
Thursday, April 28, 2016

Career Guidance Fair 2016 : Education Cell, DSGMC

गुरुद्वारा रकाबगंज साहिब में चौथे कैरियर गाईडनेस फेयर की हुई शुरूआत

जी.के. ने बच्चों को बौद्धिक ताकत के बलबूते पर अपना कैरियर चुनने की प्रेरणा दी

मेले की थीम लाईन ’’ जब आप ज्यादा समझोगे तो ज्यादा करोगे ‘‘ की हुई प्रशंसा

नई दिल्ली (28 अप्रैल 2016)ः  दिल्ली सिख गुरुद्वारा प्रबंधक कमेटी द्वारा विद्यार्थियों को अपना कैरियर चुनने में  आसान रास्ता बताने के लिए दो दिवसीय आयोजित किये गये चैथे कैरियर गाईडनेस फेयर के पहले दिन विद्यार्थियों की जोरदार दिलचस्पी नजर आई। गुरुद्वारा रकाबगंज साहिब के भाई लक्खीशाह वणजार हाॅल में  शुरू हुए इस मेले का उद्घाटन कमेटी अध्यक्ष मनजीत सिंह जी.के., इन्दिरा गांधी टैक्नीकल यूनीवर्सिटी आॅफ वूमेन की उपकुलपति डा. नूपुर प्रकाश, राष्ट्रीय अल्पसंख्यक शिक्षण संस्थान आयोग के सदस्य डा. बलतेज सिंह मान, ए.ए.एफ.टी. मारवाह स्टूडीयों के चेयरमैन संदीप मारवाह, केन्द्रीय अल्पसंख्यक मंत्रालय के अण्डर सैक्रेट्री संजय अरोड़ा तथा मैजिक आॅटो के एम.डी. कुलजीत सिंह कोछड़ ने स्कूली शिक्षा परिषद के चेयरमैन तथा पूर्व विधायक हरमीत सिंह कालका की मौजूदगी में किया। 
जी.के. ने इस मेले को लगाने के कारणों पर रौशनी डालते हुए बताया कि हमारे बच्चे अक्सर अपनी काबलियत एवं रूचि तथा अभिभावकों की सलाहों के चक्रव्यूह में फंस कर अपनी अपनी जिन्दगी में बड़ी कामयाबी को प्राप्त करने के लक्ष्य से कई बार वंचित रह जाते थे जिस कारण बच्चों तथा अभिभावकों के दिलों से दुविधा को बाहर निकाल कर देश विदेश के नामी शिक्षण संस्थानों के बारे एक छत के नीचे जानकारी देने के लिए कमेटी द्वारा 2013 से इस मुहिम की शुरूआत की गई थी। जी.के. ने कमेटी की इस कोशिश को शिक्षा का लंगर के रूप में परिभाषित करते हुए विद्यार्थियों को अपनी काबलियत तथा रूचि अनुसार कैरियर चुनने की भी अपील की। 
इस वर्ष मेले में 75 से अधिक स्टालों पर देश विदेश के विश्वविद्यालयों, उच्चशिक्षण संस्थानों, शिक्षा सलाहकारों, बैंको द्वारा शिक्षा ऋण, अल्पसंख्यक कल्याण मंत्रालय द्वारा जानकारी तथा पंजाबी विकास कमेटी द्वारा पंजाबी भाषा में कैरियर बनाने के लिए दी जा रही योग्य सलाहों को अच्छे तरीके से समझने की भी जी.के. ने विद्यार्थियों को ताकीद की। जी.के. ने बताया कि कमेटी की कोशिशों से पहली बार इस मेले में दिल्ली के नामी स्कूल इन्द्रप्रस्था वल्र्ड, सी.आर.पी.एफ., शाह इन्टरनेशनल, पी.पी.इन्टरनेशनल, बोस्को, सेंट थाॅमस, सेंट कोलम्बस, एन.सी.जिन्दल, सिटी स्कूल तथा जे.डी.टाईटलर सहित कई बड़े स्कूलों के आने से मेले का स्तर ऊंचा हो गया है। 
डा. नूपुर प्रकाश ने कमेटी के शिक्षा का लंगर के सैद्धान्तिक विचार की प्रशंसा करते हुए विद्यार्थियों को तकनीकी कोर्सो में दाखिला लेने के लिए भी प्रेरणा की। मान ने दिल्ली कमेटी के प्रयास को आज के समय की आवश्यकता बताते हुए अधिक से अधिक बच्चों तक शिक्षा के लंगर को पहुंचाने की कमेटी को अपील की। कालका ने इस वर्ष कमेटी स्कूलों के ईलावा 43 बड़े पब्लिक स्कूलों द्वारा इस मेले में जरूरी तौर पर शामिल होने के दिये गये भरोसे के कारण 2 दिनों में लगभग 20 हजार बच्चों के मेले में आने की भी आशा जताई। कमेटी द्वारा पटेल चौक तथा केन्द्रीय सचिवालय मैट्रो स्टेशनों से विद्यार्थियों को मेला स्थान तक पहुंचाने तथा ले जाने के लिए मुफ्त बस सेवा उपलब्ध करवाने की भी कालका ने जानकारी दी। कालका ने पहले दिन हजारों बच्चों द्वारा जानकारी लेने के लिए आने को मेले की चढदीकला का प्रतीक बताया। 

