
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Journalist who threw shoe at India minister urges action against anti-Sikh rioters

Dubai: He is known as the Sikh journalist who threw a shoe at India’s then home minister P. Chidambaram at a press conference held at the Congress headquarters in New Delhi.
The "famous" shoe is today kept in display at a Sikh museum in Derby in UK. The incident made Jarnail Singh front page news in major Indian newspapers. Television channels lined up to interview him and overnight, Singh found himself in the corridors of Indian politics.
Calling it an extraordinary situation, 41-year-old Singh who is currently on a visit to the UAE said: “The incident took place on April 7, 2009. I was working with Dainik Jargan in those days. As a journalist I regret my actions,” Singh said.
Following the incident, Singh was terminated from his job with immediate effect but continued to work as a catalyst for change, eventually getting the Congress party to withdraw the poll ticket given to those accused in the 1984 anti-sikh riots.

with thanks : LINK : for detailed news.

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