Sunday, August 30, 2009

Laleman Tine, bachelor student of Theology and Religious Studies.

De sporen van je leven
Kan ik lezen
In zoveel dingen om ons heen.

Je bent gedroomd
Er echt geweest
Nu dragen wij je
In gedachten mee
Van hier naar daar
En over de tijd heen.
Je was er ooit.
Je bent er nog steeds.

Dag kind
Uit ons leven
Vaak ver weg
Vaak dichtbij
Wij spreken nog je naam
Wij dromen nog je dromen
Wie het niet kan horen
Tonen we zoveel dingen
Rondom ons
Jouw sporen zie je goed.

Dag kind
Zo spreekt de Heer.
Al gaat het nog zo diep,
dit lijden zal ik keren.
Ik hoorde toen je roep.
Vrees niet.
Ik maak je vrij.
Ik zal je niet beschamen, mijn kind, je bent bij Mij.
Ik riep je toch bij je naam.

The traces of your life
Can I read
In so many things around us.

You're dreaming
There really was
Now we carry you
Them in mind
From here to there
And over time.
You were there once.
You're still there.

Child Day
From our life
Often far away
Often close
We still speak your name
We still dream your dreams
Who can not hear
We show so much
Around Us
Your tracks see you well.

Child Day
Thus says the Lord.
Everything is still so deep,
I will turn this suffering.
I heard when you call.
Fear not.
I make Fri
I will not disappoint you, my child, you're with me.
I called you by name anyway.

Source :



SikhsIndia said...

Sat Sri Akal,

Pleased to note that the students reached safely back home.

But words seem inadequate to express the sadness we feel for Laleman Tine. On behalf of her friends & family members, we can just say that What moves through us is a silence, a quiet sadness, a longing for one more day, one more word, one more touch, we may not understand why you left this earth so soon, or why you left before we were ready to say good-bye, but little by little, we begin to remember not just that you died, but that you lived. And that your life gave us memories too beautiful to forget.

Best regards


whatthedaywillbring said...

The traces of your life
I can read
In so many things around us.

You have been dreamt off
have been expected
you have really been there

Now we carry you
in thougths
from here to there
transcending time

You were there once.
You are still there.

Hello child
left our lives
often far away
often so close

We still speak your name
We still dream your dreams

To they who can't hear
We show so many things
around us
Your tracks you see well

Hello child
Thus speaks the Lord.
Even when so profound
I will reverse this suffering.
I heard your call then.
Don't be afraid.
I will free you.
I won't let you down, my child, you are with Me.

I did call you by your name.
