
Friday, December 18, 2009

Pakistan’s Minority Minister orders inquiry into Gurdwara land deal

Ravinder Singh Robin

New Delhi, Dec. 18 (ANI): Taking note of the deal of a land belonging to the Sikh Gurdwara in Pakistan, the Pakistan federal minister of minority has ordered an inquiry and directed authorities to submit the report at the earliest.

Saying he has ordered an inquiry in this (Gurudwara land deal) case and whosoever be the guilty would brought to justice, the federal minister Shahbaz Bhatti told ANI over phone that the Government of Pakistan is committed to safeguard the life of all belonging to the monitories living in Pakistan.

Bhatti even said that after the investigation, action would be taken against the culprits and went on to add: “Even if it was found that any high official was involved and proved guilty, he would not be allowed to escape from law.

It is pertinent to mention that reports says that the Pakistan Evacuee Trust Property Board (PETPB) has reportedly sold around 850 canals worth multi-million rupees on a nominal price, which includes a piece of land of nearly 311 canals belonging to Mota Singh near the posh locality of Defense Colony in Lahore and second piece of land of nearly 500 canals belonging to Samadh Bhai Mann Singh and Gurdwar Deh in Lahore.

Sikhs Diaspora has strongly registered their protest against the sale of Sikh land by PETPB.

Sikh bodies like, Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee (SGPC), American Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee (AGPC) and Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee (DSGMC) already registered their protest to their respective governments and urged them to intervene in to the matter to make sure the safety of the life and belongings of the minority living in Pakistan.

Notably earlier also the PETPB had to withdraw the two deals related to the Sikh Gurdwara after the intervention of the Pakistan court and due to international pressure from Sikh diaspora.

According to the information, there is about 64,000 acres of land in Pakistan, which belongs to various Gurdwaras in Pakistan out of which 16,000 acres belongs to Nankana Sahib, the birthplace of Guru Nanak.

Sources informed that most of the lands of the Gurdwaras were leased out and still under the possession of miscreants.

Sources say that the deal is violation of the Nehru-Layqat pact that says that both the government would not be allowed to sale any religious land belongs to the Hindu, Sikh or Muslims in their respective countries. (ANI)

with thanks : source :


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