
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong promises ‘consistent support’ to Sikh community


Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has paid tribute to Singapore’s Sikh community, saying the government will continue to support them in many ways.

The Singaporean government has and will continue to support the Sikh community in many ways, he said yesterday at the Sikh community dinner.

The government has already recognised Punjabi as a second language in public schools and supported the formation of the Singapore Sikh Foundation through the Education Ministry to facilitate the teaching of Punjabi.

It has initiated the formation of Central Sikh Gurdwara Board to look after the community’s needs, and granted the Sikh Welfare Council the Institution of Public Character status to support fund-raising.

“I am very glad to see that the demand for these activities is also growing. I know you have some space constraints. In line with our consistent support for the community, we will look positively at the Sikh community’s growing needs to see how we can be helpful,” Lee said, adding that Sikhs arrived here in 1881 to form the backbone of the police contingent.

He highlighted the Sikh tradition of serving food and providing shelter at the Gurdawaras, asking the community to continue to live out the values of self service and optimism embodied in their faith.

with thanks : Indian Express : LINK : for detailed report.

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