Sunday, July 12, 2020

Fighting With Corona: Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh Calling for a Collective Fight By One and All Against “The Biggest Danger Facing Humanity.”

Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh Appeals To Political Parties To Avoid Gatherings To Save Lives As `Politics Can Wait’
Amid the spiraling Covid cases, the Punjab Government is all set to impose some more stringent curbs in the state, including further restrictions on social, public and family gatherings, as well as mandatory wearing of masks even while working.
Announcing this during his AskCaptain Facebook live session today, Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh said strictness was necessary to check the spread of the Coronavirus as he did not want Punjab to go the way of Mumbai, Delhi or Tamil Nadu. Asked why the state government was not going for weekend lockdowns to contain the spread, he said Sunday lockdowns were already in place and the government was keeping a close watch on the situation and will do whatever necessary.
Underlining the need for everyone to behave responsibly in the current crisis, Captain Amarinder exhorted the people to adhere to all curbs, even as appealed to all political parties to avoid any kind of gathering to save the lives of Punjabis. “It is our joint responsibility to save Punjab. Politics can wait,” he stressed, calling for a collective fight by one and all against “the biggest danger facing humanity.”
Dr.Gurdeep Kaur

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