This was announced by Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal, while paying tributes to Baba Banda Singh Bahadur on the tercentenary celebrations of the Sirhind Fateh Diwas, on Friday. The celebrations were held on the culmination of the Fateh Diwas march, from Nanded in Maharashtra to Fatehgarh Sahib, covering 2,500 kms in about a month and a half.
Badal said the memorial at Chhappar Chiri would be set up in 20 acres and would have a museum, a fateh minar and a light and sound show to highlight the bravery of Baba Banda Singh Bahadur. Besides, it will also have statues of Banda Singh Bahadur and his generals Fateh Singh and Baaz Singh.
The other two memorials, Badal said, would come up at Kup Rohira near Malerkotla in Sangrur and near Kahnuwan in Gurdaspur district, where thousands of Sikhs sacrificed their lives fighting the Mughals. He said these memorials would go a long way to perpetuate the memory of these great historic events which are an integral part of our rich legacy.
Addressing the gathering, Badal dared the Congress party to shun its nefarious designs to vitiate the peaceful atmosphere in the state. He criticised the Congress for with working through its agents to create communal tension in the state as it had no political agenda of its own.
The chief minister said Punjab had a history of sacrifices and urged the people of the state to draw inspiration from the supreme sacrifices of the martyrs from the state. He also called for ending the menace of drug addiction as the great Sikh general had played a vanguard role in the eradication of intoxicants and abolition of zamindari system during his regime.
With thanks : source : ExpressIndia