
Sunday, October 14, 2018

A blind date with the unknown world - #theblindlist

A blind date with the unknown world - an unknown destination - nothing out of our bucket list - but  #theblindlist - no one knows the destination - no one knows the fate - a pleasure trip or a horror story in the backdrop - sounds amazing. Of course, it's my #SayYesToTheWorld as I would like to see what's written in my destination destiny. 

If it's a pleasant trip I will become the trip advisor so that the rest of the world could also enjoy. On the other hand, if it's a horror story, there are still many takers who love the adventure. So I am ready to move forward to the unknown destination out of the #theblindlist with my #SayYesToTheWorld.

I have packed my small bag and waiting for the call to move ahead anytime, towards my destination destiny to feel the pride of achievement of the unknown goal.

Be assured, I am a real explorer and ready to explore the world, for becoming the travel inspiration of all with the open-minded thoughts so that even others who want to explore the unknown world could get my sincere and moral boosting advice.

A true fighter, with a spirit to travel, anywhere, alone, for the blind date, with the attitude of a winner, wide open for all the latitudes, longitudes or even beyond, out of the world or even out of the universe.

It may be a meet with the sweet Angels or the Bloody Dracula, it may be an encounter with the Aliens or a smooth landing on the moon, it may be a confrontation with the sharp Sharks or the sweet Mermaids, it may be the icy altitudes or the hot springs, I would like to be anywhere on my blind date with the unknown world.

Of course, you too can join me if you wish to come out of your Bucket List, to have the Enriching experience of Exploration of the unknown world. Please check the LINK for more details and view the embedded video to answer that Why do you love the world?

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