
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Yorkshire Sikh Alliance and other faith groups pledge to stand in solidarity with Black Lives Matter protesters

Jatinder Singh Mehmi, is the co-chair of the The Sikh Alliance Yorkshire.Jatinder Singh Mehmi, the co-chair of The Sikh Alliance Yorkshire

Representatives of the city's Sikh and Muslim community have put their voice behind the Black Lives Matter movement and say it is time to stand up and say enough is enough.
The Sikh Alliance Yorkshire has stood with the Black Lives Matter Movement and co-chair Jatinder Singh Mehmi said enough is enough.
In a statement, The Alliance said: “As Sikhs it is our duty to challenge oppression and injustice wherever it exists and to stand beside those who are discriminated against because of their race.
The Sikh community across Yorkshire is backing the BlackLivesMatter movement.

The Sikh Community across Yorkshire is Backing the Black Lives Matter Movement 

“When the colour of your skin still determines how you are treated and viewed, it is time to stand up and say enough is enough. Change will only come with unity, when we all stand together and say we will not tolerate this behavior, prejudice and injustice.
“It is disheartening that we have not yet achieved the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King that one should not be judged by the colour of one's skin, but the content of their character.
“We have to build a momentum that will see justice, equality and compassion for all.
“We stand with all that have been subject to racial abuse and discrimination. We all need to raise our voices and be heard for change to happen. We all have a role to play in fighting prejudice and racism.

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