Times of india : link in headline for detailed news.
