
Saturday, April 2, 2016

DSGMC welcome scrapping names of 36 Sikhs from black list by Government of India

List be scrapped in totality, all Sikhs in the list must get visa to meet families in India

Sedition accused Kanhaiya Kumar has no right to make comment on tragedies of Sikhs :G.k.

The decision of Government of India to scrap names of 36 Sikhs from the black list and directions of the Delhi High Court a rethinking on Santa Banta movie was welcomed by the Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee (DSGMC) and Shiromani Akali Dal today.Manjit Singh G.K. the President of DSGMC and President of Shiromani Akali Dal in Delhi while talking to the press in party office censured Kanhaiya Kumar President of Jawahar Lal Nehru University students for commenting that 1984 genocide of Sikhs was anger of uncontrolled mob.

Manjit Singh G.K. said that by removing names of 36 Sikhs from the black list the Government of India has given partial relief to the Sikhs who took political asylum in foreign countries due to political reasons. “Chief Minister of Punjab Parkash Singh Badal and Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Singh Badal had been taking the issue politically and DSGMC had fought a legal battle to resolve the issue,” G.K. said to the press. He praised the positive role played by the Government of India before taking up of the case in Supreme Court on 8 April 2016.

G.K. made it clear that black list be scrapped in totality and all those Sikhs who have not visited India for more than three decades and have not met their two generations must get visas to visit their homeland and allowed to meet their families. “How can we make a grandson suffer for the helplessness of his grandfather,” G.K. told.

DSGMC president also showed satisfaction on the directions given by the Delhi High Court Chief Justice asking the Information and broadcasting ministry to give rethink over approval to the Santa Banta movie. He told the press that DSGMC would make sure that clearance given to the movie by censor board is rejected.DSGMC President said Sikhs would not allow anybody to depict Sikhs in bad light. He said that the makers of the film are anti Sikhs and DSGMC has already given a complaint to the Delhi police for not allowing the movie be shown in cinema houses.

Speaking on Kanhaiya Kumar Manjit Singh G.K. said that he was born after the genocide and knows nothing about massive tragedy Sikhs suffered and should not talk about it. G.K. said that Kanhaiya is a congress party supporters and was compared by Congress leader Shashi Tharor with  Shaheed Bhagat Singh. Kanhaiya can never be compared with Shaheed Bhagat Singh said G.K. asking him to visit colony of widows in Tilak Vihar for which congress party PM Rajiv Gandhi is responsible.

DSGMC President said that one who is facing sedition charges has no right to make comment on tragedies of Sikhs. He told that Sajjan Kumar, Jagdish Tytler, HKL Bhagat and Dharamdas Shashtri all congress leaders were not part of the uncontrolled mob but were directing the mobs to massacre innocent Sikhs.

Mahinder Pal Singh Chadha senior vice president of DSGMC, Amarjeet Singh Pappu Joint Secretary, Avtar Singh Hit senior Akali leader Harmeet Singh Kalka and Jatinder Singh Shanty former MLAs, Kulmohan Singh, Paramjit Singh Rana, Tanwant Singh, Harvinder Singh K.P., Darshan Singh, Chaman Singh, Gurtbachan Singh Cheema, Paramjit Singh Chandok, Hardev Singh Dhanoa and and Jeet Singh all DSGMC Members, Jaswinder Singh Jolly legal Cell Head, Vikram Singh, Punpreet Singh and Parminder Pal Singh spokesman of the committee were also present. 

With Thanks : Media DSGMC

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