वक्ताओं ने मेले की थीम लाईन ‘‘ जब आप ज्यादा समझोगे तो ज्यादा करोगे ‘‘ को बौद्धिक क्रांति का प्रतीक भी बताया। कमेटी द्वारा आये हुए सभी गणमान्य लोगों का भी सम्मान किया गया। इस अवसर पर श्री अकाल तख्त साहिब के पूर्व जत्थेदार भाई जसबीर सिंह रोडे, कमेटी के वरिष्ठ उपाध्यक्ष महिन्द्रपाल सिंह चड्डा, सदस्य कुलमोहन सिंह, तनवंत सिंह ,परमजीत सिंह राणा, परमजीत सिंह चंढोक, चमन सिंह, गुरमीत सिंह लुबाणा, शिरोमणी कमेटी सदस्य गुरमिन्दर सिंह मठारू, अकाली नेता विक्रम सिंह, शिक्षा विभाग के निदेशक कर्नल जसबीर सिंह निर्मल तथा डीन मनिन्दर कौर आदि मौजूद थे।

With Thanks : Media DSMC

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

DSGMC President Slammed Jagdish Tytler's Claim

Tytler saying he saved Sikhs during 1984 Sikh genocide is like mocking at corpses of dead innocent Sikhs butchered in genocide, DSGMC President

New Delhi / 27 – 04 – 2016 The president of the Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee (DSGMC) Manjit Singh G.K. today slammed Congress leader Jagdish Tytler over his remarks that he saved Sikhs during the 1984 Sikhs genocide in which thousands of innocent Sikhs were done to death in a most merciless manner. Manjit Singh G.K. asked Tytler to be ashamed of his claim, as he is one of the main perpetrators of the genocide who unleashed armed and unruly mobs on innocent and hapless Sikhs for no fault of theirs, just after the assassination of then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

            “The disgraced leader is now hiding his cruel and criminal acts by saying that he saved Sikhs whereas he actually got them killed”, G.K. said. Two days back Tytler wrote a letter to Shiromami Akali Dal MP in Lok Sabha and Union Minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal telling her that he saved hundreds of Sikhs families during the genocide. “The claims by Tytler of having saved Sikhs are like rubbing salt into their wounds and mocking shamelessly at the corpses of innocent dead Sikhs”, said G.K.

            DSGMC President also said that the Congress is not shameful of its act and is unapologetic, but is hiding its crime by making such ploys. Manjit Singh G.K. said that everyone in Delhi who lived during the days of genocide knows that Congress leaders Sajjan Kumar, HKL Bhagat, Dharam Das Shashtri and Tytler and were charging the mobs to target innocent Sikhs at the behest of their then political master Rajiv Gandhi.

