
Sunday, July 30, 2017

Community shaken after 2 US Sikhs killed in 10 days

AMRITSAR: Three incidents of attacks on Sikhs in California in a span of 10 days, which left two Sikhs dead, has left the Sikh American community worried and shaken. In the first incident on July 18, a Sikh American woman Simranjit Grewal was driving to work when suddenly an unknown assailant threw a stone at her car, which shattered the wind-shield on the passenger side. The assaulter reportedly shouted "Go back to your country".
On July 23, Subag Singh (68) was seen leaving his home in Fresno, California. When he didn't return in the evening, his family released a missing person notice. He was later found dead in a canal with injuries. In the third incident on the night of July 25, Simranjit Singh (20) was shot dead while working at a gas station near Sacramento in California. Before the attack was carried out on Simranjit, his colleague faced verbal and physical attack by a group of men.
"These attacks are inexcusable and we offer our deepest sympathies and condolences to the families of Subag and Simranjit," said Sikh American Legal Defence and Education Fund (SALDEF) executive director Baldev Singh while talking to TOI on Saturday. He said that they had called upon local and federal law enforcement agencies to thoroughly investigate these crimes and classify them as hate incidents if that was the motive.

with thanks : TOI : LINK : for detailed news

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