
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

A Sikh Per­spec­tive and Re­sponse as COVID-19 strikes all across

Ek Onkar / Ik Onkar Black and Gold #1 Digital Art by Lioudmila Perry

COVID-19 pan­demic has changed every­thing for every­one. There are those who are serv­ing the need of the hour, and there are those who are serv­ing their own needs, that’s just how things have al­ways been.

Sikhi is both a per­sonal and pub­lic com­mit­ment. Since the time of Guru Nanak Sahib, we have been shar­ing the lan­gars (dis­tri­b­u­tion) of Wis­dom and food. Let’s dou­ble down on both to fight the Coro­n­avirus. Guru Nanak Sahib asked Whys at a per­sonal level, the Guru served with Hows at a pub­lic level.

Chardi Kala -as­cen­dant spir­its, is not a slo­gan…

Chardi Kala (as­cen­dant spir­its) is not a slo­gan, let’s in­voke this dic­tum to fight coun­ter­feits. Do not feed cap­i­tal­ism at its worst right now. Don’t add to per­sonal gains via fake news, god­men reme­dies, price goug­ing, panic shop­ping, and so on.

So­cial dis­tanc­ing as per­sonal re­straint makes the best med­ical sense. Healthy bod­ies must avail to serve in their re­spec­tive ca­pac­i­ties and ca­pa­bil­i­ties.

In­di­vid­u­als: Stay at home, un­less you are an es­sen­tial worker (med­ical, food, lo­gis­tics). Be­come more cen­tred by con­nect­ing with 1Force, by tra­di­tional means or cur­rent mech­a­nisms. You need to de­cide how to con­nect with the 1Force! That means, strength­en­ing your in­tel­lect and your body to share your as­sets. Take pre­cau­tions, re­main calm and in­formed. If will­ing and able, sup­port es­sen­tial work­ers by join­ing them for ser­vice, or fund them.

Gur­d­waras and Sikh or­ga­ni­za­tions: Your pur­pose has al­ways been to be a learn­ing cen­tre and a sanc­tu­ary. Let’s live that! Please do can­cel all typ­i­cal gath­er­ings. But that’s not it. Do re­mind your board and your staff about the 1Ness borne out of 1Force. Of­fer apt ser­vices in-per­son and on­line. On the ground, re­cruit med­ical and lo­gis­tics ex­per­tise. Open ser­vices for the vul­ner­a­ble and the needy: med­ical and food.

In these ex­tra­or­di­nary times, spir­i­tu­al­ity and imag­i­na­tion are vi­tal re­sources for life.

Be­com­ing cre­ative, like the Cre­ator, will sus­tain us through the time of un­cer­tainty.

And af­ter us­ing our mind to re­flect, to serve, and to do­nate, the Sikh col­lec­tive prays for the well-be­ing of the whole hu­man­ity.

Pray as vic­to­ri­ous peo­ple, not as de­feated be­ings!


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