
Sunday, July 30, 2017

Stem cell swab event held at Surrey Sikh Temple, encourages members of South Asian community to become donors

A stem cell drive is being held in Surrey today to encourage members of the South Asian community to consider being a donor.

“Only 6 percent of Canada’s adult stem cell registry includes registrants of South Asian descent”

Sarah Jasmins, Territory Manager for Canadian Blood Services says only 6 percent of Canada’s adult stem cell registry include those of South Asian descent.
That’s even though there are currently 37 South Asian patients in Canada searching for a stem cell match.
“Currently there are 37 South Asian patients in Canada searching for stem cell matches, but only 6 percent of Canada’s adult stem cell registry includes registrants of South Asian descent.”

“Patients are more likely to find a donor from their own ancestral group”

with thanks : LINK : for detailed news report

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