            “For being shielded by the Congress party none of these leaders have been punished by the court of law and the families of those Sikhs butchered in the genocide are waiting for justice even after 32 years of the mass crime”, G.K. said vehemently.  He also said that only a few FIRs have been registered after reports of 11 commissions and committees constituted from time to time to probe Sikh genocide because top Congress leaders Rajiv Gandhi and Arun Nehru were the master minds. 

With Thanks : Media DSGMC

Friday, April 22, 2016

Protest on 'Santa Banta' Movie : DSGMC


                                               दिल्ली के सिनेमाघरों ने संता-बंता फिल्म दिखाने से हाथ खींचे

नई दिल्ली (22 अप्रैल 2016)ः हिन्दी फिल्म संता-बंता प्राईवेट लिमिटेड के खिलाफ आज दिल्ली सिख गुरुद्वारा प्रबंधक कमेटी तथा शिरोमणी अकाली दल दिल्ली इकाई द्वारा 5 स्थानों पर प्रदर्शन करने के कारण दिल्ली के सभी सिनेमाघरों से फिल्म को हटा दिया गया। अध्यक्ष मनजीत सिंह जी.के. ने जहां दक्षिणी दिल्ली के नेहरू प्लेस के सत्यम सिनेमा में कमान संभाली वहीं पूर्व कमेटी अध्यक्ष अवतार सिंह हित ने पश्चिमी दिल्ली के सुभाष नगर के मिराज सिनेमा, पूर्व विधायक जतिन्दर सिंह शंटी ने पूर्वी दिल्ली के कड़कड़डूमा के क्राॅस रिवर माॅल तथा दिल्ली कमेटी सदस्य हरदेव सिंह धनोवा, कुलदीप सिंह साहनी तथा गुरविन्दर पाल सिंह के सामूहिक नेतृत्व मंे दक्षिण-पश्चिम दिल्ली के वसंतकुंज के प्रोमेंन्ड माॅल में  प्रदर्शन हुए। 

जी.के. द्वारा कल शाम को प्रदर्शन का ऐलान करने के बाद दिल्ली के ज्यादातर सिनेमाघरों ने देर रात में फिल्म को ना चलाने का फैसला लेते हुए सुबह के एंडवांस बुक हुए सारे शो रद्द कर दिये थे। प्रदर्शनों के बाद दोपहर से दिल्ली के किसी भी सिनेमाहाल में  इस फिल्म का प्रदर्शन ना होने की जानकारी सामने आई है। जी.के. ने कहा कि सिखों को कम अक्ल दिखाने वाली किसी भी फिल्म का दिल्ली में प्रदर्शन रोकने की हमारी जिद्द है और इसके लिए किसी के साथ भी सीधा टकराव लेने को हम तैयार हैं। जी.के. ने 25 सिनेमाघरों द्वारा दिल्ली कमेटी को लिखित में फिल्म ना चलाने के दिये गये भरोसे की भी जानकारी दी। 
ज्यादातर वक्ताओं ने दिल्ली कमेटी द्वारा इस मसले पर लड़ी गई कानूनी लड़ाई की जानकारी संगतों को देते हुए इस मसले पर दिल्ली, फरीदाबाद तथा मुंबई के ईलावा बाकी स्थानों पर संगतों की फिल्म के बारे चुप्पी पर हैरानी भी जताई। इन प्रदर्शनों में पूर्व विधायक हरमीत सिंह कालका, कमेटी के उपाध्यक्ष सतपाल सिंह, धर्मप्रचार कमेटी चेयरमैन परमजीत सिंह राणा, कमेटी सदस्य कुलमोहन सिंह, तनवंत सिंह, हरजिन्दर सिंह, जीत सिंह, गुरमीत सिंह मीता, मनमोहन सिंह, रविन्दर सिंह लवली, जतिन्दरपाल सिंह गोल्डी, दर्शन सिंह, हरविन्दर सिंह के.पी., कैप्टन इन्द्र्रप्रीत सिंह, जसबीर सिंह जस्सी, निगम पार्षद रितु वोहरा, डिम्पल चड्डा, कानूनी विभाग प्रमुख जसविन्दर सिंह जौली, अकाली नेता विक्रम सिंह, जसवंत सिंह बिट्टू, ऐडवोकेट जगमोहन सिंह, पुनप्रीत सिंह तथा बड़ी संख्या में  पार्टी कार्यकर्ता  मौजूद थे।

With Thanks : Media DSGMC

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Wall of Truth (November 1984 Sikh Carnage Memorial ) would be a symbol of injustice done to the Sikhs :G.K.,DSGMC President

 DSGMC form committee of NRIs to create awareness about November 1984 Sikh Carnage memorial

Wall of Truth would be a symbol of injustice done to the Sikhs : G.K.

