
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

After 73 years of Indo-Pak partition, Muslim owners still await Hindu tenant to come back and open lock of his shop

CHANDIGARH, Punjab—At the time of India-Pakistan partition in 1947, a Hindu shopkeeper doing business on a rented shop was forced to leave his shop in Loralai, Balochistan (Pakistan) as he had to move to India. He locked his shop while asking the owner of the shop not to open the lock and wait for him to return.

The owner assured him that nobody will open the lock of his shop and he will wait for him to return back.

Even after 73 years of India-Pakistan partition, the tenant shopkeeper didn’t return and the owners of this shop have not opened the lock of his shop.
It is learned that the main owner of this shop died a few years back but he had told his children not to open the lock and wait for the return of the Hindu tenant, whose surname was ‘Kakkar’.
Almost 73 years have passed, the shop is still locked. The shop still awaits the occupant who may never return, but the promise has been kept which was made 73 years ago.

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