
Saturday, November 14, 2020

Arpinder Kaur: First Turbaned Sikh Woman Pilot For a Major US Airline

Arpinder Kaur of San Antonio, Texas is the first turbaned pilot hired by a commercial airline in the United States. she has helped pave the way for both Sikh men and women to wear a dastaar/turban to fulfill their passion for flying.

In March 2008, after resolving the issue of wearing her dastaar on-the-job, with the help of the Sikh Coalition, Arpinder Kaur was officially hired by American Airlines Corporation (AMR) as a First Officer.

She filed her grievance for accommodation of her religious article of faith based on American Airlines allowance of regulation approved hats. An agreement was reached that is consistent with state and federal anti-discrimination law.

She is now flying Embraer Jets for American Eagle, a regional airline that is part of AMR based out of the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport.

When Arpinder Kaur was asked why she chose to do this, she said:

“Two of the reasons I did this were: first, my love of flying and, second, to set a precedent for the community so they know you can be in your Sikh appearance and do anything out there; so that my younger brothers and sisters [the rising generation] will pursue their passions while practicing their Sikh faith. ”

Her passion for flying first started when at the age of 15 she got to sit in the cockpit of an airplane when moving from Panjab. Despite having a degree in Information Systems and her mothers belief that it was too dangerous for a girl to be a pilot, Kaur has chosen to follow her passion; while using it as a means for supporting her family.

Kaur said it was the love and support of her husband, Pritpal Singh that pushed her forward on the path toward becoming a pilot. Kulbir Singh Sandhu, captain with AMR mentored her throughout her aviation career.

Harinder Singh, executive director of the Sikh Research Institute (SikhRI) in San Antonio, Texas said, “ Religious accommodation, not assimilation, is what the founders of this great nation envisioned and we are thrilled American Airlines celebrates the rich religious and cultural diversity of all American populations”.

Dr. Gurdeep Kaur
Associate Professor
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa College
University of Delhi

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