New Delhi / 20.4.2016 The Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee (DSGMC) today announced a committee of Punjab origin NRIs to create awareness and seek support for the November 1984 Sikh Carnage Memorial coming up in the sanctum sanctorum of Gurdwara Sri Rakab Ganj Sahib, New Delhi adjacent to Parliament house.
President of DSGMC Manjit Singh G.K. told the media that several hurdles came in way of building of the Genocide Memorial but it will be completed in record time and it would remind the future generations the trauma and tragedy the Sikhs had gone through when hundreds of innocent Sikhs were done to death mercilessly during the congress party regime in 1984.
            “The fight for justice is going on as even 32 years after the genocide the Sikhs are waiting for justice and the perpetrators of the genocide are roaming in free”, Manjit Singh G.K. told the media.The committee has Harbans Singh Dhillon from New York, USA as Chairman and Mukhtiar Singh from New York, USA as coordinator. Members of the committee are Satnam Singh Virk from New Jersey, USA, Raghbir Singh Subhanpur from New York and Bhai Satpal Singh Khalsa from California,USA.Within four months after taking charge at DSGMC the team led by President Manjit Singh G.K. decided to build a memorial in Gurdwara Sri Rakab Ganj Sahib premises and foundation stone of the memorial was laid on 12 June, 2013.
            Manjit Singh G.K. said that the future generations need to be made aware of the genocide especially children of Sikh families born after 1984. “Genocide is a dark chapter in Sikh history that no Sikh would like to forget it. The memorial would pay tribute to those innocent Sikhs killed in the genocide and it would give Sikh generations the lesson of courage and perseverance to rise in life fighting the odds”, said Manjit Singh G.K.
            He said that like Holocaust Memorial built in Berlin, Germany in 2006 is a reminder of killing of Jews during in Nazi regime the Genocide Memorial will be a reminder of killing and injustice to the innocent Sikhs. The President of DSGMC announced that after completing work of the Genocide Memorial the committee will reconstruct homes of the families of Genocide victims in Tilak Vihar in Delhi which are dilapidated. “We will approach Delhi government to reconstruct the houses and incase it failed the committee for rebuild the houses”, G.K. told. G.K. announced that by November 2016 the genocide memorial would be dedicated to the people and it would have a Wall of Truth with names of all those killed in the genocide inscribed on it. The wall would be a symbol of injustice done to the Sikhs and Rajiv Gandhi Prime Minister of the country is behind it in stalling the justice. 
With Thanks : Media DSGMC

Monday, April 18, 2016

DSGMC President's letter to Mrs. Angela Merkel ;Chancellor of Germany

Letter by S. Manjit Singh GK to Mrs. Angela Merkel (best known as the first female chancellor of Germany )

At the outset on behalf of the Sikhs and well wishers of Germany,I convey my heartfelt regret  to the people and residents of Germany for the trauma they faced due to the alleged bomb explosion at Gurudwara Nanaksar (Sikh Temple), Essen yesterday evening which injured three fellow Sikhs as well.Sikhs widely advocate for humanity, mankind,peace,and prosperity and strongly disapprove any such disgruntled activities including extreme fanaticism. The alleged bomb explosion has resulted in huge displeasure and cause of concern for Sikhs living across the world as earlier they have been victim of mistaken identity and I hope the same doesn’t repeat  in Germany.

I want to assure you and the people living in Germany,Sikhs always aspire and strive for welfare and prosperity for the nation wherever they are living and in particular Germany has been home to a large of number of Sikh Community, which has always promoted strong India Germany relations.We request your office to direct the appropriate authority to conduct a full proof investigation and justified action be taken at the earliest in order to restore the confidence and safety of Sikhs living in Germany.

