
Monday, November 23, 2015

Sd.Paramjeet Singh Chandok (Chairman of Bangla Sahib Gurudwara ) with Sushma Swaraj on The Release of Ahimsa Vishwa Bharti ‘Ahwaan’ magazine

India has always favored Non-violence, Peace and Tolerance – Sushma Swaraj
23 November 2015: External affairs Minister of India Mrs. Sushma Swaraj released the Ahimsa Vishwa BhartiAhwaan’ magazine in the auspicious presence of Achary Dr. Lokesh Muni said that India has always favoured Non-violence, Peace and Tolerance, calling India intolerance is not correct. She said that Indian Culture is based on the concept of Unity in Diversity and inter-religion harmony is its key principal. We can establish peace in the society and go ahead with development by following the values of Inter religion harmony, mutual brotherhood, Humanity.
Mrs. Swaraj appreciating efforts of Acharya Lokesh Muni to establish Non-violence in Peace in the society said that saints have important role in establishment of peace and harmony in the society. Non-violence and Peace is the only path which can make this world a better place to live in.
Acharya Dr. Lokesh Muni on the occasion said that adapting the path of non-violence many global problems can be solved. World is presently faced with terrorism, war and violence, humanity needs non violence. Bhagwan Mahavir in his teachings said that we should adapt the principals of non-violence in our everyday life. We should respect others believes and traditions along with our own believes and traditions.
Acharya Lokesh further said that in order to find effective remedy one has to go deep in pinpointing causes of happenings. War and violence first germinate in human brain cells Physiognomy of human brain is in two hemispheres. Reasoning and logical thinking is processed in the Left hemisphere of the human brain and right hemisphere nourishes emotions and empathy. Our Saints, Philosophers and Tirthankars gave this fact thousands of years back.

On the occasion Chairman of Bangla Sahib Gurudwara Shri Paramjeet Singh Chandok, Youth Journalist Shri Bhavya shrivastava expressing their views on the occasion discussed role of Acharya Dr. Lokesh Muni and Indian delegation at Parliament of World’s Religions 2015 organised in USA. In Parliament of World’s Religions 2015 around 10000 representatives from 80 countries took part.
With Thanks  :Kenu Agarwal Sharma, Media Secretary

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