
Saturday, August 22, 2015

Can we help him to achieve his target early !

Uploaded on FB by : Mr Pankaj Arora : 

If you find this man on Harninder Sahib Amritsar entry then please do buy his Murmure Chikki...he is selling this stuff since last 54 years and has a target of 100 packs per day....but he says tjat 100 packet sale is quiet far off...he ends up selling apx 40 packs....I would request you all whenever you are there do help him by buying his stuff....he really moves very swiftly around to find his target customers ...but hardly anyone gives any attention to him....if we help him achieve his target ealry so he may ho home early and relax he is nearing 80 years and have responsibilty of home and .....hope you will all share this to make someone happy daily....

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