With Thanks ,

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Letter to Sushma Swaraj : DSGMC

Shrimati Sushma Swaraj,
Hon’ble  Minister of External Affairs,
Government of India.
New Delhi, India.

Respected Madam,

This is in connection with your upcoming visit to Iran. We wish you all the best to take up bilateral issues that will further strengthen friendship and commercial relationships between India and Iranian Republic  of Iran. We wish to bring our humble submissions that could be taken up with your Iranian counter part.

It is unfortunate the demographics of vibrant Indian community are dwindling, However unfortunately due to various factors our community strength has come down tremendously as the new generation faces difficulties to  seek licensing for work and business opportunities and some families have left for good. Thererefore it is very important that a mechanism  requires to be created  that leads  to increase the demographics and  a presence of strong Indian community. A special status could be  considered for the Indian community  currently resident in Iran mainly comprising by your intervention it would be great support for them. 

        Few important issues are summarized for  your kind consideration:-

1.    Revival and Recognition of the Guru Nanak Charitable Trust. The Guru Nanak Charitable Trust belongs to the Indian community,  has control of all the properties and assets consisting of Prime Foundations like Indian School building and the Gurdwara Sahib building, its licences and survival need to restored so that the Indian assets are protected for the future Generations as envisaged by our ancestors and the elders.

2. Issuance /Renewal of Indian Passports.& Nomination of Nodal officer within Indian Community for Liaison with Indian community. 

3.   Sikh Religion and the Sikhs in Iran.

 4.  Issuance of Waiver for obtaining Renewal of Work permits for current holders of work permit and waiver the Indian community members who have been resident over 10 years and their new Generation. The work permits  system mandates obtaining  a work permit issuance and renewal compulsory for having the right to work in Iran.

5.  Residence Permit status. The Residence Permit of Indian Nationals  needs to be issued for three year  instead of the current one year for those residents  in I.R of Iran This would allow them to have peace of mind to continue their business plan on basis of three years and retirements accordingly. 

 6.    Property rights or Licence to buy Property. Each Indian family or their dependants who are resident in I.R of Iran more than 10 years need to be allowed and issued licence to own one house in their name, one office/shop and also be permitted to get industrial licence, land and contribute for the local economy and business growth like fellow Iranian brothers.

 7.    Inheritance and succession of estate and taxes and duties thereof after death of Indian National.

8.    Cremation procedures and requirement of waiver or Open Licence to Cremate Indian Nationals Non Muslims. Cremation Grounds at Tehran owned by the Embassy of India and maintained by Tehran,Gurudawara Sahib immediately waiver or Open licence  to be issued for cremation upon death of Indian National /Indian passport holder belonging to Hindu,Sikh ,Budhisim and Jain Religion who honourably need to be cremated as per Indian traditions. 

There is need to create awareness to start a process and  seek approval of automatic cremation of Indian Nationals as per their religious rites specially for Hindu and Sikh Religion and a decree needs to be passed that they should not be subjected to follow procedure of burial and rather automatically be issued waiver for cremation as per their religious rites based upon the Letter of Embassy of India /Gurudawara Bhai Ganga Singh Singh Sabha Tehran so that the mortal remains of any deceased person are not subject to any delays for the last rites.

The Indian community in Iran aspires through benevolence of the Government of  India and  in coordination with the Embassy of India to take up the issues raised with the highest authorities  of the  I.R of Iran that are put on record and earlier petitions were submitted by Gurdwara Bhai Ganga Singh Singh Sabha which has also been taking up all the issues for the welfare of the Indian Community.

Long live friendship of India and Iran.  Looking forward to your positive support and immediate intervention.

