
Thursday, June 25, 2020

Sikh Regiment hoists Khalsa Flag at Galwan Valley

    Sikh Regiment hoists Khalsa Flag at Galwan Valley

Amid this Coronavirus pandemic, when lockdown has been imposed all over the world, people cannot go out of their houses. But on the other side, our Indian Army is still protecting the nation from the enemies. Amid this pandemic, they are protecting the country putting their life on stake.

As we all know that for some days, tensions are running high on INDO-CHINA Border in which 20 of our Jawan have attained martyrdom. Due to these disturbances, different regiments of the Indian Army have been deployed there. The SIKH Regiment has also been deployed there.

On the Galwan Valley in Ladakh, the Sikh Regiment has hoisted Nishan Sahib. This clearly depicts that how they are keeping the SIKHI at the prime place. It doesn't matter if it is a ground place or a war ground. They are protecting our nation as well as our SIKHI. We are proud of such brave and fearless Soldiers. Our Nation is in the right hands.

News courtesy : Kalgidhar Trust,Baru Sahib,

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