For the past ten years or so, considering the relative unfamiliarity of Sikhism in Belgium, Lili Van Heers has been trying to inform Belgians about the Sikh religion and the Sikh people because still there is a lot of ignorance amongst Belgium people on Sikhism .It may be because Sikhism is not mentioned in schools and local people are not familiar with turbaned Sikhs; the way they are in Britain.
Lily has made the whole aim of her life to help Sikh community & to spread awareness of Sikh religion. Its remarkable that being Belgian nationality herself,she is a spokeswoman for the Sikh community in Belgium.She is often contacted by the press whenever they need any information, by social services, by different organisations wanting a presentation, ... on Sikhism.
She often volunteers groups/local people to the local Gurdwaras and shows them (using many slides) to let them know; what Sikhism is all about. Sikh community living in Belgium ,themselves, call her for many of their different problems living in foreign land, practical and religious (e.g. kirpan confiscated by the police and subsequent court cases ).
With all her experiences with the Sikh Community, she decided to write a book on Sikhism. But the publishing houses refused her manuscript because they thought it would not sell in spite of the fact that it was the only Dutch book on the subject and well written according to them.
Then she contacted,Professor Winand Callewaert,Prof. in the Arts Faculty of KU Leuven,who took care of the diacritic signs and the layout & advised her to take her manuscript to Delhi, to Manohar Publishers. So she took the text and had it printed her Book titled :The Sikhism and the Sikhs in Delhi (2008, published in-house, see Coverage in MO * by Gie Goris Editor).Afterwards Delhi Publisher sent all the books by mail to Belgium. But unfortunately, in the absence of any Belgian publisher to promote, there is still nobody to market her book.
Not even in her wildest dream, Lily thought about such consequences, so now even after so much efforts & goodwill,she is stuck with an awful lot/pile of her own books. Her noble aim to inform about Sikhism through her Book to as many Belgians as possible;has not been fulfilled. She is still waiting for her dream to see the daylight!
Dr. Gurdeep Kaur
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