With warm regards,

Yours faithfully,



Friday, April 8, 2016

Breaking News : Gurdwara Sis Ganj Sahib : Piao issue :

शीशगंज गुरूद्वारे के प्याऊ को MCD के तोड़ने और फिर दोबारा बनाने का मामला :

कोर्ट ने कहा की अगर आप लोगो की प्यास भुजाना चाहते है तो प्याऊ की क्या जरुरत है लोगो को फ्री मे पानी बाटिये,सिर्फ गुरुद्वारा के आस पानी ही नहीं,पूरी दिल्ली मे प्यासे लोगों को पानी पिलाइये

गुरुद्वारा प्रवंधक कमेटी ने कहा कि जो प्याऊ तोडा गया है वो हेरिटेज साइड है : कोर्ट ने कहा कि अगर वो हेरिटेज साइड थी तो क्या हेरिटेज को रातों रात बनाया जा सकता है

गुरुद्वारा प्रवंधक कमेटी ने कहा की 300 साल पुरानी साइट है और पिलर के अन्दर ही प्याऊ को बनाया गया है जो अवैध नहीं है। : कोर्ट ने NDMC और PWD को नोटिस जारी कर 2 दिन मे ज़वाब देने को कहा। साथ ही धार्मिक जगहों के अवैध निर्माण पर नज़र रखने वाली कमेटी

साथ ही कोर्ट ने प्याऊ के आसपास गार्ड लगाने का आदेश दिया और कहा की इसका कोई इस्तमाल नहीं की जाएगी। साथ ही कोर्ट ने कड़े आदेश दिए की वहा कोई निर्माण नहीं किया जायेगा

साथ ही गुरूद्वारे के जिन अधिकारियो के खिलाफ कोर्ट ने contempt notice जारी किया उनको कोर्ट ने प्याऊ के आसपास न जाने की हिदायत दी

कोर्ट ने कहा की पानी पिलाना है तो सिर्फ मंदिर या मजजिद जाने वालो को ही नहीं सबको पिलाइए जिनको भी पानी की जरुरत है

इस मामले मे कोर्ट ने यथा स्थिति बनाये रखने के गुरुद्वारा प्रबंधक कमेटी के आग्रह को ठुकराया।

मनजिंदर सिंह सिरसा ने कहा की हम कोर्ट के आदेश का पालन नहीं करेंगे.

with thanks : PS

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Demolition at Gurdwara Sis Ganj is an Attempt by AAP Government to Disturb Communal Harmony : DSGMC

New Delhi / 7 April 2016

The Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee (DSGMC) today thrashed Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) for attempting to disturb communal harmony and peace at Bhai Mati Das Chownk in Delhi by demolishing Piu at Gurdwara Sis Ganj Sahib. Manjit Singh G.K. DSGMC President and Manjinder Singh Sirsa General Secretary released the minutes of the meeting with the senior officials of public works department held on 5 April 2016 in which AAP MLA from Chandi Chownk Alka Lamba and project director of Shahjahanabad redevelopment corporation said that AAP is playing foul and demanded resignation from Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal for indulging in petty tactics.

Manjit Singh G.K. said that on 1 April Delhi CM held a meeting with public works department officers and asked them to remove encroachments at Chandni Chownk within one week in which Alka Lamba was also present. He said that on 5 April Lamba held a meeting with the officers of Power Corporation, Jal Board, Delhi Police and North Delhi Municipal Corporation and directed them to demolish Bhai Mati Das Chownk and Hanuman Mandir.

With Thanks : Media DSGMC

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

DSGMC President letter to Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister to take away medals, withdraw promotions given from UP policemen convicted in Pilibhit fake encounter killing 11 innocent Sikh youths

DSGMC President letter to Akhilesh Yadav seek to take away medals, withdraw promotions given from UP policemen convicted in Pilibhit fake encounter killing 11 innocent Sikh youths

New Delhi / 2 April 2016 The Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee (DSGMC) President Manjit Singh G.K. had written a letter to Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav demanding that the state government should withdraw promotions, perks and medals given to all 47 policemen of the state police who had been convicted by a CBI court for massacring innocent Sikhs 25 years ago in Pilibhit, UP during all these tenure.   

Manjit Singh G.K. in the letter said that the police work with the mentality to suppress minorities to the extent of killing them. He adds that during the days of terrorism in Punjab state police killed thousands of innocent Sikh youths and also Pilibhit incident was a ploy of the police to kill innocent and take promotions. 11 innocent Sikhs from Gurdaspur, Punjab were done to death in a merciless manner by stopping the bus at Pilibhit and a fake encounter was shown when they were returning to their home in Punjab.  

