Srinagar, Apr 3 (PTI) A Kashmiri Sikh body today demanded a fresh probe into the Chitisinghpora massacre in which 35 members of the minority community were massacred by unidentified gunmen in March 2000."For the last 11 years, we are demanding an inquiry into Chitisinghpora, but till now no inquiry has been ordered," All Parties Sikh Coordination Committee (APSCC) chairman Jagmohan Singh Raina told reporters here today.In March 2000, 35 Sikhs were gunned down in Chitisinghpora village of south Kashmir's Anantnag district, on the eve of the then US President Bill Clinton's visit to India.The government blamed Lashkar-e-Toiba for the massacre and few days later police claimed to have killed the five foreign militants involved in the incident. However, a CBI inquiry revealed that the killed youth were local civilians and not militants."Many agencies are planning such conspiracies and we want a probe into that," Raina said.APSCC also asked the government and the army to come clean on what happened during the US President Barack Obama's visit last year to the country when uniformed gunmen intruded into two predominantly Sikh villages, raising fears in the community."When Obama came here, the government and the Union Home Minister said minorities here, which are Sikhs, face danger.
with thanks : IBNLive : link above for detailed news