
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Punjabi English Magazine from Seatle titled " Aasra "

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Since January of 2006, we have published Punjabi English Magazine from Seattle titled “Aasra”. We wanted to have a media for the Sikhs. Our goal was to educate about Sikh religion and to encourage literature and poetry and other events. We print it every two months. We have received encouragement and response from the community and the public. You will see contributions from American and other non-Sikh community coming to contribute to this magazine. We have plans now to expand it and reach other cities and audience also.

I am happy to inform you that it is now available through the Saltfleet Branch Library, Ontario, Canada, King County Library System, Whatcom County Library System and WA State Library.

Please check it out and help spread the word. At this time we do not have any media to represent Sikhs. The content that targets the wider audience is very little. National magazines, television, radio or other media hardly cover people of other faiths, but rather give message of violence and attack. Top it with discrimination in the work place. Hardly a day passes when there isn’t an incident when Sikhs face hardships to practice their religion freely. Aasra Magazine is an effort to overcome this. It is this lacuna that we are trying to fill. I had dreamed of seeing a Sikh magazine in every library. It is this sewa that Waheguru has given us. We can’t do it alone. A lot needs to be done. We need your help. I look forward to your feedback, advertisement and subscription to help us reach more community.

A Sikhnet review of the magazine is also available.

Thank you.
Sarab Singh Editor, Aasra Punjabi English Magazine PO Box 5716, Kent, WA 98064
Phone: (206) 550-3154Email: Web:

1 comment:

  1. We are pleased to make this magazine available at the Lynden Public library, part of the Whatcom County Library system. We also have a small collection of books in Punjabi that may be borrowed.
    Regan Robinson, Manager
    Lynden Public Library