DSGMC President also said that these policemen had proved no less than the terrorists coming from outside country and attacking Indians and for minorities the protectors have become life takers.Raising voice against the convicted policemen G.K. said that all their retirement benefits be stopped and they be stripped of all their medal and commendations received during 25 years.

Manjit Singh G.K. also announced to honour former Judge of Delhi High court Justice (retired) R.S. Sodhi very soon who filed a public interest litigation in the Supreme Court after which it ordered the matter to be given to the CBI. He made it clear that the decision of the CBI court in Lukhnow convicting 47 policemen was not possible had Justice Sodhi not filed the PIL. G.K. also praised the officers of CBI who investigated the case and made a foolproof case in the court.  

Speaking about the case DSGMC president said that out of 11 Sikh youths, for murder of 10 Sikh Sikhs 57 policemen were convicted by the court out of which 10 have died. One Sikh youth among the 11 is still missing even 25 years after the incident.

DSGMC president said that the weapons shown as recovered from the innocent Sikh youths killed in Pilibhit raise alarms for the minorities and he will take legal opinion from experts to initiate a new case to know from where those weapons came to police and how they were shown as recovered from the innocent Sikhs done to death by the police. He also demanded amendment in the Indian penal code that for recovery of weapons the statement policemen should not be accepted as evidence.

With Thanks : Media DSGMC

Monday, April 4, 2016

1991 Pilibhit fake encounter case: 47 policemen sentenced to life imprisonment

LUCKNOW: A special CBI court on Monday sentenced 47 policemen to life imprisonment for killing 11 Sikh pilgrims at three different spots in Pilibhit district in a fake encounter on July 12, 1991.

CBI court judge Lalloo Singh had convicted the accused cops under sections 302, 364, 365, 218 and 117 read with 120B of the IPC on Friday, adding that there was ample evidence against these persons for kidnapping and conspiring to kill the pilgrims in name of terrorists.

with thanks : Times of India : LINK : for detailed news.

Govt removes travel ban imposed on many overseas Sikhs

New Delhi, Apr 3 (PTI) Apparently bowing to pressure from ally Akali Dal ahead of next years Punjab polls, the Modi government has lifted travel bans imposed on a number of overseas Sikhs, who were allegedly involved in subversive activities in 1980s and 1990s and kept in watch list.
The blacklist, which was prepared at different levels by security agencies, has been maintained by the government on mostly Indian-origin people allegedly involved in subversive or anti-India activities abroad.
Such people, whose names figure in the blacklist, are barred from visiting India.
Some names have been removed from the blacklist after detailed discussions among various stakeholders, a Home Ministry official said.
The blacklist has been pruned, reportedly following Prime Minister Narendra Modis intervention after Akali Dal supremo and Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal wrote a letter urging him to remove names of 36 Sikhs settled overseas from the travel ban.
Though the exact number of people whose names were removed from the blacklist is not known, officials said it was quite a sizeble number.
The move bears significance as assembly elections in Punjab are due early next year.
with thanks : IndiaToday : LINK : for detailed news.

47 cops convicted of killing 10 Sikhs in Pilibhit fake encounter

Tribune News Service
Lucknow, April 2
A CBI court yesterday convicted 47 policemen in the 1991 Pilibhit fake encounter in which 10 Sikh pilgrims were gunned down after describing them as terrorists.
Terming the encounter fake, CBI Special Judge Lallu Singh held the 47 policemen guilty. The quantum of punishment would be announced on April 4.
Twenty policemen who were present in the court were sent to jail. The court has issued arrest warrants against the remaining convicts.
The original chargesheet had held 57 policemen guilty. However, 10 of them died during the 25-year-long trial. In his order, the CBI special judge recounted the sequence of events. The incident took place on July 12, 1991, when the Uttar Pradesh police stopped a luxury bus in which a group of Sikh pilgrims were travelling.
The bus was stopped near Kachla Bridge in Badaun district where the police reportedly offloaded 10 pilgrims. They were made to board a mini bus. Later, the pilgrims were divided into three groups — two of four each and one of the remaining two. Separate police teams then took them to the jurisdiction of different police stations where they were killed in cold blood.
The lure of awards for killing so-called dreaded terrorists was reportedly the motive behind the killings. Some of the Sikh youth had terror-related cases pending against them which the police had come to know.
Following media reports questioning the police version of the encounter, Supreme Court advocate RS Sodhi had filed a PIL in the apex court seeking a CBI probe, which was ordered.
The chargesheet filed four years after the incident on June 12, 1995, had indicted 57 policemen under various sections of the IPC, including 302, for the fake encounter.

