
Thursday, August 6, 2015

DSGMC questioned :Yakub Memon is finally hanged but what about the perpetrators of 1984 Sikh’s genocide

Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee (DSGMC) president S. Manjit Singh GK, in an open letter to the people of India said that 1993 Mumbai terror attack convict Yakub Memon  is finally  hanged but what about the perpetrators of 1984 Sikh’s genocide ? Leave alone putting them behind bars, they have instead  been provided with plush and influential posts , given  high security cover  and are still dictating  terms as if mocking the Sikh’s bloodshed.

“Endless fight, both on roads and in court rooms in past 31 years have brought no reprieve to the ailing Sikh community especially to the victims’ relatives, now it is up to common law abiding citizens of India to decide on the judicial as well as political system that influences the judiciary and raise a voice to change it” said Gk.

He said Mumbai terror attack in 1993 had costs 257 precious lives which was a highly deplorable incident in the history of independent India but butchering of more than ten thousand Sikhs in cold blood in 1984 was no less a heinous crime which deserved justice and taken to a logical end.

“What made the judicial system to reward capital  punishment to the Mumbai terror attack convict  in 22 years times but not to send a single perpetrator of Sikh genocide to gallows even after 31 years of the incident” questioned GK.

He said, in an unprecedented manner, Supreme Court judges worked overnight to expedite the  Yakub Memon’s case  but judicial system never gave a serious thought to punish the killers of thousands of Sikhs who were also expecting justice from the same judicial set up.

Manjinder Singh Sirsa General Secretary Of DSGMC said that Supreme Court had taken suo moto  notice of Godhra incident in which around 1100 people were killed and constituted a Special Investigation Team but in case of Sikh’s genocide, SIT had been constituted but there was no whereabouts of its officials. “Why there is this disparity, why justice is not being given to Sikh victims of 1984 genocide , why the killers of Sikhs are roaming free and away from the clutches of law” questioned Sirsa. 

With Thanks : Media DSGMC

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