
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Kejriwal Government is Misleading People on Punjabi Language and Sikh Victims Issues: Manjinder Singh Sirsa

"Punjabi teachers should be appointed permanently and Punjabi language should be made a compulsory subject"

Kejriwal government is indulging in misleading actions about issue of promotion of Punjabi language in Delhi in order to show off before the voters of Punjab, while it should take concrete and relevant steps for the development of Punjabi language. These words were expressed in a press statement issued here by Sh. Manjinder Singh Sirsa, the general secretary of Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee and the Minister of State, Punjab government.

Sh.Sirsa stated that he had been providing factual information to Kejriwal government through a number of letters and with the help of media, about the problems being faced by the students and teacher of Punjabi language subject in Delhi. Due to the pressure created on Kejriwal government, it slightly increased the salaries of Punjabi teachers under compulsion and has tried to absolve itself of the issue on the basis of this sham action. While the need of the hour was that these contract teachers, who had been teaching Punjabi in government schools for many years, should have been permanently appointed and provided with equal salaries and other allowances. The few government schools where there were permanent teachers of Punjabi subject, the posts of these teachers are lying vacant ever since the retirement of such teachers but the government is not taking any step to fill these vacant posts. Besides, in spite of repeated requests by him (Sh. Sirsa) through correspondence with government, Kejriwal government has not revoked its controversial circular shifting Punjabi language from the list of compulsory subjects to the list of optional subjects and has ordered only to keep this circular in abeyance till further orders only; which shows the malafide intention of Kejriwal government. 

Kejriwal government is minutely defrauding not only Punjabi teachers but also the whole Punjabi community by depriving the Punjabi teachers from permanent appointments and by not reinstating Punjabi as a compulsory subject in government schools, for which the Punjabi community will never forgive this government.

Sh. Sirsa again reminded Kejriwal government that if this government claims to be sympathetic to the Sikhs, then it must pass a resolution in Delhi assembly declaring 1st November as a "Black Day". Besides, the government should instantly get repaired the decaying flats of the victims of November 1984 massacre in Tilak Vihar colony. The government should also take steps to provide free electricity to the victims living in these flats because the electricity companies first send hefty bills to these families and then stop the supply of electricity in the area for several hours, in order to compel the victims for payments of these bills. Sh. Sirsa said that if Kejriwal government fails in taking such steps, its claims of being the well-wisher of Sikh community will prove to be just a political gimmick.

With Thanks : Media DSGMC

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