with thanks : Tribune : LINK

Army will let Sikh officer keep turban, beard on active duty

A decorated veteran Sikh officer is the first to win an approval from the U.S. Army to continue on active duty while maintaining his religiously mandated beard and turban.
The Army issued a decision Thursday (March 31), concluding that to allow beards for medical reasons but ban them for religious reasons is a discriminatory bar to service for Sikh Americans, according to a statement from the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, one of the law offices that argued his case.
Capt. Simratpal Singh, a West Point graduate, an Army Ranger, and a veteran who earned a Bronze Star in Afghanistan, “proves to our military that the religiously mandated turban and beard do not hinder the ability to successfully serve,” said Sikh Coalition Legal Director Harsimran Kaur in a statement Friday. “This decision gives hope that our nation’s largest employer is making progress towards ending a policy of religious discrimination.”
Singh, who is assigned to battalion operations staff in Fort Belvoir, Va., said in the statement: “My faith, like many of the soldiers I work with, is an integral part of who I am. I am thankful that I no longer have to make the choice between faith and service to our nation.”
Three other Sikh soldiers are pursuing similar accommodation, according to the Sikh Coalition. The Becket Fund and McDermott Will & Emery filed another federal court lawsuit on Tuesday asking the Army to allow the men to enter basic combat training while still wearing their beards and turbans.
Debra Wada, assistant secretary of the Army, granted Singh’s request and gave notice that the Army will “gather information to develop uniform standards for religious accommodation,” according to the decision.
“Captain Singh’s case is a painful study in the onerous hurdles for observant Sikh Americans who want to serve their country,” said McDermott Will & Emery partner Amandeep Sidhu. “With this historic accommodation, we hope that the U.S. military will finally move past protracted, case-by-case religious accommodations and recognize that the  time for permanent policy change is now.”
with thanks : DesertNews : LINK : for detailed news.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Golden Temple’s Community Kitchen Goes Organic, Grows Its Own Vegetables without Pesticides

The Golden Temple, Amritsar. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Visitors of the Golden Temple in Amritsar are soon to be served healthy, freshly produced organic food at the community kitchen. The management committee has made a landmark decision to adopt organic farming to grow its own grains, fruits and vegetables, free of chemicals.
A new mission undertaken by The Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC), they also aim to inspire farmers to take up organic farming and cut down on the use of chemical products.
 SGPC now grows its own organic vegetables and fruits on 40 acres at Gurdwara Gurusar Satlani Sahib and Patiala.
In the first phase of its experimental model, carrots, cabbages, spinach, and fenugreek or methi seeds from this farm have been successfully grown. About 10 quintals of organic produce are sent to the gurudwara every one or two days, according to SGPC officials.
The Punjab Agro Industries Corportation Limited (PAIC) was instrumental in helping the SGPC to test its soil and suggest options for organic farming. The experts at PAIC also advise them on how to replace pesticides and the use of organic fertilisers. They’ve suggested the use of neem pattalassi and cow urine, among others.
The langar, or community kitchen, at the Golden Temple is the world’s largest free kitchen. It is popular for serving food to everyone irrespective of caste, religion or background. The gurudwara’s community kitchen, Guru Ramdas Langar Hall, receives nearly 100,000 people. It serves 200,000 roti made of 7000 kilograms of wheat flour, 1200 kilograms of rice, and 1300 kilograms of daal. The kitchen is manned by 450 dedicated people and many volunteers.
The SGPC is the apex organisation of Sikhs that manages all the gurudwaras in Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh. After its success at the Golden Temple, the move would be replicated to other gurudwaras in the country.
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