
Saturday, December 5, 2015

Navjot Sawhney : A London-Based Sikh Engineer Was denied Entry Into A Club And Labelled A Terrorist in Krakow ,Poland

Navjot Sawhney, a London-based engineer who is currently travelling through Europe.

While stopping over in Poland for the weekend, Sawhney went to a club called Shakers with a few of his friends.

Sawhney told BuzzFeed that while all his friends were allowed to enter the club, he wasn’t. According to him, the bouncer said that since he was wearing a turban, it meant he was a “terrorist”.

“All of my friends with whom I was visiting the club – including my best friend Steve (a white, British student) – were permitted entry,” Sawhney told BuzzFeed. “Only I was turned away. When I asked why, the bouncer told me it was because of my dress code. Steve pointed out that he and I were dressed identically. The bouncer replied that I was wearing a turban, and that meant I was a terrorist.”

After a discussion with the bouncer and an attempt to end the situation, the bouncer punched Sawhney, resulting in his turban falling to the ground.

“I offered to shake his hand, to bring the unpleasantness to an end,” Sawhney said. “That is when he punched me, and knocked my turban off my head.”

Sawhney wrote a Facebook post about the incident that has been has gone hugely viral.It also garnered the attention of the Polish embassy in London, which assured Sawhney that it would look into the matter.

A few days after his first post, Sawhney wrote another one in which he thanked all the people that supported him and the Polish embassy. He also attached an apology from the club.

“The support and encouragement I have received since I posted about my experience in Krakow has been truly overwhelming,” Sawhney told BuzzFeed.

“I cannot sufficiently express how grateful I am,” he continued, explaining that it was the support from Polish people and others all around the world that made the difference.

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