Jammu: Homecoming has been a long and arduous journey for 50-year-old Amar Singh, a retired soldier of the Indian Army, who was whisked away by the ISI sleuths in April 2010.
He had gone to Pakistan to visit the Sikh shrines and while he was waiting to board the train for India, he was taken away.
Released now, nine months later, Singh says he does not know where he was kept and claims to have been subjected to brutal torture.
''They kept asking me which Indian agency sent you here, and why," said Amar Singh.
He had gone to Pakistan to visit the Sikh shrines and while he was waiting to board the train for India, he was taken away.
Released now, nine months later, Singh says he does not know where he was kept and claims to have been subjected to brutal torture.
''They kept asking me which Indian agency sent you here, and why," said Amar Singh.
with thanks : NDTV : link above for detailed news.