
Friday, December 11, 2009

Punjabi University to revamp Sikh studies

Friday , Dec 11, 2009 at 0354 hrs

PATIALA: To spread the message of universal brotherhood and philosophy of the Guru Granth Sahib, the Punjabi University will draw a roadmap and revitalise its departments relating to the studies of Sikh gurus and scripture, said Vice-Chancellor Jaspal Singh.

He was speaking at the valedictory function of the two-day national seminar on ‘Guru Granth Sahib: Global Sarokaar’ on Thursday.

“It all the more unfortunate that even people of native areas of Bhagat Kabir are not aware that religious writings of this great saint have been preserved and included in the Guru Granth Sahib and are revered by Sikhs. Similarly, a majority of Muslims are ignorant that the ‘bani’ of their sufi saints like Baba Farid has been given a lofty and respectable place in the Sikh scripture, thus representing an anthology of religious culture,” Singh said.

According to chief coordinator Sarabjinder Singh, as many as 20 papers were presented and debated by eminent scholars at the seminar.

with thanks : source :


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